
Prof. Dr. Jens Gutzmer (PhD ZA)
Phone: +49 351 260 - 4400

Secretary: Vanessa Tschorn
Phone: 0351 260 - 4404

PD Dr. Simone Raatz
Administrative Manager
Phone: +49 351 260 - 4747

Sekretary: Louise Schulze
Phone: 0351 260 - 4403

Anne-Kristin Jentzsch
Press Officer
Phone: +49 351 260 - 4429

Renate Seidel
Secretary of the Institute
Phone: 0351 260 - 4430


Career, Education & Training

Interested in working with us? From geology to metallurgy, from biology to chemistry - the HIF regularly seeks for experts, PhD candidates or technicians and trainees. Have a look at our offers and join our team!

In addition, HIF researchers are contributing with their expertise to several European student and training programs.

The institute has close ties to research and teaching with TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Following the links you may obtain information on professorships and lectureships of HIF division leaders, group leaders and senior scientists.

Job vacancies

Link to our job vacancies | Theses | Career website of the entire HZDR

Programs for master and PhD students

Master students

PhD students

Further information: EIT Raw Materials Academy.


We support the raw materials short courses of the Regional Center Freiberg at KIC EIT RawMaterials.

Teaching at TU Bergakademie Freiberg

  • Prof Karl Gerald van den Boogaart
  • Dr Axel Renno
  • Dr Martin Rudolph
  • Dr Raimon Tolosana-Delgado