Prof. Dr. Jens Gutzmer (PhD ZA)
Director |
Helmholtz Institute Freibergfor Resource TechnologyHelmholtz-ZentrumDresden-Rossendorf e. V. |
Tel.: +49-351-260-4400 |
Jens Gutzmer is the founding director of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology. He is a visiting professor at the Paleoproterozoic Mineralization Research Group (PPM) in the Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Jens Gutzmer was born on 3 August, 1969 in Damme, Lower Saxony (Germany). He received his 'Diplom' in Mineralogy from the Technical University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld (Germany) in 1993, followed by a PhD in Geology from the Rand Afrikaans University (South Africa) in 1996. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the ores of the Kalahari and Postmasburg Manganese Fields in South Africa were the focus of his postgraduate research. He was a postdoc and lecturer at the Department of Geology, Rand Afrikaans University from 1996 to 1999 where he co-founded the Paleoproterozoic Mineralization Research Group (PPM Group) together with Nic Beukes. From October 1999 he spent 12 months as assistant professor with Harald Strauss at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, after which he accepted an appointment as associated professor at the Rand Afrikaans University (South Africa). He was appointed full professor of geology at the University of Johannesburg in January, 2005, and was awarded a South African Research Chair in Geometallurgy in January, 2008. In July, 2008, he was appointed as full professor at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.
Jens Gutzmer is recipient of the President Award of the National Research Foundation of South Africa (1999), the Waldemar E. Lindgren Award of the Society of Economic Geologists (2002) and the TWAS Award of the Academy of Sciences of South Africa (2007). He was awarded a Mercator Professorship to the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster in 2003-2004. He is an elected fellow of the Society of Economic Geology and the Geological Society of South Africa, and member of the Society of Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, the International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, and the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft. Currently, he serves on the editorial boards of the South African Journal of Geology and of Geochemistry. Since 2013 Jens Gutzmer is member of the Steering Committee within the European Rare Earths Competency Network (ERECON). He is also a member of the Advisory Board of Rock Tech Lithium Inc.