futureSAX Nominee Portrait about Prof. (em.) Jörg Steinbach from HZDR and Jens Junker from ROTOP

Workbook Alumni in KTT

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Partners in technology transfer


Winners of the HZDR Innovation Contest 2021

  • 1st place (1,500 euros): Bioartificial implant
    Ehsan Mohseni, Carolin Heller and Payam Hashemi
  • 2nd place (1,000 euros): Development of a low-temperature liquid metal battery unit
    Dr. Juhan Lee, Dr. Gleidys Monrrabal, Steffen Landgraf, Dr. Norbert Weber, Dr. Tom Weier
  • 3rd place (500 euros): Ozone-based hydrocavitation reactor for process water treatment
    Nadine Matzke, Alejandro Parra, Dr Sebastian Reinecke

Interdisciplinary research team wins the 5th HZDR Innovation Contest

Foto: HZDR-Innovationswettbewerb Teilnehmer 2021 ©Copyright: HZDR/ Zoom

Foto: HZDR Innovation Contest 2021 Tag2 ©Copyright: HZDR/M. Giebel

In the fifth edition of the HZDR Innovation Contest, an interdisciplinary team of young scientists from the HZDR Institute of Fluid Dynamics, the University Hospital Dresden and the TU Dresden, Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, took first place. Since the IP rights for the idea still have to be clarified, only this much can be revealed: It is an electronic implant that recognises an important malfunction in the body and automatically corrects it.

Second place goes to a young scientist, also from the Institute of Fluid Dynamics, with the idea for the development of a low-temperature liquid metal battery unit. And third place also goes to a young research team from the Institute of Fluid Dynamics with the idea of ozone-based process wastewater treatment. This application-oriented research is conducted in the Helmholtz Innovation Lab CLEWATEC at the HZDR.