Actinides revisited 2022
Dresden, 21st to 23rd September 2022
Plenary speakers
Steve Liddle | University of Manchester | "Recent Advances in Actinide-Ligand Multiple Bonding" |
Hans-Conrad zur Loye | USCeRA | "From Mild Hydrothermal to High Temperature Solution Crystal Growth: Syntheses of New Complex Actinide Fluorides, Oxides and Even Chalcogenides" |
Thomas Albrecht-Schönzart | Florida State University | "Enhancing Frontier Orbital Interactions in the f-Block Through Applications of Pressure and Electric Fields" |
Suzanne Bart | Purdue University | "Pushing the Boundaries of Actinide-Nitrogen Multiple Bonding" |
Dave L. Clark | Los Alamos National Laboratory | "Issues Surrounding Plutonium" |
Program and Abstracts
The final program for the Actinides revisited 2022 is available here. The full abstract booklet can be downloaded here as a PDF.