News of 14. March 2019
Excellent! HZDR awards for outstanding achievements in 2018
Dr. Dominik Kraus (Institute of Radiation Physics) and his team received the HZDR Research Award 2018 at today's ceremony at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR): The HZDR board of directors, Prof. Roland Sauerbrey and Dr. Ulrich Breuer, honored their outstanding work on warm dense matter. The team demonstrated that diamonds can form inside large ice planets like Neptune or Uranus. In their experiments, they confirmed theoretical predictions of astrophysics. The PhD Award honored Dr. Lars Opherden (Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory) for his PhD thesis "Untersuchung magnetischer Pyrochlor-Systeme". Two PhD Recognition Awards were presented to Dr. Miriam Bader (Institute of Resource Ecology) and to Dr. Jurjen Pieter Couperous Cabadağ (Institute of Radiation Physics).
Once a year, the HZDR honors its employees for outstanding research, the best doctoral theses, remarkable inventions, and special commitment to science communication.
More information about the HZDR Awards 2018 Ceremony and the award winners: