NanoNet+ Annual Workshop 2024
The Annual Workshop of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet)
and the Department of Nanoelectronics of HZDR took place at the Jugendherberge Plauen on
September 18-20, 2024.
It was organized in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Vojislav Krstic (Applied Physics, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), and Dr. Otakar Frank (Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry (CAS), Prague, CZ).
This workshop was held 11 years after the first workshop of IHRS NanoNet in 2013.
The topics of the workshop were 2D Materials for Electronics and Sensing.
For registration details see below.
Plauen 2024
Participants 2024
More Impressions from the NanoNet+ workshop 2024 Plauen --> can be found in the Picture Gallery.
Invited Speakers [Agenda]
- Prof. Vojislav Krstic (FAU Univ Erlangen-Nuremberg, www) - Triggering new functionalities and states in materials: from nanostructuring to symmetry-breaking
- Dr. Otakar Frank (Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry (CAS), Prague, CZ, www) - Deformations in 2D materials
- Prof. David Caroll (Wake Forrest Univ, NC, US, www) - A Quest for Quantum Computing at Higher Temperatures
- Prof. Tibor Grasser (TU Wien, AT, www) - (cancelled) Insulators for Devices Based on 2D Materials
- Dr. Dmitry Momotenko (Ossietzky Univ Oldenburg, www) - Three-dimensional nanofabrication with confined electrochemistry
- Ph.D. cand. Sebastian Schaper (Univ Münster, www) - Dielectric Anisotropy Revealed: Spectroscopic Imaging Ellipsometry of 2D Materials
Contributed Talks [Agenda]
- Garcia Valenzuela, Aurelio (HZDR) - Toward high-sensitivity and low-power consumption gas sensor devices based on 2D-transistors
- Gray, Maria (FAU Erlangen) - Naturally encapsulated 2D electron gas beyond band gap opening in black phosphorus
- Haider, Golam (IFW Dresden) - Low-dimensional Hybrid Quantum Detectors
- Hanusova, Michaela (CAS Prague, CZ) - Unravelling interactions between MoS2 and metals
- Hulman, Martin (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, SK) - Temperature and magnetic field-dependent electric transport in polycrystalline PtSe2 layers with different thickness
- Pirker, Luka (CAS Prague, CZ) - Impact of He Irradiation on Micro- and Nano-Scale Properties in monolayer MoS2
- Sahu, Satyam (CAS Prague, CZ) - Optical behavior of CrSBr and its heterostructures with TMDCs
- Skakalova, Viera (Univ Vienna, AT) - (cancelled) Two-dimensional magnets synthesized in graphene oxide under ambient conditions: Atomic structure and properties
- Sojkova, Michaela (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, SK) - One-zone chalcogenization – effective method for fabrication of few-layer transition metal dichalcogenide films
- Strobel, Carsten (TU Dresden) - Towards Graphene Adjustable-Barriers Phototransistors: p-type Schottky contacts between silicon, germanium and graphene
- Yang, Hyejung (TU Dresden) - Scalable fabrication of electronic-grade 2D WTe2 nanosheets using synergistic dual ions insertion
Posters [List of Posters]
Student Award
The Student Award recognizes the best presentation by a young scientist.
It consists of a glass trophy for the winner, a certificate, and a voucher of 50/40/30 EUR for the first/second/third prize.
The winner of the First Prize is Alessandro Puddu from HZDR, the Second Prize went to Jaroslava Rahova (CAS Prague), the Third Prize to Satyam Sahu from CAS Prague - Congratulations.
Next in the ranking were Martin Jindra (CAS Prague), Ole Jäger (FAU Erlangen), and Simon Attenberger (FAU Erlangen).
Program, Abstracts, and Transport
The Agenda is available here (PDF).
The complete Abstract Booklet can be downloaded
here (5,6 MB).
Printed copies were provided at the conference venue.
Please, consider the environment before printing.
The scientific program will start after lunch on Day 1, and will run until Day 3 lunch time.
It will include invited talks, contributed talks, and one poster session on Day 1.
Invited talks are scheduled for 40+10 minutes,
Contributed talks for 20+5 minutes.
Posters will be on display the whole time. Format should be A0 in portrait orientation.
At Arrival, Sept 18, we recommend to take regional train (Deutsche Bahn, about 2h) from Dresden-Hauptbahnhof leaving every hour. There is no reservation required.
The youth hostel Plauen is about 20 minutes walk from Plauen, Oberer Bahnhof, or take tram no. 3 for a few stops until 'Neues Rathaus'.
At departure, Sept 20, we will conclude after lunch at around 2 pm.
For individual travel, this might help:
Route and time table from Dresden-Hbf to Plauen @ Google-maps,
Route and time table from Plauen to Dresden @ Google-maps
We met for a Walking City Tour on the first day with Ms. Sachs from Plauen- start at the hostel at 4:30 pm.
We had a wonderful view over the city from the tower of the New Town Hall.
On the second day, we visited the museum
Fabrik der Fäden
which was about 10 minutes walk from the hostel - start at the hostel at 3:45 pm.
We admired and learned about the beauty and technolgy of the famous Plauener Spitze.
More info and maps are available in the abstract booklet.
Workshop Venue: Jugendherberge Plauen
Participation in the workshop program is by invitation only, guests are very welcome. If you would like to join us, please contact the NanoNet coordinator by email, there are still spots available. .
This workshop was organized by the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet) and the Department Nanoelectronics at HZDR in cooperation with FAU Erlangen and CAS Prague (CZ).
Generous financial support by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung Hanau is kindly acklowledged.