Kick-off meeting and workshop at the HZDR
Date: 11. - 15. September 2012
Venue: Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Bldg. 712, Room 138
Accomodation: HZDR guest house
- Arrival
12.9.2012 ·
- 9:30 Welcome note by Prof. Dr. Roland Sauerbrey, Scientific Director of the HZDR
- 9:45 Dr. Kay Potzger, HZDR:Spintronics and diluted magnetic semiconductors - 90 min
- Principles of spintronics
- Paramagnetic DMS, giant Zeeman splitting and bound magnetic polarons
- Magnetic coupling
- Magnetism and Transport in GaMnAs
- Oxide based DMS and ion implantation
- 11:15 Break
- 11:30 Dr. Alina Deac, HZDR: Metal spintronics - 60 min
- Magneto-resistive effects in metal based multilayers: AMR, GMR, TMR
- Spin transfer torque
- Concepts and devices
- 12:30 Lunch break
- 14:00 Prof. Dr. Alexander Granovsky, Lomonosov Moscow State University: Electronic transport phenomena in DMS
- Introduction
- Resistivity (Mooij correlation)
- Magnetoresistance in DMS
- Anomalous Hall effect in magnetics: Basic mechanisms
- Anomalous Hall effect in heterogeneous alloys and in DMS
- Is the presence of anomalous Hall effect an evidence of spin polarization of current carriers?
- Recent experimental data on TiO2:Co
- Conclusions
- 15:00 Break ·
- 15:15 Dr. Alevtina Smekhova, Lomonosov Moscow State University: X-ray spectroscopy at synchrotrons - 60 min
- Basics of XAS and XMCD
- Research at synchrotrons
- Element-specific magnetisation of metals and DMS
- 16:15 Lab tour magnetic high field lab (M. Ozerov) ·
13.9.2012 ·
- 9:45 Dr. Mykola Vinnichenko, HZDR: Growth and electronic properties of TiO2 thin films– 60 min
- Basics of oxide thin film growth by sputter deposition
- Transparent conductive oxides
- Electronic and optical properties
- 10:45 Break ·
- 11:00 Dr. Jürgen Lindner, HZDR: Magnetic resonance - 60 min
- Basics of electron magnetic resonance, defect detection
- Ferromagnetic resonance
- Application to metals and oxides ·
- 12:00 Lunch break ·
- 13:30 Maik Butterling, HZDR: Positron annihilation spectroscopy - 60 min
- Basics of PAS
- Point- and open-volume defects in materials
- Application of PAS to metals, semiconductros and oxides ·
- 14:30 Break ·
- 14:45 3x15 minutes students presentations - 60 min
- O. Yildirim (HZDR): Ion implantation and magnetometry of TiO2 thin films
- S. Nikolaev (MSU): Room temperature ferromagnetism and anomalous Hall effect in Si1-xMnx (x ≈ 0.35 and x ≈ 0.5) alloys - CANCELLED!
A. Semisalova (MSU): Magnetic properties of MOCVD-prepared ZnO and ZnO:Co thin films
15: 30 Lab tour ELBE and positron labs (M. Butterling)
17:00 Lab tour Ion beam center (J. Lehmann) ·
14.9.2012 ·
- Excursion to Sächsische Schweiz, meeting at 9 am in Dresden main station