
Prof. Dr. Jens Gutzmer
Secretary: Vanessa Tschorn
Phone: 0351 260 - 4404

PD Dr. Simone Raatz
Administrative Manager

Sekretary: Louise Schulze
Phone: 0351 260 - 4403

Anne-Kristin Jentzsch
Press Officer
Phone: +49 351 260 - 4429

Renate Seidel
Phone: 0351 260 - 4430



From laboratory to pilot scale

Whether raw material exploration and characterization, process technologies or system analysis. The HIF Campus offers researchers and partners a unique range of state-of-the-art equipment, laboratories and pilot plants to jointly develop innovative raw material technologies. Scientific excellence as well as transdisciplinarity, sustainability and openness play a key role not only in research, but also in constant development of our campus.

Foto: Metallurgie-Technikum am Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie (HIF) ©Copyright: HZDR/Detlev Müller

Process Metallurgy Pilot Plant

The Metallurgy Pilot Plant is an important milestone in the development of the HIF. It enables intensive cooperation in the field of metallurgical process technology with small and medium-sized enterprises and industry at regional, national and international level at a high scientific and technical level.
Foto: FlexiPlant Illustration 2 ©Copyright: HZDR/Sander Münster

FlexiPlant - The research infrastructure for the recycling 4.0

One of the challenges confronting our society today is the sustainable use of our resources. To reco­ver raw materials energy efficiently we strive to develop a research infrastructure that serves as platform for a new generation of adaptive, flexible, and digital ­techno­logies for the processing and recycling.