HZDR Innovators School
HZDR Innovators School - a Helmholtz Transfer Academy
What is the goal of our research? For many scientists, the answer to this question is that they want to put their ideas into practice quickly so that society can benefit from them. This requires not only scientific competence but also entrepreneurial skills. However, because in most cases these first have to be learned, the HZDR Innovators School has been established since the beginning of 2023. By intensifying and systematically bundling qualification and awareness-raising offers, the Transfer and Innovation Department would like to promote the transfer and entrepreneurship culture at the HZDR on a broad scale in the future.
The HZDR Innovators School is an HGF project that will be implemented 2023-2025 by the Technology Transfer & Innovation staff department together with the Human Resources department and the Postdoc Center HZDR-TUD and other partners such as dresden|exists, HighTech Startbahn, TransferAllianz and HZDR Innovation GmbH. The Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung in Leipzig, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and the Deutsche GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam are involved in the HZDR Innovators School as an advisory board.
All offers and information on transfer qualification can now be found at www.hzdr-academy.de.
Recap on the first HZDR Transfer Day on 23th January 2024
The HZDR Innovators School is part of the
Helmholtz Transfer Academies
This programmes across the Helmholtz Centers should sensitise, motivate and support researchers throughout the innovation process to strengthen the transfer culture of Helmholtz. This includes the establishment and expansion of accelerator programmes and entrepreneurship education initiatives, a wide range of offers for developing skills and methods, the teaching of entrepreneurial basics as well as networking and establishing contacts with helpful partners and companies. In addition to the HZDR Innovators School, the HZDR also participates in other Helmholtz Transfer Academies:
HZDR Innovators School
An online platform with basic offers in sensitisation and further training in the field of transfer for HZDR employees from research and technology.
Coming soon: www.hzdr-academy.de
H3 Health Hub
An online platform for life science entrepreneurship with offers for exchange, further training and joint cross-centre projects.
Three-part training programme exclusive for supervisors who want to use the potential of transfer activities profitably for their team.
Nine-month training programme for researchers and technicians to identify transfer projects and bring them in application - whether knowledge or technology transfer.
Your contact persons for the HZDR Innovators School are:
Dr. Anne Richter
Project Manager of the HZDR Innovators School - a Helmholtz Transfer Academy
Marketing and Qualification
Phone: +49 351 260 3851
Dorit Teichmann
Head Marketing and Qualification
Innovation Manager Life Science
Phone: +49 351 260 2800
Melanie Giebel
Technology Marketing and Alumni Coordinator
Phone: +49 351 260 2062
Dr. Veronika Körösi
Head Career Center for Doctoral Researchers & Postdocs
Phone: +49 351 260 2306