
Monday, October 10
Conference Registration
9:00-9:10 Welcome and Opening
Session 1: Source terms and related topics                                                                   Convener: Hideo Hirayama
9:10 Daniela Ene Source Term to the environment from the ESS Target Station
9:35 Ngoc Hoang Tran Development of compact accelerator neutron sources
10:00 Nam-Suk Jung Measurement of secondary neutrons produced from thin carbon stripper by 50 MeV/u Uranium beams
10:25 Albrecht Leuschner Measurement of the dependence of the prompt and delayed responses of the LB 6419 probe in the pulsed neutron field behind the lateral shielding of the FLASH2 beam dump on the electron energy
11:00-11:25 Coffee break
Session 2a: Induced radioactivity                                                                                   Convener: Daniela Kiselev
11:25 Peter Katrik The beam-loss criteria for heavy ion machines at low energies and long-term operation
11:50 Joachim Vollaire Radiation protection assessment of the LIEBE target (circulating Lead Bismuth Eutectic) at ISOLDE
12:15 David Horvath Energy deposition, dose rate and activation calculations for the HiRadMat24 and 27 experiments
Session 2b: Induced radioactivity                                                                                   Convener: Stefan Roesler
12:40 Irina Popova Analysis to support waste deposition of SNS inner reflector plug
13:05-14:00 Lunch
14:00 Daniela Kiselev Total radioactive waste of decommissioning the high intensity proton accelerator (HIPA) facility at PSI
14:25 Fabio Pozzi Radiological characterization of the superconducting RF acceleration system of the Large-Electron-Positron (LEP) collider
14:50 Marco Silari Measurement of 55Fe in radioactive waste with GEMPix
Session 3a: Radiation shielding and dosimetry                                                             Convener: Toshiya Sanami
15:25 Steven Lilley Neutronics analysis for the CHIPIR beamline at the ISIS spallation facility
15:50 Igor Remec Neutronics Analyses for the Spallation Neutron Source Second Target Station
16:15-16:40 Coffee break
16:40 Nikolai Mokhov MARS15 simulation of radiation environment for the ESS Linac
17:10 Nikolai Mokhov (Igor Rakhno) Dark current and radiation shielding studies for the ILC Main Linac
Evening Program                                                              
17:30 Introduction
17:35 Thomas Cowan (Director Institute of Radiation Physics) HZDR Laser-Plasma Research Program
Poster Session and Welcome Reception
18:15-20:15 Daniela Ene Radiological and environmental impacts of the activated air inside the tunnel of ESS accelerator
Yi-Sub Min Methodology study for the reduction of air activation in KOMAC
Sungkyun Park Introduction of the general activity to maintain the radiation safety of KOMAC
Do-Hyun Kim A study on the establishment of residual dose estimation procedure for accumulated radioactive ions in RAON ISOL beam separator devices
Marcel Grieger FLUKA shielding calculations for the low-background underground accelerator laboratory Felsenkeller/Dresden
Jörg Konheiser Source term and shielding calculations for the installation of a new cyclotron for medical applications at HZDR
Ronald Schwengner The gELBE facility at HZDR
Roland Beyer The nELBE time-of-fight facility at HZDR
Thu Trang Trinh Experiments with positrons: The pELBE facility
Kenichi Kimura Discussion on the concept of standard concrete for radiation shield
Angel Licea Measurement of neutron energy spectra in different licensed facilities using the nested neutron spectrometer
Michele Ferrarini The CNAO synchrotron: design and operation
Douglas Di Julio Benchmarking Geant4 for spallation neutron source shielding calculations
Anna Ferrari Residual activity evaluation: benchmark and intercomparison between ANITA, FISPACT, FLUKA and PHITS codes
Yoshihiro Asano Radiation safety systems for high power laser systems at SPring-8 SR -- SACLA XFEL experimental inter-availability facility
ELI Beamlines The ELI-Beamlines Facility: design and radiation sources
Anna Ferrari An activation database for materials used at high-intensity laser-acceleration facilities
Maria Molodtsova Development of a novel active technique for bremsstrahlung source term determination in laser-plasma experiments
Liselotte Obst Laser-particle accelerators for radiotherapy
Arie Irman Generation of high charge electron beams by ionization injection
Lewis McFarlane Radiation protection considerations at the design stage for the ELI-NP facility
20:30 Bus back to hotels

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Tuesday, October 11
Session 3b: Radiation shielding and dosimetry                                                               Convener: Hee-Seock Lee
9:00 Toshiya Sanami Radiation safety studies on Super KEKB Phase 1 operation
9:25 Joachim Vollaire (M.M. Morgenstern) Radiological aspects for the commissioning of the new LINAC4 accelerator at CERN
9:50 Robert Froeschl Radiation protection aspects of the commissioning and operation of CERN High energy Accelerator Mixed field (CHARM) facility in the CERN east experimental area
10:15 Dali Georgobani (Mikhail Kostin) Annual dose to personnel and general public from direct exposure, skyshine and airborne emission at FRIB
10:40-11:05 Coffee break
Session 3b: Radiation shielding and dosimetry (continued)                                         Convener: Albrecht Leuschner
11:05 Jan Blaha Radiological design and controls of the cooling systems for LCLS-II high power electron dumps
11:30 Dali Georgobani Radiation heat load and coil lifetime calculations in support of FRIB magnet design
11:55 Lucia Sarchiapone Preliminary radiological data during the commissioning of the p70 cyclotron at LNL
12:20 Vladimir Mares High-energy Monte Carlo models- Potential impact on neutron dosimetry
13:00-14:00 Lunch
Session 4: Laser-plasma interaction and acceleration                                                   Convener: Johannes Bauer
14:00 Johannes Bauer Ionizing radiation hazards at SLAC from optical laser light interacting with matter
14:25 Nikhil Shetty Radiation shielding of electron beamlines at ELI-Beamlines
14:45 Leonel Morejon Radiation shielding of X-Rays and protons at ELI-Beamlines
15:05 Anna Ferrari Shielding assessment for the HED science instrument at the European XFEL
Session 5: Medical accelerators                                                                                           Convener: Marco Silari
15:35 Michele Ferrarini Neutron dosimetry in pulsed and mixed fields for hadrontherapy applications
16:00-16:25 Coffee break
16:25 Sang-eun Han Evaluation of neutron dose reduction options with a shielding aspect at the proton therapy facility
16:50 Angel Licea Tritium: competitive reaction in cyclotrons F-18 production and regulatory implications
Session 6: Status of codes and data libraries                                                                 Convener: Nikolai Mokhov
17:25 Alfredo Ferrari FLUKA: what's new
17:55 H. Grady Hughes New electron-photon-relaxation data for MCNP6 verification and validation
18:25 Tatsumi Koi Code improvements and shielding benchmarks for Geant4 version 10.02
19:10 Bus for Lingner Schloss
19:30 - 22:00 Social Dinner
22:15 Bus from Lingner Schloss to Conference Hotels and the HZDR Guesthouse

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Wednesday, October 12
Session 6: Status of codes and data libraries (continued)                                                     Convener: Nikolai Mokhov
9:00 Andrea Cowley Abstracting FLUKA Line Builder input as GUI elements for linear beam line geometries
Session 7a: Code benchmarking and intercomparison                                                         Convener: H. Grady Hughes
9:35 Hideo Hirayama Intercomparison of particle production (2)
10:00 Eleftherios Skordis (Anton Lechner) Simulating proton-induced particle showers in the Large Hadron Collider
10:25 George Karashvili Photon and neutron dose rate measurements around thick targets irradiated with GeV electrons: comparison with FLUKA
10:50 Stefan Müller Update of the code intercomparison and benchmark for muon fluence and absorbed dose induced by a 18 GeV electron beam after massive iron shielding
11:15-11:40 Coffee break
Session 7b: Code benchmarking and intercomparison                                                         Convener: Alfredo Ferrari
11:40 Lina Quintieri Comparison of the validation of photo-nuclear predictions with GEANT4, FLUKA and MCNPX for selected test cases in high energy range
12:05 Hee-Seock Lee Benchmarking study for shielding analysis using FLUKA, PHITS, MCNPX and MARS
12:30 Norihiro Matsuda Benchmark calculation of the PHITS code for neutron attenuation in iron and concrete on shielding experiments at proton acceleration facilities
12:55-14:00 Lunch
14:00 Daniela Kiselev Po-production in lead: a benchmark between Geant4, FLUKA and MCNPX
14:25 Elpida Iliopoulou Measurements and FLUKA simulations of Bismuth and Aluminium activation at the CERN Shielding Benchmark Facility (CSBF)
14:50 Kenichi Kimura Discussion on the concept of standard concrete for radiation shield
Concluding Session: Summary, future actions, SATIF-14                                                               Convener: Robert Grove
15:00 Nikolai Mokhov/Hideo Hirayama Summary of SATIF-13
15:30 Anna Ferrari Highlights from the poster session
15:40 Yukio Nakahara Remarks and future actions for SATIF-13
Hee-Seock Lee Proposal for SATIF-14
17:30-18:30 Tour of the ELBE facility
18:45 Bus to the conference hotels/Dresden downtown

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