Department Head

Prof. Dr. Artur Erbe

Tel.: +49-351-260-2366
Email: a.erbe(a)

NanoFaRo Wiki

Bachelor, Master, Diploma, and PhD Thesis [FWIO, short]

Nanoelectronics (Department FWIO)


The department focuses on the creation, characterization and modeling of nanostructures and nanostructured matter. Electron lithographic top-down techniques are employed to generate nano-scale functional elements with specific structural, mechanical, optical and transport phenomena that differ from the pure, extended bulk phase. In addition, specific and partially ion-beam-assisted techniques allow the self-organized, bottom-up formation of nanostructured composites and surface modifications. Methods from nanometrology provide quantitative access to the properties of the nanostructures and thus elucidate the physical origin of the differences in comparison with the macroscopic material properties. Modeling on different scales gives insight in the interactions that dominate phenomena at the nanoscale.

Research Topics:

Foto: BETty ©Copyright: HZDR

Nano­ma­te­ri­als and Trans­port

Foto: Nano transistors from 2D materials WSe2 ©Copyright: Phanish Chava

Nano-Fab­ri­ca­tion and Analysis

Foto: High Power Impulse Magnetron sputtering setup (HiPIMS) ©Copyright: HZDR

Nanocomposite Material­s / Multifunctional oxides