User access
As a user facility we regularly perform measurements for external users: national, EU+, and international. Free access is available via several funding instruments, some of which are funded externally and are limited for their respective funding periods. The latter usually have additional benefits, such as travel support (e.g. Chetec-INFRA).
Samples for 10Be and 26Al and many other isotopes may be prepared at HZDR from pre-treated samples. Experienced users with their own laboratory capabilities can also submit fully prepared samples, after prior discussion of the specific requirements. We offer in-house training for sample preparation in our chemistry labs. So far, we have had over 100 visitors using our sample preparation facilities and analysing their samples, many of them returning.
We routinely measure 7Be, 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 41Ca, 55Fe and 129I at our 6 MV tandem accelerator. Additional radioisotopes are being added with the implementation of our new 1 MV compact multi-isotope system that is equipped with a laser photo-detachment beamline for isobar separation (to be commissioned in early 2024). Note that we do not offer radiocarbon (14C) dating.
Currently we have two different funding instruments for access, both of which require a short (usually 2 page) application via our GATE proposal submission system. The review process for all of them is rolling, meaning proposals can be submitted effective at any point in time. For further questions contact Prof. Dr. A. Wallner
IBC General AccessWe offer general access to all users via the IBC platform. These grants only cover the AMS measurement. A guide to submit a proposal can be found here (pdf). Applications are submitted via GATE. |
Chetec-INFRANuclear astrophysics based AMS projects related to the study of the origin of the elements can get access to the DREAMS facility via Chetec-INFRA. This is a trans-national access (TNA) program – it is a requirement that the applicant and the majority of co-applicants are located outside the country where the facility is located. A limit of 20% of non-EU (or associated) grant-holders applies. Applications are submitted via GATE. |