
Camille Toggenburger

Event Manager
Communication & Media Relations
Phone: +49 351 260 3498

Public Events

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf regularly organizes popular science events that offer an ideal platform for dialog between science and society. In the various event formats, our researchers provide interesting insights into the three research areas of energy, health and matter.

On this page you will find information on current and past events of the HZDR.



Open House Day

On Saturday, August 23, 2025, we invite you to experience science in action and to meet our scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). Visitors can take a look behind the scenes of current research on many guided tours of our large-scale facilities and laboratories. Discover the entire spectrum of research – from innovative and energy-saving electronic materials for storage and computer technologies to modern superconductors and powerful magnets to the processing of raw materials. From the development of unique accelerators and lasers to astroparticle research and the production of radioactive drugs for cancer therapy, you can expect an entertaining day full of exploration, discovery and interactive experiences.

Young people and students can find out all they want to know about internships, apprenticeships, dual study courses and other career opportunities at the research center.

For all research fans, there will be an exciting side program with many stations for experimenting and testing. We look forward to your visit.

The detailed program will be published on our website in spring 2025.

Foto: Der Freie-Elektronen-Laser am HZDR ©Copyright: HZDR/Oliver Killig

Free-Electron Laser at HZDR

Source: HZDR/Oliver Killig

Foto: Synthesemodul zur Herstellung von radioaktiv markierten Substanzen ©Copyright: Frank Bierstedt/HZDR

Production of radioactively labeled substances

Source: Frank Bierstedt/HZDR

Foto: TOPFLOW: Strömung simulieren ©Copyright: HZDR/Oliver Killig

TOPFLOW: Flow simulation

Source: HZDR/Oliver Killig



"Dresden is(s)t bunt" (Dresden diversity banquet)

Foto: Gastmahl Dresden is(s)t bunt 2024 ©Copyright: Till Bayer

At the annual "Dresden is(s)t bunt" banquet, thousands of guests come together to share their favorite food from all over the world and to meet in a cheerful atmosphere. The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) was once again part of this vibrant event - together with more than 200 organisations from the region. The event was launched in 2015 as a civil society initiative to promote international openness and peaceful coexistence.

Link to the picture gallery


Dresden Science Night

Foto: Dresdner Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften am 14. Juni 2024 ©Copyright: HZDR / André Wirsig

The 21st Dresden Science Night took place on June 14, 2024. The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) presented itself with a broad program of lectures, exhibits and guided tours at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences and in the underground laboratory in Dresden's Felsenkeller. Around 150 HZDR scientists provided insights into their research projects. To coincide with the start of the European Football Championship a "soccer special" also awaited the visitors.

We have summarized the best moments of the Long Night in a picture gallery.


"Dresden is(s)t bunt" (Dresden diversity banquet)

The annual banquet "Dresden is(s)t bunt" brought together thousands of people to share dishes from around the world and chat and discuss in a cheerful atmosphere. This year, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) was a part of this vibrant event for the first time, joining many other institutions from politics, business, science, and culture.

Link to the picture gallery

July 8, 2022

Foto: 7-20220708-AWR07754 ©Copyright: André Wirsig

Dresden Science Night

Under the motto "3, 2, 1 ... SCIENCE!", around 100 scientists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) presented their research projects to a wide audience. Thematically, the program exemplified the HZDR's research spectrum in the fields of energy, health and matter. In order to inspire even the youngest audience for science, the HZDR offered many experiments for children.

Link to the picture gallery

Download video/mp4 - 78,2 MB / 1920x1080 px
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July 2, 2022

Foto: oha! Abenteuer Wissenschaft ©Copyright: Blueberry PhotoArt

oha! Abenteuer Wissenschaft // Görlitz and Zittau

At the first oha! Abenteuer Wissenschaft, many visitors were able to explore the fascinating world of data and algorithms at CASUS. The program included, for example, walk-through 3D visualizations of atoms, an excursion into the world of animal migration, and a Picasso painting of Görlitz "painted" by an artificial intelligence.

June 18, 2022

Foto: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft am HIF am 18.06.2022 ©Copyright: Anne-Kristin Jentzsch, Sylvio Dittrich

Long Night of Science and Business in Freiberg

Under the motto "nachhaltig. forschen. wirtschaften. leben." ("sustainable. research. manage. live.") the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF) as well as the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and other institutions of the city invited to the Long Night of Science and Business in Freiberg. Science enthusiasts were offered to gain insights into topics from science, research and business during presentations, experiments and guided tours.

Link to the picture gallery

June 25, 2019

European Forum for Science, Research and InnovationEuropean Forum for Science, Research and Innovation

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf brought together grant recipients of the European Research Council (ERC) from the Czech Republic, Poland and Saxony in Dresden for a scientific symposium on June 25, 2019. At the one-day event at the Hygiene Museum, the scientists presented the latest findings from their ERC projects in the following areas: Environment, Health, Material Sciences, and Data and Information.

Impressions of the conference

Video of the conference

June 9, 2018

 66Open House Day 2018

After a two-year break, the Open House Day will be back again – around 100 labs and experimental stations are available for all interested visitors. There are interesting presentations, experiments to participate in, and physics to experience hands-on as well as many novel attractions for both young and old research fans.