Winners of the HZDR Innovation Contest 2023
- 1. Place (1500 €): XR microscopy
Dr. Ulrik Günther and Jan Tiemann
- 2. Place (1000 €): Gas-liquid separation using a multi-stage swirl separator
Ivan Condriuc
- 3. Place (500 €): Siderosensor
Aratrika Ghosh, Dr. Rohan Jain und Shalini Singh
A project from the Centre for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS) emerged as the winner of this year's ideas competition: XR (extended reality) microscopy aims to upgrade existing microscopes. This opens up many new application possibilities in basic and applied research. Dr Ulrik Günther and Jan Tiemann came out on top from a total of 15 submissions.
The 7th HZDR Innovation Contest took place over two days, from 5 to 6 December 2023, in the HZDR library. The 15 participating teams pitched their projects, developed with the support of HZDR innovation managers and external mentors from the transfer network, to a five-member jury.
The award ceremony took place on 23 January 2024 as part of the first HZDR Transfer Day in the HZDR lecture hall.