
Dr. René Hübner

Head Structural Analysis
Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Phone: +49 351 260 3174

Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy


Topics of Research

The TEM is mainly used for the investigation of the effects of ion implantation and layer deposition on the micro- and nano-scale. Due to the primary interest on depth profiles, cross-sectional specimens prepared in our own TEM laboratory are mainly analyzed. Besides classical TEM specimen preparation (sawing, grinding, polishing, dimpling, and Ar ion milling), target preparation can be done using a focused ion beam device (FIB, Helios 5 CX). The TEM is open for performing all relevant tasks at HZDR as well as to partners in academics and industry. Currently, contributions to the following topics are delivered:

  • Verification of shaping effects of nano-particles by ion irradiation
  • Ion-beam induced surface modification
  • Analysis of semiconductor structures
  • Characterization of advanced absorber materials for photovoltaics
  • Analysis of modern materials for batterie technology
  • Incorporation and binding of uranium in microorganisms (cooperation with Institute of Resource Ecology)