Publications of Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research

1365 Publications


Advantages and challenges of using arterial spin labelling MRI to monitor cerebral blood flow in multi-centre clinical trials of neurodegenerative disease: Experience from the RADAR study

Jarutyte, L.; Petr, J.; Turner, N.; Kehoe, P. G.; Mutsaerts, H.-J.; et al. (6 authors)

Blood-brain barrier water permeability across the adult lifespan: A multi-echo ASL study

Padrela, B. E.; Slivka, M.; Sneve, M. H.; Garrido, P. F.; Dijsselhof, M. B. J.; et al. (18 authors)

Associations between Potential Risk Factors and Blood-brain Barrier Water Permeability in Middle-aged and Older Adults

Tee, M.; Padrela, B.; Dupeyron, M.; Huang, J.; Low, M.; et al. (14 authors)


Altered ACE2 and interferon landscape in the COVID-19 microenvironment correlate with the anti-PD-1 response in solid tumors

Subbarayan, K.; Al-Samadi, A.; Schäfer, H.; Massa, C.; Salo, T.; et al. (13 authors)

Bismuth Oxide Nanorings: A Potential Material for Hyperthermia-Based Tumor Therapy

Batool, A.; Duffin, R. N.; Burke, K.; Stephan, H.; Baraban, L.; et al. (6 authors)

CAR-mediated targeting of NK cells overcomes tumor immune escape caused by ICAM-1 downregulation

Eitler, J.; Rackwitz, W.; Wotschel, N.; Gudipati, V.; Murali, S. N.; et al. (19 authors)

Cross-bridged cyclam derivatives with bis(phosphinate) and phosphinate-phosphonate pendant arms (cb-BPC) as chelators for copper radioisotopes

Urbanovský, P.; David, T.; Hlinová, V.; Kubíček, V.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; et al. (6 authors)

Re-design and evaluation of diclofenac-based carborane-substituted prodrugs and their anti-cancer potential

Selg, C.; Gordić, V.; Krajnović, T.; Buzharevski, A.; Laube, M.; et al. (14 authors)

Heterogeneity of tumor biophysical properties and their potential role as prognostic markers.

Markl, A. M.; Nieder, D.; Sandoval Bojorquez, D. I.; Taubenberger, A.; Berret, J. F.; et al. (9 authors)

EEG hyperexcitability and hyperconnectivity linked to GABAergic inhibitory interneuron loss following traumatic brain injury

May, H. G.; Tsikonofilos, K.; Donat, C.; Sastre, M.; Kozlov, A. S.; et al. (7 authors)

Tailoring metabolic activity assays for tumour-engineered 3D models

Clegg, J.; Curvello, R.; Gabrielyan, A.; Croagh, D.; Hauser, S.; et al. (6 authors)

Synthesis and Preclinical Evaluation of a Bispecific PSMA-617/RM2 Heterodimer Targeting Prostate Cancer

Liolios, C.; Bouziotis, D.; Sihver, W.; Schäfer, M.; Lambrinidis, G.; et al. (11 authors)

Formation of multinucleated osteoclasts depends on an oxidized species of cell surface-associated La protein

Leikina, E.; Whitlock, J. M.; Melikov, K.; Zang, W.; Bachmann, M.; et al. (6 authors)

Immune modulatory microRNAs in tumors, their clinical relevance in diagnosis and therapy

Vaxevanis, C.; Bachmann, M.; Seliger, B.

Development and Evaluation of Deuterated [18F]JHU94620 Isotopologues for the Non-invasive Assessment of the Cannabinoid type 2 Receptor in Brain

Gündel, D.; Teodoro, R.; Ludwig, F.-A.; Heerklotz, A.; Toussaint, M.; et al. (10 authors)

Highlight selection of radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments by editorial board

Scott, P.; Penuelas, I.; Rey, A.; Aime, S.; Ambikalmajan, P.; et al. (19 authors)

68Ga-labeled fibroblast activation protein inhibitor (FAPI) PET/CT for locally advanced or recurrent pancreatic cancer staging and restaging after chemoradiotherapy

Metzger, G.; Bayerl, C.; Rogasch, J.; Furth, C.; Wetz, C.; et al. (16 authors)

Quantitative PSMA-PET parameters in localized prostate cancer: prognostic and potential predictive value

Bela Andela, S.; Amthauer, H.; Furth, C.; Rogasch, J.; Beck, M.; et al. (13 authors)

Combined PET radiotracer approach reveals insights into stro-mal cell-induced metabolic changes in pancreatic cancer in vitro and in vivo

Doctor, A.; Laube, M.; Meister, S.; Kiß, O.; Kopka, K.; et al. (7 authors)

Human Performance in Predicting Enhancement Quality of Gliomas Using Gadolinium-Free MRI Sequences

Azizova, A.; Wamelink, I. J. H. G.; Prysiazhniuk, Y.; Cakmak, M.; Kaya, E.; et al. (8 authors)

Cyclohexanediamine triazole (CHDT)-functionalization enables labeling of target molecules with Al18F / 68Ga / 111In

Sihver, W.; Walther, M.; Ullrich, M.; Nitt-Weber, A.-K.; Böhme, J.; et al. (14 authors)

Enhancing the radionuclide theranostic concept through the radiohybrid approach

Krönke, T.; Kopka, K.; Mamat, C.

Programmable Release of Chemotherapeutics from Ferrocene-based Injectable Hydrogels Slows Melanoma Growth

Rothe, R.; Xu, Y.; Wodtke, J.; Brandt, F.; Meister, S.; et al. (10 authors)

The heterobivalent (SSTR2/albumin) radioligand [67Cu]cCu-NODAGA-cLAB4-TATE enables efficient somatostatin receptor radionuclide theranostics

Ullrich, M.; Wodtke, R.; Brandt, F.; Freudenberg, R.; Kotzerke, J.; et al. (8 authors)

Deep learning based bilateral filtering for edge-preserving denoising of respiratory-gated PET

Maus, J.; Nikulin, P.; Hofheinz, F.; Petr, J.; Braune, A.; et al. (7 authors)

Preoperative Prediction of Diffuse Glioma Type and Grade in Adults: a Gadolinium-Free MRI-Based Decision Tree

Azizova, A.; Prysiazhniuk, Y.; Wamelink, I. J. H. G.; Cakmak, M.; Kaya, E.; et al. (11 authors)

Janus Particles in Acoustofluidic Setup: The Interplay between Self-Propulsion and Acoustic Trapping

Marie Benko, L.; Misko, V. R.; Baraban, L.; Makarov, D.; Maisto, A.; et al. (6 authors)

Carborane Conjugates with Ibuprofen, Fenoprofen and Flurbiprofen: Synthesis, Characterization, COX Inhibition Potential and In Vitro Activity

Sonam, S.; Jelača, S.; Laube, M.; Schädlich, J.; Pietzsch, J.; et al. (9 authors)

Novel 18F-labeled benzimidazolone-based radioligands as highly selective sigma-2 receptor probes for tumor imaging

Wang, J.; Wang, T.; Mou, T.; Yang, T.; Gao, X.; et al. (12 authors)

Associations of life-course cardiovascular risk factors with late-life cerebral haemodynamics

Dijsselhof, M. B. J.; Holtrop, J.; James, S.-N.; Lu, K.; Lorenzini, L.; et al. (17 authors)

Dual time-point [18F]FDG PET imaging for quantification of metabolic uptake rate: Evaluation of a simple, clinically feasible method

Samimi, R.; Kamali-Asl, A.; Ahmadyar, Y.; van den Hoff, J.; Geramifar, P.; et al. (6 authors)

Scalability Study on [133La]LaCl3 Production with a Focus on Potential Clinical Applications

Brühlmann, S. A.; Walther, M.; Blei, M. K.; Mamat, C.; Kopka, K.; et al. (7 authors)

UniCAR T-cell potency – A matter of affinity between Adaptor Molecules and Adaptor CAR T-cells?

Boutier, H.; Rodrigues Loureiro, L. R.; Hoffmann, L.; Arndt, C.; Bartsch, T.; et al. (7 authors)

Diffuse glioma molecular profiling with Arterial Spin Labeling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast perfusion MRI: a comparative study

Prysiazhniuk, Y.; Server, A.; Leske, H.; Bech-Aase, Ø.; Helseth, E.; et al. (12 authors)

Developing blood-brain barrier arterial spin labelling as a non-invasive early biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease (DEBBIE-AD): a prospective observational multicohort study protocol

Padrela, B.; Mahroo, A.; Tee, M.; Sneve, M. H.; Moyaert, P.; et al. (43 authors)

64Cu tumor labeling with hexadentate picolinic acid-based bispidine immunoconjugates

Kubeil, M.; Neuber, C.; Starke, M.; Arndt, C.; Rodrigues Loureiro, L. R.; et al. (11 authors)

Towards the Stable Binding of Mercury: Synthesis and Functionalization of Dibenzyldiazabicyclononane Scaffolds

Weber, T.; Krönke, T.; Köckerling, M.; Walther, M.; Pietzsch, H.-J.; et al. (7 authors)

Highlight selection of radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments by editorial board

Toyohara, J.; Vugts, D.; Kiß, O.; Todde, S.; Li, X.-G.; et al. (24 authors)

Reproducibility of Arterial Spin Labeling Cerebral Blood Flow image processing: A Report of The ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging and the ASL MRI Challenge

Paschoal, A. M.; Woods, J. G.; Pinto, J.; Bron, E. E.; Petr, J.; et al. (26 authors)

Value of [18F] FDG PET/CT parameters of the primary tumor in assessing overall survival in NSCLC patients with cN1-cN3 lymph nodes involvement

Cegla, P.; Hofheinz, F.; Czepczyński, R.; Witkowska, K.; van den Hoff, J.; et al. (8 authors)

  • Open Access Logo Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy 29(2024)1, 97-102
    DOI: 10.5603/rpor.99360

RevCAR-expressing immune effector cells for targeting of Fn14-positive glioblastoma

Abdelfatah Saleh Hassan, H. A.; Mitwasi, N.; Rodrigues Loureiro, L. R.; Kegler, A.; Elizabeth González Soto, K.; et al. (11 authors)

The crystal structure of (2-diphenylphosphanylphenyl) 2-[7-(dimethylamino)-2-oxochromen-4-yl]acetate, C31H26NO4P

Mamat, C.; Köckerling, M.

Improved automated one-pot two-step radiosynthesis of (S)-[18F]FETrp, a radiotracer for PET imaging of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1)

Maisonial-Besset, A.; Kryza, D.; Kopka, K.; Levesque, S.; Moreau, E.; et al. (7 authors)

Impact of Viscosity on Human Hepatoma Spheroids in Soft Core-Shell Microcapsules

Peng, X.; Janićijević, Ž.; Lemm, S.; Hauser, S.; Knobel, M.; et al. (8 authors)

Recreating metabolic interactions of the tumour microenvironment

Curvello, R.; Berndt, N.; Hauser, S.; Loessner, D.

Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells obstruct AML-targeting CD8+ clonal effector and CAR T cell function while promoting a senescence-associated phenotype

Towers, R.; Trombello, L.; Fusenig, M.; Tunger, A.; Baumann, A.-L.; et al. (16 authors)

Alpha-emitting Radionuclides: Current Status and Future Perspectives

Miederer, M.; Benešová-Schäfer, M.; Mamat, C.; Kästner, D.; Pretze, M.; et al. (11 authors)

Design and Development of Transient Sensing Devices for Healthcare Applications

Janićijević, Ž.; Huang, T.; Sandoval Bojorquez, D. I.; Tonmoy, T. H.; Pané, S.; et al. (7 authors)

[¹⁸F]Fluspidine – a PET tracer for imaging of σ1 receptors in the central nervous system

Ludwig, F.-A.; Laurini, E.; Schmidt, J.; Pricl, S.; Deuther-Conrad, W.; et al. (6 authors)

Production of medical radionuclides in the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Tumor Research – a status report

Kreller, M.; Walther, M.; Brühlmann, S. A.; Knieß, T.; Kopka, K.

Portable Droplet-Based Real-Time Monitoring of Pancreatic α-Amylase in Postoperative Patients

Zhao, X.; Kolbinger, F. R.; Distler, M.; Weitz, J.; Makarov, D.; et al. (7 authors)

Production of the PET radionuclide 61Cu via the 62Ni(p,2n)61Cu Nuclear Reaction

Brühlmann, S. A.; Walther, M.; Kopka, K.; Kreller, M.

Preclinical evaluation of an ¹⁸F-labeled Nε-acryloyllysine piperazide for covalent targeting of transglutaminase 2

Wodtke, R.; Laube, M.; Hauser, S.; Meister, S.; Ludwig, F.-A.; et al. (9 authors)

Chelator Impact: Investigating the Pharmacokinetic Behavior of Copper-64 Labeled PD-L1 Radioligands

Krutzek, F.; Donat, C.; Stadlbauer, S.

Position Paper to facilitate patient access to radiopharmaceuticals - considerations for a suitable pharmaceutical regulatory framework

Korde, A.; Patt, M.; Selivanova, S.; Scott, A.; Hesselmann, R.; et al. (15 authors)

The Past, Present, and Future of the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)

Poldrack, R. A.; Markiewicz, C. J.; Appelhoff, S.; Ashar, Y. K.; Auer, T.; et al. (112 authors)

Longitudinal cerebral perfusion in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia: GENFI results

Pasternak, M.; Mirza, S.; Luciw, N.; Mutsaerts, H.; Petr, J.; et al. (42 authors)

Ten years of VASARI glioma features: Systematic review and meta-analysis of their impact and performance

Azizova, A.; Prysiazhniuk, Y.; Wamelink, I. J. H. G.; Petr, J.; Barkhof, F.; et al. (6 authors)

Improving susceptibility of neuroendocrine tumors to radionuclide therapies: personalized approaches towards complementary treatments

Richter, S.; Steenblock, C.; Lemm, S.; Ziegler, C. G.; Bechmann, N.; et al. (8 authors)

Production of ⁷⁶Br at the cyclotron Cyclone 18/9

Franke, K.; Mansel, A.; Schöngart, J.

Brain tumor imaging without gadolinium-based contrast agents: Feasible or Fantasy?

Wamelink, I. J. H. G.; Azizova, A.; Booth, T. C.; Mutsaerts, H. J. M. M.; Ogunleye, A.; et al. (9 authors)

Preparation of HOPO-containing lariate ethers based on the diaza-18-crown-6 scaffold

Paßler, F.; Belke, L.; Reissig, F.; Kopka, K.; Mamat, C.


Combining Cisplatin with Different Radiation Qualities—Interpretation of Cytotoxic Effects In Vitro by Isobolographic Analysis

Runge, R.; Reissig, F.; Herzog, N.; Oehme, L.; Brogsitter, C.; et al. (6 authors)

Molecular imaging of bacterial outer membrane vesicles based on bacterial surface display

Szöllősi, D.; Hajdrik, P.; Tordai, H.; Horváth, I.; Veres, D. S.; et al. (25 authors)

Selecting active matter according to motility in an acoustofluidic setup: Self-propelled particles and sperm cells

Misko, V. R.; Baraban, L.; Makarov, D.; Huang, T.; Gelin, P.; et al. (10 authors)

Extended-gate field-effect transistor chemo- and biosensors: State of the art and perspectives

Janićijević, Ž.; Nguyen Le, T. A.; Baraban, L.

Preparation of 18F-Labeled Tracers Targeting Fibroblast Activation Protein via Sulfur [18F]Fluoride Exchange Reaction

Craig, A.; Kogler, J.; Laube, M.; Ullrich, M.; Donat, C.; et al. (8 authors)

The revision of the pharmaceutical legislation – it is time to act for nuclear medicine in Europe

Patt, M.; Decristoforo, C.; de Martini, A.; Koole, M.; Oyen, W.; et al. (6 authors)

Targeting colorectal cancer cells using AND-gated Adaptor RevCAR T-cells

González Soto, K. E.; Rodrigues Loureiro, L. R.; Bartsch, T.; Arndt, C.; Kegler, A.; et al. (16 authors)

Methods gold standard in clinic millifluidics multiplexed extended gate field-effect transistor biosensor with gold nanoantennae as signal amplifiers

Janićijević, Ž.; Nguyen Le, T. A.; Alsadig, A.; Cela, I.; Zilenaite, R.; et al. (9 authors)

Immunotheranostic target modules for imaging and navigation of UniCAR T-cells to strike FAP-expressing cells and the tumor microenvironment

Rodrigues Loureiro, L. R.; Hoffmann, L.; Neuber, C.; Rupp, L.; Arndt, C.; et al. (12 authors)

Population dynamics of cross-protection against β-lactam antibiotics in droplet microreactors

Zhao, X.; Ruelens, P.; Farr, A. D.; de Visser, J. A. G. M.; Baraban, L.

Combination of tumor asphericity and an extracellular matrix-related prognostic gene signature in non-small cell lung cancer patients

Zschaeck, S.; Klinger, B.; van den Hoff, J.; Cegla, P.; Apostolova, I.; et al. (13 authors)

Exploring the Potential of Nanogels: From Drug Carriers to Radiopharmaceutical Agents

Kubeil, M.; Suzuki, Y.; Casulli, M. A.; Kamal, R.; Hashimoto, T.; et al. (8 authors)

Bispidine Chelators for Radiopharmaceutical Applications with Lanthanide, Actinide and Main Group Metal Ions

Kopp, I.; Cieslik, P.; Anger, K.; Josephy, T.; Neupert, L.; et al. (15 authors)

Exploring Hydrophilic PD-L1 Radiotracers Utilizing Phosphonic Acids: Insights Into Unforeseen Pharmacokinetics

Krutzek, F.; Donat, C.; Stadlbauer, S.

Development of a Highly Specific 18F-labeled Radioligand for Imaging of Sigma-2 Receptor in Brain Tumor

Wang, T.; Wang, J.; Chen, L.; Zhang, X.; Mou, T.; et al. (11 authors)

Asphericity derived from [18F]FDG PET as a new prognostic parameter in cervical cancer patients

Cegla, P.; Hofheinz, F.; Burchardt, E.; Czepczyński, R.; Kubiak, A.; et al. (10 authors)

18F-FDG PET/CT-derived total lesion glycolysis predicts abscess formation in patients with surgically confirmed infective endocarditis: Results of a retrospective study at a tertiary center

Maria Sag, S. J.; Menhart, K.; Hitzenbichler, F.; Schmid, C.; Hofheinz, F.; et al. (10 authors)

Radiomics predictive modeling from dual-time-point FDG PET Ki parametric maps: application to chemotherapy response in lymphoma

Samimi, R.; Shiri, I.; Ahmadyar, Y.; van den Hoff, J.; Kamali-Asl, A.; et al. (9 authors)

Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Small Molecule Based Radioligands with Improved Pharmacokinetic Properties for Imaging of Programmed Death Ligand 1

Krutzek, F.; Donat, C.; Ullrich, M.; Stadlbauer, S.

Radiosynthesis and biological evaluation of [¹⁸F]AG-120 for PET imaging of the mutant isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 in gliomas

Lai, T. H.; Wenzel, B.; Dukic-Stefanovic, S.; Teodoro, R.; Arnaud, L.; et al. (14 authors)

  • Open Access Logo European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 51(2024), 1085-1096
    Online First (2023) DOI: 10.1007/s00259-023-06515-7

Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Macropa Complexes with Selected Metal Isotopes of Radiopharmaceutical Interest

Blei, M. K.; Waurick, L.; Reissig, F.; Kopka, K.; Stumpf, T.; et al. (8 authors)

Lysyl oxidases as targets for cancer therapy and diagnostic imaging

Löser, R.; Kuchar, M.; Wodtke, R.; Neuber, C.; Belter, B.; et al. (8 authors)

MRI-based parameter inference for cerebral perfusion modelling in health and ischaemic stroke

Jósza, T.; Petr, J.; Payne, S. J.; Mutsaerts, H.-J.

A novel ACE2 decoy for both neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 variants and killing of infected cells

Kegler, A.; Drewitz, L.; Arndt, C.; Daglar, C.; Rodrigues Loureiro, L. R.; et al. (27 authors)

Synthesis and In Vitro Biological Evaluation of p-Carborane-based Di-tert-butylphenol Analogs

Braun, S.; Jelača, S.; Laube, M.; George, S.; Hofmann, B.; et al. (11 authors)

FLT3-directed UniCAR T-cell therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

Peschke, J.; Bergmann, R.; Mehnert, M.; González Soto, K. E.; Rodrigues Loureiro, L. R.; et al. (16 authors)

Design and Biological Evaluation of Small-Molecule PET-Tracers for Imaging of Programmed Death Ligand 1

Krutzek, F.; Donat, C.; Ullrich, M.; Zarschler, K.; Ludik, M.-C.; et al. (9 authors)

Development of the Highly Affine Carborane-Based Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 PET Ligand [18F]LUZ5-d8

Ueberham, L.; Gündel, D.; Kellert, M.; Deuther-Conrad, W.; Ludwig, F.-A.; et al. (11 authors)

Radiofluorination of an anionic, azide-functionalized teroligomer by copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition

Wenzel, B.; Schmid, M.; Teodoro, R.; Moldovan, R.-P.; Lai, T. H.; et al. (11 authors)

Effect of physical exercise on brain perfusion in chemotherapy-treated breast cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial (PAM study)

Koevoets, E. W.; Petr, J.; Monninkhof, E. M.; Geerlings, M. I.; Witlox, L.; et al. (15 authors)

  • Open Access Logo Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 59(2024)5, 1667-1680
    Online First (2023) DOI: 10.1002/jmri.28967

Preclinical Characterization of the 177Lu-Labeled Prostate Stem Cell Antigen (PSCA)-Specific Monoclonal Antibody 7F5

Striese, F.; Neuber, C.; Gräßel, S.; Arndt, C.; Ullrich, M.; et al. (13 authors)

Multivalent adaptor proteins specifically target NK cells carrying a universal chimeric antigen receptor to ErbB2 (HER2)-expressing cancers

Pfeifer Serrahima, J.; Zhang, C.; Oberoi, P.; Bodden, M.; Röder, J.; et al. (13 authors)

Carborane-based Tebufelone Analogs and their Biological Evaluation In Vitro

Braun, S.; Paskas, S.; Laube, M.; George, S.; Hofmann, B.; et al. (11 authors)

Specific and safe targeting of glioblastoma using switchable and logic-gated RevCAR T cells

Abdelfatah Saleh Hassan, H. A.; Mitwasi, N.; Ullrich, M.; Kubeil, M.; Toussaint, M.; et al. (17 authors)

Isonimesulide and its carborane analogues as isoform-selective COX inhibitors and antitumor agents

Useini, L.; Komazec, T.; Laube, M.; Lönnecke, P.; Schädlich, J.; et al. (9 authors)

Comparative saturation binding analysis of ⁶⁴Cu-labeled somatostatin analogs using cell homogenates and intact cells

Ullrich, M.; Brandt, F.; Löser, R.; Pietzsch, J.; Wodtke, R.

ASL lexicon and reporting recommendations: A consensus report from the ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI)

Suzuki, Y.; Clement, P.; Dai, W.; Dolui, S.; Fernández-Seara, M.; et al. (11 authors)

  • Open Access Logo Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 91(2024), 1743-1760
    Online First (2023) DOI: 10.1002/mrm.29815

Immunotargeting of Cancer Stem Cells.

Köseer, A. S.; Di Gaetano, S.; Arndt, C.; Bachmann, M.; Dubrovska, A.

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