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43557 Publications
Plasma immersion ion implantation for diffusive treatment
Möller, W.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
PSE'98, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Sept. 14 - 18, 1998 (invited lecture)
Vorsorgeuntersuchung an historischem Glas
Mäder, M.; Neelmeijer, C.; Schreiner, M.
Lecture (Conference)
Jahrestagung der GDCh, Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, Würzburg, Sept. 23 -25, 1998 -
Lecture (Conference)
Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege - Kurzberichte 1998, S. 149 - 151 -
Contribution to external collection
Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege - Kurzberichte 1998, S. 149 - 151
Composition analysis of medieval glass using PIXE
Mäder, M.; Neelmeijer, C.; Schreiner, M.
Lecture (Conference)
8th. Int. Conf. on PIXE and its Analytical applications, Lund, Sweden, June 14-18, 1998
Modeling high temperature co-implantation of N+-and Al+-ions into SiC: the effects of stress on the implant and damage distributions
Kulikov, A. V.; Trushin, Y. V.; Yankov, R. A.; Kreißig, U.; Fukarek, W.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.; Pezoldt, J.
Lecture (Conference)
E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998
Theoretical and experimental studies of (AIN)(1-x)(SiC)xlayer structures formed by N+ and Al+ co-implantation 6H-SiC
Kulikov, A. V.; Pezoldt, J.; Rybin, P. V.; Skorupa, W.; Trushin, Y. V.; Yankov, R. A.
Lecture (Conference)
Int.Workshop Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering, E 2, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 8 - 12, 1998
Dynamic in-situ diagnostics using ERD analysis
Kruse, O.; Grötzschel, R.
Lecture (Conference)
ION'98, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 16 - 19, 1998
Tiefenselektive Phasenanalyse der Fe-Silizidbildung in Fe-ionenimplantiertem Si mittels DCEMS
Kruijer, S.; Walterfang, M.; Keune, W.; Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.
Lecture (Conference)
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, March 23-27, 1998
Deposition of nanoscaled multilayer structures by ion beam assisted deposition
Kolitsch, A.; Wang, X.; Möller, W.
Lecture (Conference)
5th DANFYSIK User Meeting, Brindisi, Italien, Sept. 1998
Development of a user data base system for ion implanter operation
Kolitsch, A.; Schöneich, J.
Lecture (Conference)
5th DANFYSIK User Meeting, Brindisi, Italy, Sept. 1998
BN based multilayers by ion beam assisted deposition
Kolitsch, A.; Wang, X.; Möller, W.
Lecture (Conference)
MRS Fall Meeting 1998, , Boston, USA, Dec. 1998
Defect agglomeration in ion implanted silicon away from RP
Kögler, R.; Yankov, R. A.; Skorupa, W.
Lecture (Conference)
XIIth Int. Conf. Ion Implantation Technology (IIT´98), Kyoto, Japan, June 22-26, 1998
Technische Sitzungen der Sektion 2 (Thermo- und Fluiddynamik) der Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 1999
Knebel, J.; Grötzbach, G.; Lischke, W.; Rohde, U.; Schaffrath, A.
Auf der Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 1999 in Karlsruhe wurden in der Sektion 2 vier technische Sitzungen zu den Themenschwerpunkten: Stabilitätsuntersuchungen in Zweiphasenströmungen, DWR Integralexperimente, Experimente und Code-Validierung für WWER-Reaktoren, 3D Phänomene, Methoden und Rechnungen sowie 1 Postersession durchgeführt. Die einzelnen Beiträge werden in dem vorliegenden Artikel zusammengefaßt.
Keywords: Jahrestagung Kerntechnik; Thermo- und Fluiddynamik; Stabilitätsuntersuchungen; WWER-Reaktoren; 3D Phänomene
- atomwirtschaft - atomtechnik 44 (1999), Heft 7, S. 419-423
Defects remaining in MeV-ion-implanted Si away from the peak of the nuclear energy deposition
Kögler, R.; Yankov, R. A.; Posselt, M.; Danilin, A.; Skorupa, W.
Lecture (Conference)
E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998
Distribution of gettering centres at a buried amorphous layer in Si
Kögler, R.; Eichhorn, F.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.; Danilin, A.
Lecture (Conference)
11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam,The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998
Nanopatterning of thin CoSi2 layers by local oxidation
Kappius, L.; Antons, A.; Dolle, M.; Trinkaus, H.; Mesters, S.; Bochem, H.-P.; Mantl, S.; Heinig, K.-H.
Lecture (Conference)
Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 13-17, 1998
Hydrogen isotope inventories in plasma facing components of ASDEX UPGRADE
Krieger, K.; Maier, H. J.; Grambole, D.; Schleussner, D.; Franzen, P.
Lecture (Conference)
17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 19 -24, 1998
Lattice site location of foreign atoms measured by the GRID method
Karmann, A.; Wesch, W.; Börner, H. G.; Jentschel, M.; Heinig, K.-H.
Lecture (Conference)
Int. Workshop on Applications of High-Precision gamma-Spectroscopy, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IL, USA, July 1 - 3, 1998
The GRID technique: current status and new trends
Jentschel, M.; Börner, H. G.; Heinig, K.-H.; Doll, C.
Lecture (Conference)
Int. Workshop on Applications of High-Precision (-Spectroscopy, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IL, USA, July 1 - 3, 1998
Structural analysis of Si/Fe and Mo/Fe ion-beam mixed layers
Jagielski, J.; Kopcewicz, M.; Turos, A.; Eichhorn, F.
Lecture (Conference)
11th. Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998
Growth of ion-beam deposited a-C and a-C:H films: molecular-dynamics simulations using empirical many-body potential expressions
Jäger, H.-U.
Lecture (Conference)
9th Europ. Conf. on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide, Crete, Greece, Sept. 13-18, 1998
Untersuchung historischer menschlicher Knochen mit Ionen-Mikrosonde
Jankuhn, S.; Butz, T.; Flagmeyer, R.-H.; Reinert, T.; Vogt, J.; Barckhausen, B.; Hammerl, J.; Protsch Von Zieten, R.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.; Bethge, K.
Lecture (Conference)
Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände Chemische Physik, Kurzzeitphysik, Plasmaphysik, Polymerphysik, Bayreuth, March 9 - 13, 1998
Heavy-Ion induced damage of crystalline Ge and W at 0.5 to 8 MeV/u range
Huber, H.; Assmann, W.; Karamian, S. A.; Mieskes, H. D.; Nolte, H.; Gazis, E.; Kokkoris, M.; Kossionides, S.; Vlastou, R.; Grötzschel, R.; Mücklich, A.; Prusseit, W.
Lecture (Conference)
Int. Conf. on Swift Heavy Ions in Matter ( SHIM-98), Berlin , May 1998 - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 146 (1998) 309-316
Pd diffusion in ZnTe and CdTe
Herrmann, S.; Mahnke, H.-E.; Spellmeyer, B.; Wienecke, M.; Reinhold, B.; Yankov, R. A.; Gumlich, H.-E.
Lecture (Conference)
E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998
Effects of neutron irradiation on Fe-Cu model alloys and RPV steels probed by positron annihilation and hardness measurements
Hempel, A.; Saneyasu, M.; Tang, Z.; Hasegawa, M.; Brauer, G.; Plazaola, F.; Yamaguchi, S.
Lecture (Conference)
19th Symp. on Effects of Radiation on Materials, Seattle/WA, June 16-18, 1998
A combination of computer simulation methods to predict quantum dot evolution during ion beam synthesis
Heinig, K.-H.; Strobel, M.
Lecture (Conference)
4th Int. Conf. on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, Okayama, Japan, Sept.15 - 19, 1998
Application of high-resolution gamma-spectroscopy (GRID method) in solid state physics
Heinig, K.-H.; Börner, H. G.; Jentschel, M.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Int. Workshop on Applications of High-Precision (-Spectroscopy, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IL, July 1 - 3, 1998 (invited lecture)
Nanocrystal formation in SiO2: experiments, modelling and computer simulations
Heinig, K.-H.; Schmidt, B.; Markwitz, A.; Grötzschel, R.; Strobel, M.; von Borany, J.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
E-MRS'98, Strasbourg, France, June 16-19, 1998 (invited lecture)
What is the physics behind the 3He-4He anomaly?
Neubert, W.; Botvina, A. S.
We show that coalescence of nucleons emitted prior to thermalization in highly excited nuclei can explain the anomaly of kinetic energies of helium fragments. This mechanism accomplishes the statistical approach to nuclear rections formerly used to describe intermediate mass fragment production.
Keywords: Intermediate energy hadron -nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions; helium isotopes
- European Physical Journal A, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.101-106
Phasenbildung und Standzeiterhöhung von HSS-Bohrern nach Plasma-Immersions-Implantation
Günzel, R.; Mändl, S.; Möller, W.; Hilke, R.; Knösel, E.; Künanz, K.
Lecture (Conference)
Werkstoffwoche München, Oct. 12-15, 1998
Plasma-Immersions-Implantation ein modernes Verfahren zur Modifizierung von Werkstückoberflächen
Günzel, R.; Brückner, J.; Richter, E.; Möller, W.
Lecture (Conference)
Werkstoffwoche München, Oct. 12-15, 1998
Proton conducting Ba3Ca1.18Nb1.82O8.73/H2O: Pressure/compositions isotherms in terms of Fermi-Dirac-Statistics
Groß, B.; Marion, S.; Lind, K.; Hempelmann, R.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.
Lecture (Conference)
9th Int. Conf. on Solid State Protonic Conductors (SSSPC-9), Bled, Slovenia, Aug. 17 - 21, 1998
Fragmentation of Be induced by 1 GeV protons
Andronenko, L. N.; Andronenko, M. N.; Gusev, Y. I.; Kotov, A. A.; Neubert, W.; Petrov, G. E.; Seliverstov, D. M.; Strakovski, I. I.; Vaishnene, L. A.; Yatsoura, V. I.; Zalite, A. Y.
Fragment yields and energy spectra of He, Li and Be isotopes have been measured in p+9Be interactions at 1 GeV incident energy at 30 deg. and 126 deg. using a two-arm
spectrometer based on Bragg chambers. The obtained yield ratio of the low abundant
8He to 8Li in the spectator momentum range is compared with published data.
Keywords: fragmentation; cross section; isotope; proton
Other report
Preprint NP-36-1999 Nr. 2321 , St.Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute ,Gatchina, Russia
ERDA in-situ studies of atomic transport processes in various materials
Grötzschel, R.; Kreißig, U.; Kruse, O.; Grigull, S.; Parascandola, S.; Schmidt, B.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Int.Conf. on Swift Heavy Ions in Materials Engeneering and Characterization (SHIMEC-98), New Delhi, Oct. 19 - 22, 1998 (invited lecture)
Hydrogen and deuterium depth profiling in divertor tiles of a fusion experiment by micro-ERDA
Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.; Behrisch, R.; Hauffe, W.
Depth profiling of light elements in the surface layer of solids by means of ERDA is limited to depths smaller than about 1 mu m. In order to measure the distributions
of hydrogen isotopes in larger depth regions such as needed for the divertor tiles from the tokamak fusion experiment ASDEX-Upgrade in the Max-Planck-Institut
fur Plasmaphysik, samples cut from the divertor tiles (about 0.6 mm tungsten on carbon) were bevelled at different angles by mechanical cutting and polishing or by
ion beam slope cutting. The mechanically cut slopes were additionally cleaned and polished by oblique incidence ion beam sputtering with target rotation to avoid
anisotropic etching.
The surface composition along the slope was measured by ERDA with the Rossendorf Nuclear Microprobe, A 10 MeV Si ion beam was focused to about 3 mu m
and scanned linearly across the slope. The hydrogen and deuterium recoils were detected by a surface barrier detector at a recoil angle of 30 degrees after passing
through a 10 mu m thick Al foil for stopping scattered primary ions. Deuterium was found at depths up to about 25 mu m and hydrogen up to 750 mu m on the
samples analysed.
Keywords: micro-ERDA; elastic recoil detection; depth profiling; hydrogen; deuterium
Lecture (Conference)
6th Int. Conf. on Nucl. Microprobe Technology and Applications, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Oct. 11 - 16, 1998 - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 158(1999) 647-652
Fragment production in proton interactions with light nuclei
Andronenko, L. N.; Andronenko, M. N.; Seliverstov, D. M.; Neubert, W.
Isotopic yield ratios were derived from double-differential cross sections measured in p+9Be and p+12C collisions at 1 GeV. Enhanced 9He yields were found compared to heavier target nuclei.
Contribution to proceedings
7th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics. Rab, Croatia 1999
Ions and electron-irradiation induced deep levels in n-type and p-type 6H-SiC
Gong, M.; Beling, C. D.; Fung, S.; Brauer, G.; Wirth, H. D.; Skorupa, W.; You, Z.-P.
Lecture (Conference)
MRS 1998 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 13-17, 1998
Si1-xGex structures fabricated by focused ion beam implantation
Ganetsos, T.; Tsamakis, D.; Panknin, D.; Mair, G. L. R.; Teichert, J.; Bischoff, L.; Aidinis, C.
Lecture (Conference)
Conference in Low Temperature Devices, Toscane, Italy, June 1998 -
Contribution to external collection
J. de Phys. IV 8 (1998) Pr3 - 109
Analysis of mechanisms in ECR-PECVD of BN films using in situ ellipsometry
Fukarek, W.; Möller, W.
Lecture (Conference)
DACH - Kolloquium, Giengen, Oct. 6-8, 1998
Investigation of in-plane anisotropy of IBAD t-BN films
Fukarek, W.; Möller, W.
Lecture (Conference)
DACH - Kolloquium, Giengen, Oct. 6-8, 1998
In plane anisotropy of IBAD t-BN films
Fukarek, W.; Möller, W.
Lecture (Conference)
Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing Science, Tilton School, New Hampshire, USA, Aug. 9 - 14, 1998
Applications of infrared spectroscopy in materials research
Fukarek, W.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
33. Holzhau-Meeting, March 30, April 3, 1998 (invited lecture)
A slow positron beam investigation of positron-defect interactions in single crystalline synthetic type IB diamonds and a natural type IIB diamond
Fischer, C. G.; Connell, S. H.; Coleman, P. G.; Anwand, W.; Malik, F.; Brauer, G.; Britton, D. T.; Sellschop, J. P. F.
Lecture (Conference)
8th Int. Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques for Solids and Surface (SLOPOS - 8), Cape Town, Sept. 6 - 12, 1998
Temperature effect on the morphology of helium bubble clusters in silicon
Fichtner, P.; Kaschny, J. R.; Yankov, R. A.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.
Lecture (Conference)
14th Int. Conf. On Electron Microscopy, Cancum, Mexico, Aug. 31-Sept.5, 1998
The effects of annealing temperature on the formation of helium filled structures in silicon
Fichtner, P.; Kaschny, J. R.; Behar, M.; Yankov, R. A.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.
Lecture (Conference)
11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM'98), Amsterdam, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998
X-ray studies of silicon wafers implanted with MeV Ge++ions
Eichhorn, F.; Sass, J.; Mazur, K.
Lecture (Conference)
4th Europ. Conf. on High Resolution X-ray Diffraction and Topography, Durham/GB, Sept. 9 - 12, 1998
Dobler, M.
Lecture (Conference)
IX. Mößbauerkolloquium Freiberg, Sept. 28-30, 1998
Untersuchung der Eisendisilizidbildung nach der Implantation von Fe in Si
Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.
Lecture (Conference)
10. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik AOFA 10, Kaiserslautern, Sept. 6-10, 1998
Ion bombardment stimulated phase formation in quartz glasses
Deshkovskaya, A. A.; Richter, E.
Lecture (Conference) Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998
FTIR-Untersuchungen zur Komplexierung von Uran(VI) durch Huminsäuren
Heise, K.-H.; Nicolai, R.; Pompe, S.; Bubner, M.; Klöcking, R.; Bernhard, G.
Aufgrund der nur unvollkommen erfaßbaren, keineswegs stabilen chemischen Struktur und Funktionalität von Huminsäuren aus natürlichen Recourcen haben operationell mit HS übereinstimmende, synthetische Polymere als Modellhuminsäuren in vielen Bereichen der experimentellen Wissenschaften Eingang gefunden. Sie sind vor dem Hintergrund der Umweltkontaminationen durch toxische und radiotoxische Schwermetalle besonders für Bindungsstudien mit Metallionen interessant, da ihre Funktionalität durch Variation der Precursoren und der Synthesebedingungen in weiten Grenzen "eingestellt" werden kann.
Wir haben FTIR-spektrometrisch die festen Komplexe von Uran(VI) mit unterschiedlichen, gut charaktersierten Huminsäuren, zwei natürlichen Huminsäuren (Aldrich-Huminsäure und eine aus Moorwasser des "Kleinen Kranichsees" isolierte Huminsäure) sowie drei synthetischen Huminsäuren (zwei Melanoidinfraktionen sowie das Oxidationsprodukt von 3,4,5 Trihydroxybenzoesäure), verglichen. Trotz unterschiedlicher Herkunft der Huminsäuren, die in ihren FTIR-Spektren deutlich wird, scheint die Urananbindung an die Huminsäuren sehr ähnlich zu sein, was durch EXAFS-Untersuchungen an Uranylkomplexen natürlicher Huminsäuren und synthetischer Huminsäuren vom Melanoidintyp gestützt wird. Sowohl die asymmetrischen UO22+-Streckschwingungen im mittleren Infrarot, die wir zwischen 933.5 cm-1 und 923.1 cm-1 registrieren, als auch die UO22+-Deformationsschwingungen im fernen Infrarot zwischen 264.8 cm-1 und 260.6 cm-1 sind gut miteinander vergleichbar.
Die Einflußnahmen der strukturellen und funktionellen Unterschiede der Huminsäuren spiegeln sich in unterschiedlichen Verschiebungen der Uranylbanden wieder.
Keywords: FTIR-Spektroskopie; Huminsäuren, Uranyl-Huminsäurekomplexe
Lecture (Conference)
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde e.V.,Sektion IV - Physik, Chemie, Biologie Bad Elster, 07.-09.10.1999
Small Angle Scattering Study Concerning the Effect of Residual Elements on the Radiation Behaviour of Iron Alloys
Ulbricht, A.; Böhmert, J.; Große, M.; Strunz, P.
For better understanding of the influence of the deleterious elements on the neutron embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels, the microstructural evolution due to neutron irradiation was investigated by SANS experiments at ternary iron alloys with different contents of copper and phosphorus. In every case irradiation produced nanoscaled inhomogeneities. The volume fraction of the inhomogeneities incrases with the copper content but not with the phosphorus content. Surprisingly, the high-pure alloy shows a relatively high irradiation effect. The irradiation defects vary in type and kinetic of evolution for the different alloys.
Keywords: small angle scattering; radiation damage; neutron embrittlement; iron alloy
Lecture (Conference)
ECNS'99, 2. European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Sept. 1999, Budapest, PHYSICA B 276-278 (2000) 936-938 - Physica B 276-278 (2000) 936-938
Einfluß der Ionenimplantation auf die Festigkeit von Quarzglas
Deshkovskaya, A. A.; Richter, E.
Lecture (Conference)
28. Int. Konf. Physik der Wechselwirkung geladener Teilchen mit kristallinen Materialien, Moskau, May 25 - 27, 1998
New aspects in the design of silicon detectors for particle spectroscopy
von Borany, J.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
1st Dresden Protection Symposium on "New Aspects of Radiation Measurements, Dosimetry and Alphaspectrometry", Dresden , March, 4-6, 1998 (invited lecture)
Computer simulations on thin film growth of superhard materials
Albe, K.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
4th Int. Conf. on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, Okayama, Japan,Sept. 15-19, 1998 (invited lecture)
Non-local approach to modeling of nanocluster evolution in ion implanted layers
Borodin, V. A.; Heinig, K.-H.; Schmidt, B.
Lecture (Conference)
E-MRS'98, Strasbourg, France, June 16-19, 1998
High Sensitive Thermal Sensors in Heat Spreading Diamond for Industrial Application
Bonhaus, J.; Harlander, T.; Borchert, D.; Ecke, G.; Fontaine, F.; Fahrner, W. R.
Lecture (Conference)
IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (ISIE `98) , Pretoria, South Africa, July 7 - 10, 1998 -
Contribution to proceedings
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, proceedings vol. 1, 2 (1998) p. 157
Ion beam synthesis: a novel method of producing (SiC)1-x(AIN)x layers
Yankov, R. A.; Fukarek, W.; Hatzopoulos, N.; Voelskow, M.; Kreißig, U.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Heera, V.; Skorupa, W.
- Mat. Sci. Forum 264-268 (1998) 753
Lecture (Conference)
Int. Conf. on Silicon Carbide, III-Nitrides and Related Materials, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 1997
Investigation of ion-implantation induced damage in 6H-SiC by RBS/C and PAS
Wirth, H.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Voelskow, M.; Panknin, D.; Skorupa, W.; Coleman, P. G.
- Mat. Sci. Forum 264-268 (1998) 729
GRID spectroscopy - a new nuclear method for lattice site localization of foreign atoms
Wesch, W.; Karmann, A.; Börner, H. G.; Jentschel, M.; Heinig, K.-H.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B136-138 (1998) 494
Lecture (Conference)
13th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Analysis, Lissabon, Portugal, July 28 -August 2, 1997
Cross-sectional micro-Raman Spectroscopy: a tool for structural investigations of thin polytypic SiC layers
Werninghaus, T.; Zahn, D.; Yankov, R. A.; Mücklich, A.; Pezoldt, J.
- Mat. Sci. Forum 264-268 (1998) 661
Lecture (Conference)
Int. Conf. on Silicon Carbide, III-Nitrides and Related Materials, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 1997
Ion bombardment induced relaxation of strained AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures studied by the complementary use of RBS-channeling and X-ray synchrotron radiation
Turos, A.; Wierzchowski, W.; Wieteska, K.; Wendler, E.; Wesch, W.; Graeff, W.; Grötzschel, R.; Strupinski, W.
AlxGa1-xAs epitaxial layers grown on semi-insulating GaAs (SI-GaAs) substrates with x=0,25 and on in-doped GaAs with x= 0,45 were implanted at room temperature with 1.5 MeV Se ions to fluences ranging from 0,6x1014 to 4x1014 at/cm2 . Implanted crystals were analyzed with 1.8 MeV 4He ions using the RBS/channeling technique. In order to determine the defect structure and their depth profiles measurements were carried out at two different temperatures: 295 and 105 K. XRD with synchrotron beams was used for structural analysis. White beam topography was used to detect lattice deformation and strain relaxation. The lattice parameters were determined by rocking curve measurements with a monochromatic beam. For all samples a signifcant tetragonalization of the implanted region was observed. For the layers grown on SI-GaAs the lattice distortion increases with increasing ion dose until a critical lattice strain is attained. At that point the complete relaxation of the epitaxial layer occurs. In contrast, no relaxation was observed for layers grown on practically defect free indoped substrates. The mechanism of this transformation is attributed to the much higher dislocation density in the SI-GaAs substrate. Nucleation of new dislocations at defects produced by ion implantation and their interaction with threading dislocations leads to the strain relaxation by plastic
deformation of epitaxial layers.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B136-138 ( 1998) 1062
Conversion algorithm for ERDA multielement spectra and its application to thin-film problems
Spaeth, C.; Richter, F.; Grigull, S.; Kreißig, U.
A computer program was designed for the conversion of element-resolved energy spectra obtained from elastic recoil
detection analysis into composition depth profles. The algorithm is described in detail. An important feature of the
program is that the contribution of the analyzed elements to the stopping power is accounted for self-consistently. Extensions of the algorithm address the problem of the simultaneous analysis of recoil and forward scattering events, respectively, and of distortions in the recoil spectra due to the presence of target constituents with isotopic distributions that cannot be resolved when using standard ionization chambers for recoil detection. Two examples are given to demonstrate how one may benefit from the capabilities of the conversion program in the context of specifc thin film problems. The first example addresses compositional changes in Si3N4/C bilayers due to N-ion implantation, while the second one is dealing with the problem of impurity accumulation at the hexagonal-to-cubic phase boundary in BN films.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B140 (1998) 243
Content of hydrogen in boron-, carbon-, nitrogen-, oxygen-, fluorine- and neon-implanted titanium
Soltani-Farshi, M.; Baumann, H.; Rück, D.; Richter, E.; Kreißig, U.; Bethge, K.
- Surf. Coat. Technol. 103-104 (1998) 299
Lecture (Conference)
SMMIB 97, Gatlinburg, TE, USA, Sept. 1997
Positron Studies of defects in nitrogen and carbon implanted titanium
Soltani-Farshi, M.; Baumann, H.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Coleman, P.; Richter, E.; Kreißig, U.; Bethge, K.
Contribution to external collection
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 527 (1998) 81
Untersuchungen zum Korrosionsverhalten von Magnesium nach Ionenimplantation
Schneider, M.; Nocke, K.; Richter, E.
- Galvanotechnik 80 (1998) 2524
Angle dependent Mössbauer spectroscopy on ß-FeSi2 single crystals
Reuther, H.; Behr, G.; Dobler, M.; Teresiak, A.
- Hyperfine Interactions (c) 3 (1998) 385
Investigation of the calcium content in joint cartilage: Is it connected with (early arthrotic) changes in cartilage structure?
Reinert, T.; Butz, T.; Flagmeyer, R.-H.; Jankuhn, S.; Vogt, J.; Gründer, W.; Kanowski, M.; Wagner, M.; Werner, A.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.
This paper describes investigations using the Particle Induced X-ray Emission method (PIXE) to evaluate the con-
centration of Ca together with that of other elements (S, Cl, and K) across the articular cartilage of domestic pigs in
order to verify a putative influence of calcium on the structural changes in early arthrotic stage, derived from NMR
microscopic imaging. The measurements were carried out with focused ion beams of a lateral resolution down to
20 lm. The main matrix components (C, N, O) were evaluated from proton backscattering spectra.
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Visualizing Ultrafast Kinetic Instabilities in Laser-Driven Solids using X-ray …
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- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B136-138 (1998) 936
Lecture (Conference)
13th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA-13), Lisboa, Portugal, July 27 - Aug. 1, 1997
Strong blue and violet light emission from silicon- and germanium-implanted silicon-dioxide films
Rebohle, L.; Tyschenko, I. E.; von Borany, J.; Schmidt, B.; Grötzschel, R.; Markwitz, A.; Yankov, R. A.; Fröb, H.; Skorupa, W.
Contribution to external collection
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 486 (1998) 175
Strong blue and violet photo- and electroluminescence from Ge- and Si-implanted silicon dioxide
Rebohle, L.; von Borany, J.; Grötzschel, R.; Markwitz, A.; Schmidt, B.; Tyschenko, I. E.; Skorupa, W.; Fröb, H.; Leo, K.
The photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) properties of Ge-implanted SiO2 films thermally-grown on a Si substrate have been investigated and compared to those of Si-implanted SiO2 films. It is found that the blue-violet PL from both Si and Ge-rich layers reaches a maximum after annealing at 500°C for 30 min. The PL and EL from Ge-implanted SiO2 are distinctly higher than that from Si-implanted layers and well visible for the naked eye. The EL spectrum from the Ge-implanted oxide annealed at 1000 °C correlates very well with the PL one and shows a linear dependence on the injected current. The neutral oxygen vacancy is assumed to be responsible for the observed luminescence. In the case of Ge the microstructure after high temperature annealing is studied.
- Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 165 (1998) 31
Studies of buried (SiC)1-x(AIN)x layers formed by co-implantation of N+ and Al+ ions into 6H-SiC
Pezoldt, J.; Yankov, R. A.; Voelskow, M.; Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Heera, V.; Skorupa, W.; Coleman, P.
Contribution to external collection
Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Defect Recognition and Image Processing of Semicond. (DRIP VII) Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 160 (1998) IOP Publ. Ltd. Bristol, 1998, 335
Raman scattering analysis of defects in 6H-SiC induced by ion implantation
Perez-Rodriguez, A.; Gonzalez-Varona, O.; Calvo-Barrio, L.; Morante, J. R.; Wirth, H.; Panknin, D.; Skorupa, W.
Contribution to external collection
Mat. Sci. Forum 258 - 263 (1998) 727
Hydrogen incorporation into Cu-III-VI 2 chalcopyrite semiconductors
Otte, K.; Lippold, G.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.; Schlemm, H.; Schindler, A.; Bigl, F.
We implanted H3+ at 300 eV into Cu-chalcopyrite semiconductors at temperatures between 50 °C and 300 °C. The surface chemistry is similar to the previously reported behavior of CuInS2 implanted with a H2+, H+ low energy ion beam with respect to secondary phase etching. We also found an increase of radiative recombination (photoluminescence), which had been attributed to defect passivation and, hence, as an indicator of hydrogen incorporation. Under the 300 eV H3+ implantation conditions, however, we observed neither a hydrogen concentration in a few hundred nm surface range exceeding the NRA detection limit of about l x exp(19) cm-3 nor a pronounced stoichiometry variation in the ternary material, as proved by Raman measurements.
We conclude, therefore, that a 300 eV H3+ implantation introduces significantly less atomic hydrogen into the volume of the sample than previously reported for other beam compositions under similar temperature and current density conditions. This could be a result of the very low energy of less than 100 eV which can be expected for atomic H produced by dissociation of 300 eV H3+ at the surface, making the instant out-diffusion into the high vacuum of the implantation chamber a favored process.
MRS-Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, April 13 - 17, 1998 - Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 513(1998), 275
Fluorine enrichement on the surface of antarctic C30 and H chondrites by nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) and the sources of this terrestrial fluorine
Noll, K.; Döbeli, M.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.; Krähenbühl, U.
- Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33 (1998) Supplement, A 118
Structure and magnetic properties in the low temperature annealing range of FeZrBCu-base alloys
Müller, M.; Herzer, G.; Mattern, N.; Grahl, H.; Schnell, B.; Reibold, M.; Reuther, H.
Contribution to external collection
J. Phys. IV 8 (1998) Pr 2 - 187
Specific heat of single-, poly- and nanocrystalline diamond
Moelle, C.; Werner, M.; Szüczs, F.; Wittorf, D.; Sellschop, M.; von Borany, J.; Fecht, H.-J.; Johnston, C.
- Diamond and Rel. Mat. 7 (1998) 499
Measuring sputtering yields of high energy heavy ions on metals
Mieskes, H. D.; Assmann, W.; Brodale, M.; Dobler, M.; Glückler, H.; Hartung, P.; Stenzel, P.
For measuring sputtering yields with MeV heavy ions only low current densities can be used in order to avoid excessive target heating. Consequently self-cleaning of the target surface during the irradiation cannot be achieved and a contamination free surface has to be maintained by means of UHV conditions. A UHV-setup including a differential pumping system has been designed and operated at a vacuum of 10-10 mbar during experiments. Sputtered particles were collected on Si catchers and subsequently measured by two different surface analysis methods: Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF), and Heavy Ion Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HI-RBS). In-situ surface cleaning by 8 keV Xe ions as well as online monitoring by ERDA were found to be essential. With sufficient precautions on the surface conditions reproducible sputtering yields were obtained. First measurements for 230 MeV Au ions on Au, Zr, and Ti targets are presented.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 146 (1998) 162
X-ray high resolution diffraction and reflectivity studies of the mechanical treatment related defects in NdGaO3 single crystals
Mazur, K.; Sass, J.; Eichhorn, F.
- J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10 (1998) 6065
Growth, patterning and microelectronic applications of epitaxial cobaltdisilicide
Mantl, S.; Kappius, L.; Antons, A.; Löken, M.; Klinkhammer, F.; Dolle, M.; Zhao, Q. T.; Mesters, S.; Buchal, C.; Bay, H. L.; Trinkaus, H.; Heinig, K.-H.
Contribution to external collection
MRS Symp. Proc. 514 (1998) 145
Investigation of d.c.-reactive magnetron-sputtered AIN thin films by electron microprobe analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and polarized infra-red reflection
Manova, D.; Dimitrova, V.; Fukarek, W.; Karpuzov, D.
- Surf. Coat. Technol. 106 (1998) 205
Proton conducting Ba3Ca1.18Nb1.82O8.73/H2O: Sol-gel preparation and pressure/composition isotherms
Groß, B.; Marion, S.; Hempelmann, R.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.
Thin films of Ba3Ca1.18Nb1.82O8.73, prepared in a sol-gel process by multiple dip-coating on silicon wafers were charged with hydrogen by dissociative water
absorption at definite values of water vapour pressures and temperatures. The hydrogen content was determined using nuclear resonance reaction analysis. From the resulting water vapour pressure/hydrogen composition isotherms the absorption enthalpies and the absorption entropy were calculated in the framework of a two site
model, based on Fermi-Dirac statistics. On Ba3Ca1.18Nb1.82O8.73 also impedance spectroscopy was performed yielding the bulk conductivity. From these data
in combination with proton transport numbers and the thermodynamic results as noted above the proton diffusion coefficient could be evaluated.
Keywords: solid proton conductors; water in oxide ceramics; thermodynamics; impedance spectroscopy
- Solid State Ionics 109 (1998) 13
Theoretical description of high-temperature implantation of 6H-SiC with N+-and Al+-ions
Kulikov, D. V.; Trushin, Y. V.; Yankov, R. A.; Pezoldt, J.; Skorupa, W.
- Techn. Phys. Lett. 24 (1998) 17
Depth analysis of Fe-silicide formation after Fe-implantation into Si by DCEMS
Kruijer, S.; Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.; Keune, W.
- Hyperfine Interactions (C) 3 (1998) 149
Lecture (Conference)
Int. Conf. Appl. Mössbauer Effect, Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 14 - 20, 1997
Depth analysis of phase formation in alpha-Fe after high-dose Al ion implantation
Kruijer, S.; Nikolov, O.; Keune, W.; Reuther, H.; Weber, S.; Scherrer, S.
- J. Appl. Phys. 84 (1998) 6570
In situ ERDA studies of ion drift processes during anodic bonding of alkali-borosilicate glass to metal
Kreißig, U.; Grigull, S.; Lange, K.; Nitzsche, P.; Schmidt, B.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 136 - 138 (1998) 674
Exposure of Allan Hills 84001 and other achondrites on the Antarctic ice
Krähenbühl, U.; Noll, K.; Döbeli, M.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.; Tobler, L.
The enrichment of F on Antarctic meteorites is the result of their exposure to the atmosphere, and its measurement allows a subdivision of the terrestrial age into a
duration of exposure on the ice and the time a meteorite was enclosed by the ice. In many cases, the periods of surface exposure are only small fractions of the
terrestrial ages of meteorites collected in Antarctica. The enrichment of F on the surfaces of Antarctic achondrites was investigated by means of nuclear reaction
analysis (NRA): scanning proton beams with an energy of 2.7 and 3.4 MeV were used to induce the reactions F-19(p,alpha gamma)160 and
F-19(p,p'gamma)F-19, respectively. Gamma signals proportional to the F content were measured. The following Antarctic achondrites were investigated: Martian
meteorite ALH 84001; diogenite ALHA77256; the eucrites ALHA81011 and ALHA78132; and in addition, the H5 chondrite ALHA79025. For ALH 84001, our
data indicate a period of exposure on the ice of <500 years. Thus, this specimen was enclosed in the ice >95% of its terrestrial age of 13 000 years.
- Meteoritics and Planetary Science 33 (1998) 665
Interactions of medicinal and biological relevant anions with functionalized dendrimers
Stephan, H.; Spies, H.; Johannsen, B.; Gestermann, S.; Gorka, M.; Hesse, R.; Kauffman, C.; Klein, L.; Vögtle, F.
Due to their unique topology and unusual guest-binding behaviour, dendrimers are promising reagents for use in diagnostic imaging and therapy. We are especially interested in efficient binding and transport of medicinal and biological relevant anions as pertechnetate and the nucleotides AMP, ADP and ATP. Poly(propylenamine)-Dendrimers (POPAM) of different generations have been functionalized at the periphery with the goal to obtain a hydrophobic shell. The dendrimers synthesized (cf. Fig.) were characterized by solvent extraction experiments at the system pertechnetate,(nucleotide)-buffer-H2O/dendrimer-CHCl3. A dendritic effect is clearly visible of all dendrimers investigated. The influence of pH and temperature on the extraction of pertechnetate and nucleotides with dendrimers is reported.
1st International Dendrimer Symposium, Frankfurt/Main, 3. -5. 10. 1999 -
Contribution to proceedings
1st International Dendrimer Symposium, Frankfurt/Main, 3.-5. 10. 1999
Lipophilic urea-functionalized dendrimers as efficient carriers for oxyanions
Stephan, H.; Spies, H.; Johannsen, B.; Klein, L.; Vögtle, F.
Urea-functionalized dendrimers are prepared, which show very efficient phase transfer in particular of the diagnostically relevant anions pertechnetate, perrhenate and ATP. The extractability rates are evaluated quantitavely by tracer methods. Their pH dependancy allows to steer the release of guest molecules from the dendrimer host.
- Chem. Commun., 1999, 1875-1876
Electrical and optical properties of boronated tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon (ta-C:B)
Kleinsorge, B.; Ilie, A.; Chowalla, M.; Fukarek, W.; Milne, W. I.; Robertson, J.
- Diamond and Related Mat. 7 (1998) 472
Effect of ion dose and annealing mode on the photoluminescence from SiO2-layers implanted with Si-ions
Kachurin, G. A.; Leier, A. F.; Zhuravlev, K. S.; Tyschenko, I. E.; Gutakovsky, A. K.; Volodin, V. A.; Yankov, R. A.; Skorupa, W.
- Phys. Techn. Semiconductors (in Russian) 32 (1998) 1371
Lecture (Conference)
11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam,The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998
Freie Elektronen Laser an der Strahlungsquelle ELBE: Theoretische Vorhersagen und eindimensionale Modellrechnungen
Wünsch, R.
Für die im Forschungszentrum Rossendorf im Bau befindliche Strahlungsquelle ELBE werden die Möglichkeiten zur Erzeugung kohärenter Strahlung mit Hilfe eines Freie Elektronen Lasers im Bereich des mittleren und fernen Infrarot vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe einfacher Modelle werden die Vorgänge bei der Erzeugung und Verstärkung kohärenter Strahlung erläutert und ihre Eigenschaften in Abhängigkeit von den Parametern des Elektronenstrahls und des verwendeten Undulators berechnet. Insgesamt werden 4 mögliche Varianten eines Undulators diskutiert. Anwendbarkeit und Genauigkeit der verwendeten Näherungsformeln werden mit Hilfe eindimensionaler Simulationsrechnungen getestet.
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-276 September 1999
ISSN: 1437-322X
Medium Effects in K+ and K- Poduction in Nuclear Collisions at Subthreshold Beam Energies
Dohrmann, F.
We have conducted systematic experimental studies of K+ and K- production and propagation in nucleus-nucleus collisions at beam energies close to and below the production threshold for free nucleon-nucleon (NN) collisions. In noncentral Au+Au collision, the K+ mesons are preferentially emitted perpendicular to the reaction plane and the excitation functions for K+ and K- mesons nearly coincide when correcting for the threshold energy. In contrast, for NN collisions the K+ yield exceeds the K- yield by two orders of magnitude near the respective NN threshold. Both effects are considered to be experimental signatures of a modification of kaon properties in the nuclear medium.
Keywords: In-medium modifications of K mesons; Particle and Resonance Production; Meson Production
Contribution to external collection
Nucl.Phys. A 663 (2000) 521-524
Nucleation and growth of platelet bubble structures in helium implanted silicon
Fichtner, P.; Kaschny, J. R.; Kling, A.; Trinkaus, H.; Yankov, R. A.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.; Zawislak, F. C.; Amaral, L.; Da Silva, M. F.; Soares, J. C.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 136 - 138 (1998) 460
Depth distribution of point defects in Si bombarded by high-energy N5+ and Si5+ ions
Dvurechenskii, A. V.; Karanovich, A. A.; Grötzschel, R.; Herrmann, F.; Kögler, R.; Rybin, A. V.
- Phys. Solid State 40 (1998) 195
Post-implantation annealing of SiC studied by slow positron spectroscopies
Brauer, G.; Anwand, W.; Coleman, P.; Störmer, J.; Plazaola, F.; Campillo, J. M.; Pacaud, Y.; Skorupa, W.
- J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10 (1998) 1147
Influence of surface roughness on measuring depth profiles and the total amount of implanted ions by RBS and ERDA
Behrisch, R.; Grigull, S.; Kreißig, U.; Grötzschel, R.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 136-138 (1998) 628
In situ characterization of cubic boron nitride film growth in the IR spectral region
Barth, K. L.; Fukarek, W.; Maucher, H. P.; Plass, M. F.; Lunk, A.
- Thin Solid Films 313-314 (1998) 697
Swift heavy ion induced formation of aplha-FeSi2
Assmann, W.; Dobler, M.; Avasthi, D. K.; Kruijer, S.; Mieskes, H. D.; Nolte, H.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 146 (1998) 271
Slow positron implantation spectroscopy of high current ion nitrided austenitic stainless steel
Anwand, W.; Parascandola, S.; Richter, E.; Brauer, G.; Coleman, P. G.; Möller, W.
Surface modification of austenitic stainless steel by high current ion nitriding at 400°C has been studied by Slow Positron Implantation Spectroscopy (SPIS). In addition, Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) has been applied to obtain information about the nitrogen depth profile. The results obtained from both methods are compared and discussed with respect to the nature of defects produced by high current ion nitriding and their influence on the formation of a surface layer, called expanded austenite.
- Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 136-138 (1998) 768-772
Institute of Safety Research; Annual Report 1998
Weiß, F.-P.; Rindelhardt, U.
The report gives an overview on the scientific work of the Institute of Safety Research in 1998.
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Berichte / Forschungszentrum Rossendorf; FZR-268 Juli 1999
ISSN: 1437-322X
Isolation and Characterization of Aquatic Humic Substances from the Bog 'Kleiner Kranichsee'
Schmeide, K.; Zänker, H.; Heise, K.-H.; Nitsche, H.
Surface water has been studied from the mountain bog 'Kleiner Kranichsee'. This bog is situated in the Johanngeorgenstadt area (Saxony/Germany) close to an abandoned uranium mine and mine tailing piles. The bog water contains about 130 mg/L of organics (primarily humic and fulvic acid).
First, bog water colloids were determined for their particle size and size distribution using photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in combination with size fractionation by filtration. Second, about 400 L of the bog water were processed in order to isolate aquatic humic substances. SupeliteTM DAX-8 (Supelco) was used as adsorption resin. The humic material was separated into humic and fulvic acids. A total of 14 g of humic acid and 10 g of fulvic acid were isolated. The humic substances were characterized in terms of their elemental composition, functional properties including proton exchange capacity, charge/size ratios and spectroscopic characteristics. The results were compared with data of a commercial humic acid from Aldrich.
Contribution to external collection
FZKA 6124, Wissenschaftliche Berichte Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, (G. Buckau, ed.). Karlsruhe 1998, p. 161.
Investigation of the Migration Behavior of Uranium in an Aquifer System Rich in Humic Substances: Laboratory Column Experiments
Pompe, S.; Artinger, R.; Schmeide, K.; Heise, K.-H.; Kim, J. I.; Bernhard, G.
The migration behavior of uranium in a sandy aquifer system rich in humic substances was studied in laboratory column experiments. For the investigations we used a Pleistocene aeolian quartz sand and groundwater GoHy-532 from the Gorleben site (Germany). The column experiments were performed in a glove box under anaerobic conditions (Ar + 1 % CO2). 232U(VI) was used as a tracer. The migration behavior of uranium was investigated as a function of the uranium/groundwater equilibration time before injection into the column, the groundwater flow velocity and the column length.
From the breakthrough curves one can conclude that a part of the injected uranium migrates slightly faster than groundwater. The observed migration behavior is attributed to the association of a part of uranium with humic colloids, which move faster due to size exclusion processes. Depending on the experimental conditions the recovery of humic colloid-bound transported uranium amounts to 0.4 up to 7.6 %. The recovery of non-retarded colloid-borne uranium increases with increasing uranium/groundwater equilibration time before injection into the column. Beyond it, the recovery of humic colloid-borne uranium decreases with decreasing groundwater flow velocity and increasing column length, which corresponds to an increasing residence time in the column.
The results refer to the fact that the migration behavior of uranium is strongly influenced by kinetically controlled interaction processes of uranium with humic colloids.
Contribution to external collection
FZKA 6324, Wissenschaftliche Berichte Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, (G. Buckau, ed.). Karlsruhe 1999, p. 219. -
Lecture (Conference)
Fourth Project Meeting of the EU project: Effects of Humic Substances on the Migration of Radionuclides: Complexation and Actinides, Leuven, Belgium, 19.-20.11.1998
Years: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
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