
Porträt Dr. Göttling, Janine; FSCC

Photo: Detlev Müller

Dr. Janine Göttling

Career Counselling esp. for Academia and Science Management
Postdoc Cen­ter HZDR-TUD/Career Center
Phone: +49 351 260 2204

Porträt Dr. Körösi, Veronika; FSCC

Dr. Veronika Körösi

Head Career Cen­ter for Doctoral Researchers & Postdocs
Business Career Counselling
Career Center
Phone: +49 351 260 2306

Porträt PD Dr. habil. Zahn, Peter; FWIO-T

PD Dr. habil. Peter Zahn

Science Manager Nanoelectronics & Coordinator Research School NanoNet & HZDR Career Center
Phone: +49 351 260 3121


Career Center for Doctoral Researchers and Postdocs

The Career Center is the central contact and service point for all questions relating to the development of young talents during and after completing their doctorate. Our goal is to help you as a junior scientist to proactively and strategically develop your personal strenghts and competencies from the start. We support you in your decision-making and the subsequent planning and implementation of further steps. We help you to get to know and try out career paths within and outside of science. For the career tracks academia, business and science management we show you opportunities and support you in developing your potential.

Our offers

Further offers for Postdocs:

Further offers for Doctoral Researchers:

Offers for Supervisors:

Qualification opportunities on the topics:

  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Good scientific practice

Do you want to take advantage of our offers? Feel free to contact us via email to We look forward to meeting you.

Here you can find all information in our flyer.

Our next events

Start of application for Future Career Program: Business  | Application deadline: October 7, 2024

Company Visit @LITRONIK | November 14, 2024

Training „Successful Self-Marketing & Networking“ | Nov, 15 + 29 & Dec 13, 2024 (online)

Training “Voice and Impact” | Nov 19, 2024 (in-person) & Jan 16, 2025 (online)

Workshop „AI and Writing of Funding Applications“ | Dec 5, 2024 (online)

Information event on HZDR Doctoral Guidelines | Dec 11, 2024

The Postdoc Center out of which the Career Center was formed is a Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and Technical University Dresden (TUD) joint project within the framework of the Graduate Academy of TUD. It is financed by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers.

Foto: Logo Helmholtz ©Copyright: Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Foto: Logo TU Dresden ©Copyright: TU Dresden
Foto: Logo Graduiertenakademie ©Copyright: Graduiertenakademie
Foto: Logo Postdocs LinkedIn-Gruppe ©Copyright: Postdoc Center HZDR-TUD