
PD Dr. Peter Zahn

Phone: +49 351 260 3121

Prof. Dr. Artur Erbe

Phone: +49 351 260 2366

Deputy spokesperson
Prof. Dr. Gianaurelio Cuniberti

Phone: +49 351 463 31414

TUD Logo


The next NanoNet+ Annual Workshop will take place in Schöneck in September 2025.
Topic, date and agenda will be announced soon .

The new SFB-Transregio 404 “Next Generation Electronics With Active Devices in Three Dimensions [Active-3D]” was granted by DFG (spokesperson Thomas Mikolajick). Web-site, Pressemitteilung TUD .

Ahmad Echresh defended his PhD thesis at TU Dresden, Faculty of Physics - Congratulations!

Helmholtz funding of NanoNet expired, but the network will continously promote collaboration and exchange of ideas.
Thanks to all members and partners.
Stay in contact!


NanoNet+11 Workshop 2024, Plauen

DPG Spring Meeting 2025 , Section Condensed Matter, Regensburg, DE

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Dresden Nano Seminar (TUD)

Ascent+ European Nanoelectronics Network

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IHRS NanoNet was funded by Initiative and Networking Fund of Helmholtz Association (VH-KO-606) until Dec 2020.

Organization and management

The IHRS NanoNet is organized and managed by its speakers, coordinator, teaching director, and steering committee. 

NANONET organization scheme


The speakers of the IHRS NanoNet lead the Steering Committee, and are the contact persons for inquiries concerning the scientific programme of the research school and on becoming a collaborative partner.


The coordinator of the IHRS NanoNet is responsible for the daily coordination and management of the research school, following the rules established by the Steering Committee. The coordinator is responsible for the organization of the graduate programme and the management of information flow and resources within the research school. The coordinator is the contact to the NanoNet consortium members and for inquiries concerning the graduate programme, application and selection procedures.

Teaching Director

The teaching director of the IHRS NanoNet is responsible for the review and implementation of the NanoNet educational programme in cooperation with the principal investigators.

Steering Committee

The steering committee is responsible for the strategic scientific programme of the research school and for the administration of funds. The steering committee is composed of the NanoNet speaker and deputy speaker, a representative of the different research topics, and a representative of the doctoral candidates.

International Advisory Board and Trustees

The NanoNet board is constituted by four international scientific advisors and by a local board of trustees. The advisory board oversees the scientific progress and quality of training within the research school.