futureSAX Nominee Portrait about Prof. (em.) Jörg Steinbach from HZDR and Jens Junker from ROTOP

Workbook Alumni in KTT

The brochure presents practical examples of the technology and knowledge transfer at the HZDR.

Partners in technology transfer


Technology Transfer ─ Innovations for Industry

Research at the HZDR makes major contributions to improving cancer visualization and treatment, the sustainable use of resources, and a better understanding of matter and materials. To ensure that our ideas are applied swiftly, we cooperate with industrial partners and clinics, license our technologies to companies and launch new firms. We also pass on knowledge and expertise by opening our research facilities to third parties for joint use, making data available to others, and providing consulting services.

The Department of "Technology Transfer and Innovation" bundles all the skills and support services at the HZDR that are essential for succesful technology transfer – ranging from patent, innovation and contract management to technology marketing. 

Register for Transfer Newsletter


HZDR Transfer Day on January 28, 2025: picture gallery

From Research to Market - Technology Transfer at HZDR

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Watch clip on youtube
Enabling the leap from the laboratory to industrial application - that is the central task of the innovation team at the HZDR. The new HZDR film "From Research to Market - Technology Transfer at HZDR" vividly illustrates how and in what ways this happens.

Review Hi-Tech Forum: Hi-tech meets high-end solutions

Foto: HZDR 162 ©Copyright: Martin Förster

On November 4 and 5, 2024, the first Hi-Tech Forum, organized by the Transfer Department of the HZDR, took place on the campus of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V. with an associated Hi-Acts network meeting. Over 100 participants networked for two days during the conference and at the networking evening event. The networking was framed by interesting keynotes and diverse pitches, the Hi-Acts Breakfast and guided tech tours to the accelerator facilities of the HZDR. The evening event at Schönfeld Castle was supported by the Saxony Economic Development Corporation and the HZDR Innovators School. With 30 companies and 10 research institutes was it a successful and important milestone for the establishment of the Hi-Acts innovation platform.

To the picture gallery: Hi-Tech Forum at 4th and 5th November 2024 at HZDR

News & Events

Download video/mp4 - 84 MB / 854x480 px

Helmholtz Innovation Labs at the HZDR for the development of long-term industrial cooperations

Since the beginning of 2020, independent research and development units have been set up at the HZDR in close cooperation with companies and other scientific institutions in three so-called Innovation Labs. The HZDR is thus expanding its opportunities to test new technologies and fields of application and make them usable for industry. Read more

Foto: Team FSTT ©Copyright: HZDR/significant pictures


Are you looking for support for your innovation project? We are happy to assist you.
Foto: Fördermöglichkeiten_2 ©Copyright: gemeinfrei

Funding Opportunities

O­verview of funding programs for your R&D project.
Foto: Transfer lohnt sich - DE ©Copyright: HZDR

Transfer Projects

Current projects in the area of knowledge and technology transfer.
Foto: HZDR Innovation Fund ©Copyright: FSTT

HZDR Innovation Fund

The internal fund was established in 2016 to provide support for validation and spin-off projects.
Foto: HZDR spin-off initiative reference ©Copyright: HZDR/sahneweiss

HZDR Spin-off initiative

With the start-up initiative, the HZDR is pursuing the goal of increasing the number of spin-offs. We provide support in a variety of ways on the path to founding a company.
Foto: Ionenstrahlanalytik mit dem Helium-Ionen-Mikroskop ©Copyright: André Wirsig

Equipment use

The HZDR has state-of-the-art technical equipment. We offer you the use of this infrastructure.
Foto: Dr. Robert Wodtke (left) and Dr. Martin Kreller at Cyclotron TR-Flex ©Copyright: HZDR/André Wirsig

Transfer Examples

Selected transfer highlights and thriving spin-offs.
Foto: HZDR Innovation Contest 2024 ©Copyright: HZDR/FSTT

HZDR Innovation Contest

The HZDR Innovation Contest is looking for creative ideas at the HZDR.