NanoNet PhD Seminars
The NanoNet PhD Seminars have been paused since end of 2020 first due to Corona pandemic, later due to joining of activities with the home institution at HZDR.
PhD Seminar 2020-2
The second PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2020 took place on Thursday November, 26th, 1-4 pm as on-line event via BigBlueButton.
Student Talks:
Shima Jazavandi (HZDR),
Ahmad Echresh (HZDR),
Phanish Chava (HZDR).
Additionally, Anh Nguyen Le and Diana Sandoval Bojorquez, PhD candidates from Larysa Baraban's group at HZDR presented their PhD projects.
The agenda is available on the internal area (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
PhD Seminar 2020-1
The first PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2020 took place on Thursday, May 14th, 1-3 pm as on-line meeting.
Student Talks:
Filip Kilibarda (HZDR),
Hagen Sekulla (TUD),
Alexander Strobel (HZDR).
The agenda is available at the internal area (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
After the seminar at 4 pm, you may join the talk of Mark Hersam from Northwestern University in the framework of the CarbOnlineHagen Symposia 2020. He will guide us through his impressive research on 2D materials for neuromorphic computing. Registration for this talk is open and recommended: here.
PhD Seminar 2019-2
The second PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2019 took place on November, 14th, 1:30-5 pm. at IPF - Seminar Room Bio-Bau.
List of speakers:
Student Talks:
Oumaima Aiboudi (IPF),
Kristina Ditte (IPF),
Bilal M. Khan (HZDR),
Shima Jazavandi (HZDR),
Ahmad Echresh (HZDR),
Phanish Chava (HZDR).
The agenda is available on the internal area in time. (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
PhD Seminar 2019-1
The first PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2019 was held on Monday, May 27th, 1-5 pm at HZDR, room 114/202.
List of speakers:
Dr. Artur Erbe (HZDR), Funding Opportunities
Student Talks:
Wenbo Sheng (TUD),
Panpan Zhang (TUD),
Filip Kilibarda (HZDR),
Alexander Strobel (HZDR).
The agenda is published on the internal area in time. (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
PhD Seminar 2018-2
The second PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2018 took place on November, 26th, 1-5 pm at the HZDR (build. 801, room P142).
List of speakers:
Student Talks:
Himani Arora (HZDR),
Türkan Bayrak (HZDR),
Jingjing Ye (Uni Leipzig),
Oumaima Aiboudi (IPF),
Kristina Ditta (IPF),
Hagen Sekulla (TUD).
Agenda here. (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
PhD Seminar 2018-1
The first PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2018 was organized on May 24th, 1-5 pm. at IPF (Seminar room Bio-Bau, entrance via Hohe Str. 6).
List of speakers:
Dr. Walter Weber (NaMLab), Semiconductor nanowire electronics and their
prospects within the cluster of excellence cfaed
Seddigheh Nikipar (TUD),
Wenbo Sheng (TUD),
Panpan Zhang (TUD),
P. Goutham Raj (IPF),
Filip Kilibarda (HZDR),
Bilal M. Khan (HZDR).
The agenda is available at the internal area. (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
PhD Seminar 2017-2
The second PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2017 took place on November 6th at the HZDR campus.
List of speakers:
Topical Talk: Technology transfer and funding options, Stephan Krüger, (HZDR technology transfer dept.)
Student Talks:
Himani Arora (HZDR),
Panpan Zhang (TUD),
Julian Schütt (TUD),
Alexander Strobel (HZDR),
Hagen Sekulla (TUD),
Florian Günther (HZDR/TUD)
The agenda can be found in the internal area (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
PhD Seminar 2017-1
The first PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2017 was hosted at the IPF on the afternoon of May 2nd.
List of speakers:
Topical Talk: Prof. Dr. Stefan Mannsfeld (TU Dresden) - Solution-coating of High-Performance Organic Semiconductor Films
Student Talks:
Dmitry Skidin (TUD) 'Donor-acceptor-donor molecules for on-surface polymerization',
Seddigheh Nikipar (TUD) 'Theoretical methods for simulations of STM spectroscopy beyond the Tersoff-Hamann approximation',
Wenbo Sheng (TUD) 'Preparation and application of conductive polymers',
P. Goutham Raj (IPF) 'Two dimensional Hybrid Perovskites – Material and Electrical Characterization',
F. Kilibarda (HZDR) 'Single molecule transport measurements',
B. M. Khan (HZDR) 'Performance Enhancement of Reconfigurable Field Effect Transisitors by application of Strain and Dielectric Material'
The agenda can be found in the internal area (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
PhD Seminar 2016-2
The second PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2016 was hosted at the IFW Dresden, room D2E.27 on 18 November 2016, 2:15-6 pm.
List of speakers:
Topical Talk: Dr. Thomas Gemming (IFW Dresden) - High-resolution TEM
Student Talks:
Julian Schütt (TUD),
Wajid Awan (HZDR),
Florian Fuchs (HZDR, FhG ENAS),
Lokamani (TUD, HZDR),
Jingjing Ye (Uni Leipzig),
Türkan Bayrak (HZDR)
The preliminary agenda can be found in the internal area (Documents Archive -> PhD Seminars).
PhD Seminar 2016-1
The first PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2016 was hosted at the HZDR on 24th May 2016, 1-5 pm.
PhD Seminar 2015-2
The second PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2015 was hosted at the IPF on 6 November 2015, 13:00-17:00 (Konferenz-Saal, Hauptgebäude, Hohe Str. 6, 01069 Dresden).
A detailed agenda can be found in the internal area.
List of speakers:
D. Skidin (TUD),
W. Awan (HZDR),
F. Fuchs (HZDR),
S. Nikipar (TUD),
J. Schütt (TUD)
Dr. Larysa Baraban (TUD) - Topical Talk
PhD Seminar 2015-1
The first PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) in 2015 was hosted at the HZDR on 5 May 2015, 9:00-13:00.
List of speakers: |
PhD Seminar 2014-2
The second PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) this year was hosted at the IPF partner site on 10 November 2014.
- Seminar agenda
- List of speakers:
Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming (HZDR) - Topical Talk, Eunhye Baek (TUD), Jonas Nawroth (TUD), Florian Günther (HZDR), Dmitry Skidin (TUD), Wajid Awan (HZDR)
PhD Seminar 2014-1
The first PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) this year was hosted at the HZDR on 27 May 2014.
List of speakers:
Yuriy Aleksandrov (HZDR),
Dipjyoti Deb (HZDR),
Jeffrey Kelling (HZDR),
Lokamani (TUD),
Bezuayehu Teshome (HZDR),
Gözde Öktem (IPF),
Banu Iyisan (IPF), and
Mimi Hetti (IPF)
PhD Seminar 2013-2
The second PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) 2013 was hosted at the HZDR on 19 September 2013.
List of speakers:
Torsten Sendler (HZDR,
Eunhye Baek (TUD),
Jonas Nawroth (TUD),
PhD Seminar 2013-1
The first PhD seminar of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) ever was hosted at the HZDR on 3 June 2013, 11:00-17:00.
List of speakers: |