
Dr. Birgit Belter

Research Associate
Radio­pharma­ceutical and Chemical Biology
Phone: +49 351 260 2310

Dr. Cathleen Haase-Kohn

Research Associate
Radio­pharma­ceutical and Chemical Biology
Phone: +49 351 260 2859

Prof. Dr. Jens Pietzsch

Head Radio­pharma­ceutical and Chemical Biology
Phone: +49 351 260 2622

Theranostic Targets and Experimental Models

This group aims at the functional characterization of novel tumor-specific molecular targets and the proof of their suitability for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. This includes the development and establishment of reliable experimental tumor models in vitro and in vivo for the radiopharmacological characterization of newly developed radiotracers. For this purpose, a broad spectrum of methods is applied that relate to cell biology, molecular biology, genetic engineering, protein biochemistry, radiobiology, histology, cell and small animal imaging. We also pay particular attention to the application and improvement of clearly defined three-dimensional in vitro cancer models and co-culture systems. These models simulate the interaction between tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment, for example in the progression and metastasis of malignant melanoma, pheochromocytoma, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma or multiple myeloma.

Recent key publications

Projects (multicenter)

  • Antibody-based BCMA targeted theranostics of multiple myeloma (DFG)
  • Transcriptome analysis of magnetic field stimulation of cultured human motoneurons
  • Therapeutic potential of magnetic field stimulation for axon regeneration: collaboration with Herrmannsdoerfer group (Strongly Correlated Electron Systems) at HZDR and the universities in Dresden and Rostock.

Research initiatives

  • Theranostic targeting of multiple myeloma
  • Novel Induction Therapy Approaches

Further publications on our hypotheses and approaches

  • ref. S100 proteins: [1], [2][3]
  • ref. targeting ephrins/Eph receptors: [4]