Morphology induced magnetic correlation effects in mesoscopic wire and island structures
Supported by DFG: FA 314/6-1
Surface and interface roughnesses or modulations play a significant role for a large number of properties of thin magnetic films. For example, it is possible to induce magnetic anisotropy contributions and additional magnetic damping phenomena due to a periodic surface modulation. The microscopic origin can be extrinsic, due to dipolar stray fields, as well as intrinsic, due to spin-orbit coupling phenomena at monoatomic steps. The relative contribution of both microscopic effects to the macroscopically measurable material properties depend sensitively on the film crystallinity, the exchange correlation length and the modulation wavelength and amplitude. The latter can be varied by the use of ion erroded semiconductor substrates and determined quantitatively. By this means also the investigation of application relevant polycrystalline films is possible. The major goal of the project will be the enlighten the functional dependence between atomistic film morphology and the resulting magnetic anisotropy and damping phenomena.
Stefan Facsko
Jürgen Fassbender
Monika Fritzsche
Adrian Keller
Michael Körner
Kilian Lenz
Maciej Oskar Liedke
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