HZDR Mission Statement and Guidelines
Our Mission
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) conducts cutting-edge research with a long-term focus in the fields of energy, health and matter. We deliver solutions to the great challenges of our time and see it as our task to provide knowledge and technology for the next generations. Thus, we derive four key points as our mission:
- We explore fundamental phenomena of nature. Unique research infrastructures provide insight into processes under extreme conditions. We contribute know-how to the development of future materials and information technologies, thus guaranteeing an enlightened and free society.
- We contribute to a healthy society with novel diagnostic and therapeutic methods in cancer research – from the fundamentals in natural and life sciences to medical application.
- We are facilitating the transition to a sustainable industry and the transformation of energy systems towards a green society.
- We strengthen Saxony’s position as a center of commerce and industry in Germany through a systemic combination of fundamental research, innovation, large-scale facilities and transfer, thus ensuring an adequate standard of living for future generations.
Our Guidelines
HZDR Guiding Principles
As a modern large-scale research center, we are committed to certain values and principles that we strive to uphold as we pursue our mission goals:
- We are a cosmopolitan, interdisciplinary, and international research center for application oriented fundamental research with a modern welcoming culture.
- We create a fair, equal and non-discriminatory environment. Our collaborative work is built on appreciation, respect, fairness, tolerance, team spirit, collegiality, honesty, mutual trust and transparency. We maintain a culture in which mistakes are dealt with constructively.
- We believe in the value of diversity. We therefore foster equal opportunities and an interdisciplinary approach while we condemn any form of discrimination.
- We support our employees in developing their talents and in pursuing lifelong learning.
- Our managers act as role models and actively treat employees with respect.
- All HZDR sites and divisions form a cohesive unit. We organize clear structures in order to ensure a solution-oriented communication.
- We value the application of our research insights for the benefit of society. We promote knowledge and technology transfer.
- The responsible and sustainable treatment of the environment and its resources is part of our self-conception.
- The HZDR is committed to scientific excellence and an ethically responsible approach to research freedom and the principles of Good Scientific Practice.