MEMRIOX International Workshop 2016
The meeting took place at the Berghotel Bastei on September 25-27, 2016. It started with a welcome lunch on Sunday and concluded after lunch on Tuesday.
Workshop Focus
We attracted about 30 participants, especially students and scientists from the Virtual Institute, from the Dresden area, and from other institutions and labs. The program covered the following topics:
- Memristive Switching
- Memcomputing
- Phase change materials
- Multiferroic materials
- ...
Invited speakers
The following invited speakers confirmed their participation:- Chu, Ying-hao (Taiwan, TW)
- Di Ventra, Max (San Diego, US)
- Kats, Mikhail (Madison, US)
- Mc Leod, Alex (San Diego, US)
- Spaldin, Nicola (Zurich, CH) - CANCELED due to illness
- Waser, Rainer (Jülich, DE)
- Wuttig, Matthias (Aachen, DE)
Contributed Papers / Best Poster Prize
Besides the lectures given by the Invited Speakers, Contributed Talks and Posters were presented.
The Best Poster Prize was awarded to Jura Rensberg from Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The second prize was awarded to Katharina Skaja from Forschungszentrum Jülich and the third prize went to Thomas Kämpfe from IAPP of TU Dresden.
The Agenda is available
The list of contributions can be downloaded
The Abstract Booklet is available
Monday afternoon: walking tour or sightseeing of the remainings of rock castle Neurathen - ca. 1h - no extra fee
More info about the castle Neurathen in this article from
Registration / Fees / Support
The Registration portal is closed.
Further Impressions from the workshop are here.
The workshop was organized by the Virtual Institute MEMRIOX funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the German Helmholtz Association (VH-VI-422).