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Bautzner Landstrasse 400
01328 Dresden, Germany
Phone: +49 351 260 - 0

Further Information


Whistleblower System at the HZDR

Whistleblower System at the HZDR

The HZDR and the HZDR’s General Works Council have concluded a General Internal Agreement (GIA) on the Introduction of a Whistleblower System at the HZDR. This General Internal Agreement informs the employees about the purpose and scope of the requisite data collection and contains all essential organizational regulations associated with the whistleblower system.

Catalog of Topics

The sole objective of the whistleblower system is the reception and processing of information on any and all suspected cases of corruption, other acts of white-collar crime, and/or similar violations of a serious nature that may harm and/or damage the HZDR (please see § 4 of the GIA Whistleblower System).

Any and all violations of the obligations under the employment law as well as any and all violations of the HZDR’s regulations which are not covered by the catalog of topics are to be communicated and clarified primarily by using the official channels. The whistleblower system is explicitly not available for any general complaints.

In the event that any information is received on any topics which fails to comply with the specified catalog of topics, then this information shall neither be accepted, nor be stored, nor be processed; in such cases, the requisite information shall immediately and without delay be deleted (electronic communication) and/or destroyed (receipt of information in paper form).

The Direct Path for Submitting Information

The ombudsperson is responsible for the receipt of any and all information on compliance violations (contact point). Such information does not have to be provided in any specific form. In particular, the requisite information may be submitted in person, over the phone, by fax, by email, or by using the electronic whistleblower portal. Pursuant to the stipulations laid down for the whistleblower system in the General Internal Agreement, the ombudsperson is obliged to keep and maintain strict confidentiality if this is what the informant wishes.

Contact data for the ombudspersons Dr. Fine Fiedler or Dr. Guido Juckeland and/or options of establishing contact:

  • PD Dr. Fine Fiedler, Dr. Guido Juckeland
    Bautzner Landstraße 400
    01328 Dresden, Germany

  • Email:
  • Phone: +49 (0)351 260 - 2973 or 3660
  • Fax: +49 (0)351 260 13660
  • A mailbox for whistleblower information is located in Rossendorf at the entrance area next to the ATM.
  • Electronic whistleblower portal

Electronic Whistleblower Portal

The electronic whistleblower portal is an additional communication channel for the submission of information which assures the informant’s anonymity. The electronic whistleblower portal is designed in such a way that the identity of any and all informants is never disclosed to anyone. Informants remain anonymous unless they indicate their names. The electronic whistleblower portal does not record any IP addresses. Any and all data are transmitted and stored in encrypted form. Only the ombudsperson has direct access to the information which is received via the electronic whistleblower portal.

The portal can be accessed at: Electronic Whistleblower Portal

Good Faith

Informants are only to submit such factual information which they believe in good faith to be true and correct. Informants are deemed not to be in good faith if and when they know that a reported fact is false and incorrect. Should there be any doubt, then the respective issues are not to be represented as facts, but rather as presumptions, ratings, and/or statements of third parties. It should be noted that informants must expect disciplinary consequences under employment law and criminal law if and when these informants against their better knowledge state any untrue facts about any other persons.

Please also see, for example, the Tips for Informants published by the Transparency International Deutschland e. V. association (currently only available in German).