Nanoelectronics (Department FWIO)
The department focuses on the creation, characterization and modeling of nanostructures and nanostructured matter. Electron lithographic top-down techniques are employed to generate nano-scale functional elements with specific structural, mechanical, optical and transport phenomena that differ from the pure, extended bulk phase. In addition, specific and partially ion-beam-assisted techniques allow the self-organized, bottom-up formation of nanostructured composites and surface modifications. Methods from nanometrology provide quantitative access to the properties of the nanostructures and thus elucidate the physical origin of the differences in comparison with the macroscopic material properties. Modeling on different scales gives insight in the interactions that dominate phenomena at the nanoscale.
Research Topics:
- The Role of Defects in 2D Materials: From Structure on Nanoscale to macroscopic Properties (DeiMoS, with J. Heyrovsky Institute Prague and FU Berlin, since 2023)
- DFG-Graduierten-Kolleg 2767: Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Devices (GRK 2767, since 04/2022)
- A DNA origami-brick system for the fabrication of nanoelectronic elements (DFG: DNAorigEl, mit Uni Leipzig, seit 04/2022)
- RADICAL: Fundamental Breakthrough in Detecting Atmospheric Radicals (EU Horizon 2020, since 11/2020)
- Nanomechanical hybrid systems with atomic defects in Silicon carbid (DFG: NEMSiC, with TU München, since 04/2021)
- SPES3: Erforschung hochempfindlicher, druckbarer Gassensoren für den Einsatz in der Lebensmittelüberwachung [Investigation of highly-sensitive, printable gas sensors for food sensing] (BMBF ForMikro, 10/2019 - 03/2024)
- SiGeSn-NanoFETs: Gruppe IV-Heterostrukturen für nanoelektronische Höchstleistungsbauelemente [SiGeSn-NanoFETs: Group IV hetero structures for high-performance nanoelectronic components] (BMBF ForMikro, 10/2019 - 03/2024)
- Helmholtz Research School NanoNet: Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet) (HGF funded 10/2012-12/2020)
- HEMF: Project 'Helmholtz Energy Materials Foundry' (HGF 2015-2020)
- Helmholtz Exzellenznetzwerk cfaed in collaboration with TU Dresden (completed 12/2020)
- Helmholtz Virtual Institute MEMRIOX: Memory Effects in Resistive Ion-beam Modified Oxides (completed 12/2016)