
Prof. Dr. Anton Wallner

Head Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Research
Phone: +49 351 260 3274

Teaching and Thesis Projects



TU Dresden: Dating (C-14), Environmental Research and Supernovae (Prof. Wallner)

Tue. 14:50 - 16:20, ASB/328
Exercises: Tue. before lecture up for discussion, ASB/328


TU Dresden: Lab Course IKTP (Dr. Rugel)

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at DREAMS
Dates by arrangement

TU Chemnitz: Nuclear & particle physics (Dr. Lachner)

Nuclear & particle physics 2022/23
Nuclear & particle physics 2024




You would like to do a thesis in nuclear physics, astrophysics, environmental research, geology or in applied chemistry or physics?

We are happy to welcome motivated national and international students!

Write us or come around, we are happy about your visit.


Available topics (German possible, linked contacts):

Nuclear physics
Environmental physics
Ion beam physics
Dark matter

Current thesis projects:

Alexander Wieser: Development of Ion Laser Interaction Mass Spectrometry for the detection of Cs-135 and Cs-137 by AMS (Dual-PhD)

Janis Wolf: Characterization of Pa-231 in environmental samples (PhD)

Sebastian Zwickel: Interstellar and cosmogenic radioisotopes on the surface of the Moon (PhD)

Annabel Rolofs: Search for interstellar Fe-60 in Antarctic ice (M.Sc.)