Junior Research Groups at the HZDR
Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups
With the Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups, the Helmholtz Association fosters the early academic independence of excellent young researchers and offers them secure career prospects.The young scientists receive up to €300,000 in funding per year for five years, which allows them to set up and lead their own research group.
DRESDEN-concept (DDc) Research Group
- AI4Quantum – Machine Learning for Quantum Simulation and Computing (since 2025)
Head: Dr. Werner Dobrautz - Particle Resuspension in Environmental Flows (since 2024)
Head: Dr. Gregory Lecrivain - Inflammation and Myelopoiesis (since 2024)
Head: Dr. Lydia Kalafati - Autonomous Materials Thermodynamics – AutoMaT (since 2022)
Head: Dr. Rico Friedrich - Physical chemistry of biomolecular condensates (since 2022)
Head: Dr. Ellen Adams
HZDR's Junior Research Groups
With the HZDR junior research groups we want to promote talented young scientists and give them the opportunity to lead their own research group with independent budget. The current rules for HZDR junior research groups can be found here.
Currently, there are the the following groups:
- Dynamics of Complex Living Systems (since 2023)
Head: Dr. Ricardo Martinez Garcia - Frontiers of Computational Quantum Many-Body Theory (since 2022)
Head: Dr. Tobias Dornheim - Mathematical Foundations of Complex System Science (since 2021)
Head: Dr. Michael Hecht - Machine Learning for Infection and Disease (since 2021)
Head: Dr. Artur Yakimovich - Bubbles go with the turbulent flows (since 2021)
Head: Dr. Tian Ma - Terahertz-driven dynamics at surfaces and interfaces (since 2020)
Head: Dr. Jan-Christoph Deinert
European Research Council (ERC) Grant
- Starting Grant
Predicting the Extreme – PREXTREME (since 2023)
Head: Dr. Tobias Dornheim
Young Investigator Groups funded by the DFG (Emmy Noether Program)
- Circular Phononics: Driving Matter by Phonon Angular Momentum (since 2022)
Head: Prof. Sebastian Mährlein -
Towards Fluid Dynamics of Foam and Froth (since 2020)
Head: Dr.-Ing. Sascha Heitkam
Young Investigator Groups funded by the BMBF
- qHPC-GREEN – Quantum-assisted high-performance computing for the green energy transition (since 2025)
Leiter: Dr. Werner Dobrautz - BioKreativ 3 - Pep2Rec: Peptide-based separation system for the recovery of palladium from the chemical-pharmaceutical industry (since 2024)
Head: Dr. Nora Schönberger -
TecRad: Technetium environmental chemistry (since 2022)
Head: Dr. Natalia Mayordomo Herranz
Completed Junior Research Groups
- BioKollekt (2018 - 2024) - Head: Dr. Franziska Lederer
- Artificial Intelligence for the Future Photon Science (2019 - 2023) - Head: Dr. Nico Hoffmann
- Application-oriented Laser-plasma Accelerators (2017 - 2024)
Head: Dr. Josefine Metzkes-Ng - Advanced Modelling of Multiphase Flows (2019 - 2023)
Head: Dr. Fabian Schlegel - Nano-Safety (since 2019 - 2023)
Head: Dr. Stefan Schymura - Ultrafast X-ray Methods for Laboratory Astrophysics (2018 - 2023)
Head: Dr. Katerina Falk - Dynamic Warm Dense Matter Research with HIBEF (2016 - 2021) - Head: Dr. Dominik Kraus
- TOP: Towards the Bottom of the Periodic Table (2018 - 2021) - Head: Dr. Kristina Kvashnina
- Spin Waves Bridging Spintronics and Photonics (2014 - 2020) - Head: Dr. Helmut Schultheiß
- Laser-electron Acceleration (2015 - 2019) - Head: Dr. Arie Irman
- Laser-ion Acceleration (2015 - 2019) - Head: Dr. Karl Zeil
- Spin-torque Devices for Information-Communication Technology (2014 - 2018) - Head: Dr. Alina Maria Deac
- MicroSalt: Microorganisms in salt formations of potential nuclear waste repositories and their interactions with actinides (2014 - 2018) - Head: Dr. Andrea Cherkouk
- Structures and Reactivity at the Aqueous/Mineral Interface (2013 - 2018) - Head: PD Dr. Moritz Schmidt
- Measurement Techniques for Liquid Metal Flows (2012 - 2017) - Head: Dr. Thomas Wondrak
- Magnetization Dynamics and Magnetostatic (2010 - 2016) - Head: Dr. Kilian Lenz
- Ion Beam Processed Functional Materials for Spintronics and Photovoltaics (2011 - 2016) - Head of the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group: Dr. Shengqiang Zhou
- Computational Radiation Physics (2010 - 2016) - Head: Dr. Michael Bussmann
- Tumor Specific PET Tracers (2009 - 2015) - Head: Dr. Reik Löser
- Reactor Physics (2012 - 2015) - Head: Dr. Emil Fridman
- Transport Phenomena in Nanostructures (2009 - 2012) - Head: Dr. Artur Erbe
- Terahertz Quantum Dynamics (2009 - 2011) - Head: Dr. Dominik Stehr
- Nanoscale Organic Composite Materials/NanoBio (2008 - 2011) - Head: Dr. Katrin Pollmann
- Nano Spintronics (2007 - 2011) - Head: Dr. Heidemarie Schmidt
- Neutron-induced Processes (2005 - 2009) - Head: Dr. Arnd Junghans
- Material Physics with Highly Charged Ions (2005 - 2009) - Head: Dr. Stefan Facsko
- Nanoscale Magnetism (2004 - 2005) - Head: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Fassbender
- Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry (2002 - 2007) - Head: Prof. Dr. Frank Wüst
- Radiation-induced Cell Damage (2002 - 2007) - Head: Dr. Jörg Pawelke
- CFD Development (2002 - 2005 and 2006 - 2011 ) - Head: Dr. Dirk Lucas and Dr. Thomas Höhne
- Semiconductor Spectroscopy (2002 - 2004) - Head: Prof. Dr. Thomas Dekorsy