Energy Efficient Processes
Energy > Energy Efficiency, Materials and Resources
Industrial processes contribute to the total German energy consumption in the form of electricity and heat with about 29 %. Within the industrial sector, the largest consumers are the chemical and petrochemical industries (38 %), as well as the metal producing industries (31 %).* Reference: AG Energiebilanzen e.V., Energy Balance 2000 to 2015 (2017). More
Resource Technologies
Energy > Energy Efficiency, Materials and Resources
From the copper cables to the lithium batteries, metal and mineral raw materials play a vital role in our everyday lives. The demand for these resources in terms of quantity and diversity is increasing, especially for use in renewable energy, electromobility, communications and other advanced technologies. More
Electrochemical Energy Storage
Energy > Storage and Linked Infrastructures
Germany is on the brink of the energy turnaround and, thus, the transformation of power generation from primarily fossil and nuclear sources to solely renewable energy sources in the future. Since the power being fed from photovoltaic systems and wind turbines actually depends on the environmental conditions and not the current demand, storage facilities – in addition to a number of other measures – are indispensable in order to balance supply and demand. More
Nuclear Waste Management
Energy > Nuclear Waste Management and Safety as well as Radiation Research
Scientists around the globe continue to address the question of how safe nuclear waste repositories can be established. The high significance of this research was also specified in the Federal Government’s 6th Energy Research Program. More
Safety Research for Nuclear Reactors
Energy > Nuclear Waste Management and Safety as well as Radiation Research
Although Germany decided to shut down all nuclear reactors for energy production until 2022, own reactor safety research is needed in future. The preservation of competence in nuclear engineering is essential for the safety assessment of nuclear power plants and nuclear projects in Germany and abroad. More
Imaging and Radiooncology
Health > Cancer Research
In Germany, 500,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year. New, faster, and primarily more gentle diagnostic and therapeutic procedures can help to fight the disease and to save lifes.
Cancer research at the HZDR addresses the following topics: The scientists conduct research, for example, on new radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis of cancer and for the characterization of cancer tissue and, as a further development, also investigate substances for the cancer therapy of tomorrow. More
In-House Research on Structure, Dynamics and Function of Matter
Matter > From Matter to Materials and Life
In our daily lives, we encounter a very large number of materials with different functionalities and which are relevant to the key issues of our modern society. The HZDR investigates in mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of such materials which usually have to be optimized for specific applications. More
Physics and Materials Science with Ion Beams
Matter > From Matter to Materials and Life
One cannot imagine research and industry without ion beams. They have become indispensable, whether it be for the surface treatment of materials (e.g. exhaust turbochargers, machine tools, medical implants), the creation of functional films in solar cells, or electronic components for micro, opto, and high power electronics (e.g. More
Research with Highest Electromagnetic Fields
Matter > From Matter to Materials and Life
In virtually every research field, scientists rely on large-scale facilities for investigating the structural, chemical, physical, and biological properties of materials. The HZDR is committed to continuously developing and improving these large scientific instruments for creating an excellent research environment. More
Accelerator Research and Development
Matter > Matter and Technologies
Modern accelerator facilities and systems represent a decisive technology of the future. They are indispensable when it comes to answering the major questions of our time. Today, accelerator systems are not only used in fundamental research, but also for innovations in materials research, bio and nano sciences, active ingredients research, and medical applications such as cancer therapy. More
Matter > Matter and Technologies
The contribution of HZDR to the Helmholtz-topic “Data Management and Analysis” is strongly aligned with the overall activities of the topic, with strong integration with the activities in the topic "Accelerator Research and Development" and the topic "Matter – Dynamics, Mechanisms and Control" in the program MML. More