HZDR Awards 2023
HZDR Awards 2023 on May 17, 2024 at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).
Source: HZDR / André Wirsig
Special commitment and outstanding achievements of our employees deserve additional recognition. For this reason, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) bestows the following awards every year:
- HZDR Research Award
- HZDR Technology Award
- HZDR Transfer Award
- HZDR Doctoral Award
- HZDR Communications Award
The Board of Directors handed over the awards at a ceremony in the main lecture hall on May 17, 2024. Impressions of the event are captured in an image gallery.
Research Award
... to Dr. Oleksii Volkov and Dr. Oleksandr Pylypovskyi (both Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research), whose discoveries have challenged a long-standing paradigm in magnetism research. They were able to prove that new types of three-dimensional magnetization structures can arise in a geometrically deformed nanodisc due to additional symmetry breaking. While Oleksandr Pylypovskyi developed the groundbreaking theory, Oleksii Volkov brought together an interdisciplinary group of experts to verify the predictions experimentally. The result has strong fundamental consquences because it confirms this type of asymmetric interaction in nanomaterials for the first time. It is an important step towards new information technologies based on magnetic states such as skyrmions.
Technology Award
... to Dr. Sebastian Reinecke, Mario Alejandro Parra Ramirez, Ysabel Huaccallo Aguilar, Amit Kumar, Florian Ristau, Mathias Menzel and Nadine Matzke (all Institute of Fluid Dynamics) for developing a process to eliminate persistent pollutants in highly contaminated wastewater effectively using cavitation-assisted ozonation (HyKaPro method). The team from the Helmholtz Innovation Lab CLEWATEC set up a pilot plant for testing and was able to attract industrial partners such as the chemical company Air Liquide to further develop their technology.
Transfer Award
... to Dr. Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Johannes von Borany, Manuel Görlich, Heike Hilliges, Kai Karsten Lang, René Mester, André Reichel, Thomas Tarnow, Andreas Vollmer, Axel Weise, Jürgen Winkelmann, Stefan Eisenwinder, Kay Jarschel, Ulrich Kentsch, Frank Ludewig, Franziska Nierobisch, Tobias Putzke and Dr. Stefan Facsko (all Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research) for their outstanding commitment to providing beam time for the semiconductor industry at the HZDR's Ion Beam Center (IBC). Thanks to the achievements of the team and in cooperation with HZDR Innovation GmbH, the HZDR has become the world market leader in the field of ion implantation. This process is of great importance for various power semiconductor devices used in mechanical engineering, e-mobility and renewable energies.
Doctoral Awards
… to Dr. Milad Eftekhari (Institute of Fluid Dynamics) for his PhD thesis on The effect of ultrafine particles on the interfacial and hydrodynamic properties of multiphase systems.
…to Dr. Fabian Krutzek (Institute for Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research) for his PhD thesis on Entwicklung von niedermolekularen PD-L1- Radioliganden für die PET-Bildgebung.
…to Dr. Lukas Körber (Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research) for his PhD theses on Spin waves in curved magnetic shells.
Communications Award
... to Dr. Franziska Lederer (Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology) for the successful and nationwide communication of her research on biocollectors in various TV formats and presentations to non-expert audiences from politics and society.