NanoNet+ Annual Workshop 2022
The Annual Workshop of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet)
and the Departments of Nanoelectronics and of Semiconductor Materials of HZDR took place at the Jugendherberge Görlitz on October 4-6, 2022.
This was exactly 10 years after the foundation of NanoNet in 2012.
The topics of the workshop are 2D Materials and ultra-high doped semiconductors: electronics, photonics and sensing.
Görlitz 2022
Participants 2022
Impressions from
can be found in the
Picture Gallery.
Route and train time table from Dresden-Neustadt to Görlitz @ Google-maps
Keynote speakers
Dr. Andre HeinzigSenior Scientist, TU Dresden, Institute of Semiconductors and Microsystems, Chair of Nanoelectronics, and NaMLab gGmbH, Dresden, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dietrich R.T. ZahnChair for Seminconductor Physics, TU Chemnitz, Germany
Prof. Dr. Inga FischerChair for Experimental Physics and Functional Materials, BTU Cottbus, Germany
Prof. Dr. Rudolf BratschitschChair for Ultrafast Solid-State Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics, WWU Münster, Germany
Prof. Dr. Kambiz JamshidiChair of Radio Frequency and Photonics Engineering, TU Dresden, Germany
Dr. Otakar FrankHeyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry (CAS), Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Michael BussmannFounding Manager CASUS - Center for Advanced Systems Understanding, HZDR, Germany
Contributed Talks
will be given by PhD students, members of both departments, and guests:- Berencen, Yonder (HZDR) - On the silicon-photonic route to quantum communication and computing
- Biswas, Subhajit (Cork Univ Coll) - Converting waste heat into electrical energy in ionic nanofluidic membranes
- Chava, Phanish (HZDR) - Tunneling transport in van der Waals heterojunctions enabled by a two-dimensional device architecture
- Echresh, Ahmad (HZDR) - Axial p-n junction photodetectors based on single germanium nanowires
- Fekri, Zahra (HZDR) - Black phosphorus field-effect transistors and their applications
- Fowley, Ciaran (HZDR) - IBC Cleanroom: capabilities, recent upgrade and future plans
- Garcia, Aurelio (HZDR) - Environment-dependent friction, Raman and μ-RBS study of MoS2 coatings deposited by filtered Laser-Arc
- Ghosh, Sayantan (HZDR) - Novel Mixed Dimensional Reconfigurable Field Effect Transistors: Fabrication and Characterization
- Jagtap, Nagesh (HZDR) - Effect of He+ implantation on nanomechanical resonators in 3C-SiC
- Khan, Bilal (HZDR) - Towards Atmospheric Radical Sensing: Fabrication of Junctionless Transistors
- Khan, Moazzam (HZDR) - Group IV Nanowires for Reconfigurable Field Effect Transistors
- Krause, Matthias (HZDR) - High-temperature in-air stable transparent conductive oxide SnO2:Ta
- Shaikh, Saif (HZDR) - On-chip room-temperature planar PIN Si:Te photodiodes for short-wavelength infrared detection
- Steuer, Oliver (HZDR) - Band-gap and strain engineering in Ge1-xSnx alloys using post-growth pulsed laser melting
- Vardhan, Vaishali (Cork Univ Coll) Junctionless Nanowire Transistor based sensors for Atmospheric pollutants and detergents
- Yi, Li (HZDR) - Modification of two-dimensional materials using ion implantation
Student Award
The Student Award honours the best presentation of a young scientist.
It consists of a glass trophy for the winner, a certificate, and a voucher of 40/40/30 EUR for the first/second/third prize. The vouchers were sponsored by Prof. Sebastian M. Schmidt (first prize), Prof. Artur Erbe (second prize), and PD Dr. Peter Zahn (third prize).
Winner of the First Prize is Sayantan Ghosh from HZDR, the Second Prize went to Oliver Steuer (HZDR), the Third Prize to Vaishali Vardhan from University College Cork (Ireland) - Congratulations.
Next in the ranking were Zahra Fekri, Phanish Chava, Ahmad Echresh, and Saif Shaikh (all HZDR).
Program, Abstracts, and Transport
The Agenda is available here (PDF).
The complete Abstract Booklet can be downloaded
here (6,3 MB).
Printed copies will be provided at the conference venue.
Please, consider the environment before printing.
The complete lists of Talks and Posters are available.
An Excursion to Landeskrone the local mountain of Görlitz gave an overview on the Lusatia area, up to Giant Mountains (Riesengebirge, Krkonoše or Karkonosze) and Jizera Mountains (Isergebirge, Jizerské hory, Góry Izerskie) in Poland and Czech Republic.
Impressions can be found in the
Picture Gallery.
Second option was to visit the Barock-Haus individually. It is just around the corner and hosts the famous library of the Oberlausitzische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften (Upper Lusatia Academy of Sciences), more info here. Open until 5 pm., entrance fee 6 EUR.
More info and maps are available in the abstract booklet.
Workshop Venue
Participation in the workshop program was by invitation only. If you want to participate, please contact the NanoNet coordinator.
This workshop was organized by the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet) and the Departments Nanoelectronics and Semiconductor Materials at HZDR.
Generous financial support by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung Hanau is kindly acklowledged.