Ion Accelerators

High energy ion beams can be used as  fine instruments for analyzing of materials and modifying their electrical, optical, magnetic and other properties in microscopic and macroscopic scales. The main activity of the devision of ion accelerators is operation and development of ion beam systems for material analysis and for material modification as well as scientific and technical support of novel experiments with ion beams (development of new ion optical elements for laser accelerator and new methods of ion implantation, experiments with ion beams for nuclear physics, etc.)

There are three ion accelerators operating with ions in energy range between 150 keV and 60 MeV:

  • 2 MV Van-de-Graaff accelerator is a single ended machine for Hydrogen and Helium ion beams using mostly for RBS measurements of solid and liquid samples as well as for PIXE measurements. The ions energy can be varied from about 600 keV (protons) to 1.7 MeV.
  • 3 MV Tandetron is a tandem type accelerator is dedicated to ion implantation and ion beam analysis using the micro-beam.
  • 6 MV Tandetron is a tandem type accelerator dedicated to ion beam analysis (RBS, NRA, ERDA, PIXE and PIGE), analysis with external proton beam, material modification, as well as accelerator mass spectrometry and spectrometry in combination with a SIMS system.  
Ion im Kristall ©: Dr. Akhmadaliev, Shavkat

Ion beams of almost all stable elements with masses between 1 and 197 can be provided at the tandem machines, except Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe. Ion beams of D, Be, certain rare earth metals and all radioactive elements are not provided at IBC.

Accelerators and information:

Foto: HE Ionenimplantation ©Copyright: Dr. Johannes von Borany


High Energy Implantation, 6 MV Tandetron, 3 MV Tandetron

Group information:

Group Members - Ion Accelerators

Current members of our group and their contact ­information.

Publications - Ion accelerators

The latest publications featuring our team and accelerators.