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Scientific-technical council of HZDR

Auftrag des WTR

The Scientific and Technical Council (WTR) of the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf enables scientific and technical staff to participate in the development and implementation of research programs.
The Scientific-Technical Council participates in the selection of the scientific-technical fields of activity, the planning, organization and evaluation of the scientific work, the distribution of the financial resources made available for research and development and the filling of management positions in the scientific organizational units.

The rules of procedure regulate the involvement of the Scientific and Technical Council in detail.

Composition of the WTR

The WTR is made up of permanent members qua office and members selected by secret ballot (PDF - internal only) from the ranks of the scientific and technical staff.
The electoral term of the elected members is three years, currently the period 2024-2027.

Members of the WTR

Prof. Michael Bachmann Director, Institute of Radio­pharma­ceutical Cancer Research (0351) 260-3170
PD Dr. Elke Beyreuther elected member (0351) 260-3934
Prof. Thomas Cowan Director, Institute of Radiation Physics (0351) 260-2270
Prof. Kerstin Eckert Director, Institute of Fluid Dynamics (0351) 260-3860
Prof. Jürgen Faßbender Director, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Material­s Research (0351) 260-3096
Dr. André Giesecke elected member (0351) 260-2227
Dr. Jens Gutzmer (PhD ZA) Director, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (0351) 260-4400
Prof. Uwe Hampel  Director, Institute of Fluid Dynamics (0351) 260-2772
Prof. Manfred Helm Director, Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Material­s Research (0351) 260-2260
Dr. Thomas Herrmannsdörfer elected member (0351) 260-3320
Prof. Peter Kaever Head, Department of Research Technology (0351) 260-3443
Dr. Uwe Konrad Head, Department of Information Services and Computing (0351) 260-3264
Prof. Klaus Kopka Director, Institute of Radio­pharma­ceutical Cancer Research (0351) 260-2060
Prof. Mechthild Krause Director, Institute of Radiooncology – OncoRay (0351) 458-2095
Dr. Martin Kreller elected member (0351) 260-4029
Prof. Thomas Dae-Song Kühne Director CASUS, Head Theory of Complex Systems 03581 37523 107
Dr. Katrin Pollmann elected member, Vice-Chairman of the WTR (0351) 260-2946
Dr. Helmut Schultheiß elected member (0351) 260-3243
Dr. Henrik Schulz elected member (0351) 260-3268
Prof. Ralf Schützhold Director, Institute of Theoretical Physics (0351) 260-3618
Prof. Ulrich Schramm Director, Institute of Radiation Physics (0351) 260-2471
Dr. Robin Steudtner elected member (0351) 260-2895
Prof. Thorsten Stumpf Director, Institute of Resource Ecology (0351) 260-3210
Prof. Joachim Wosnitza Director, Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory HLD, Chairman of the WTR (0351) 260-3524