
Prof. Dr. Thomas Cowan

Director Institute of Radiation Physics
Phone: +49 351 260 2270

PD Dr. Toma Toncian

laser and plasma scientist
Phone: +49 40 8998 6869


Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF)

The objective of the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields (HIBEF) user consortium is to contribute and operate different experimental setups at the High Energy Density (HED) beamline of the European XFEL (with worldwide unique ultrashort and extremely bright X-ray flashes). It is organized as an international user consortium to ensure scientific and technical excellence of the provided equipment which will serve the whole scientific community. The field of interest, high energy density science, includes plasma physics, planetary science, high pressure and strong field physics, magnetism and correlated electron systems as well as material dynamics.

Foto: HIBEF-SAXS ©Copyright: Dr. Thomas Kluge

Relativistic Laser Plasma Physics HIBEF

Combining XFEL pulses and ultra-intense ultra-short optical laser pulses allows an unprecented view into the femtosecond, nano­meter scale physics of the relativistic plasma response, and enable novel applications.
Foto: Schematics of Vacuum Birefringence ©Copyright: Dr. Hans-Peter Schlenvoigt

Strong-field QED

The strongest man-made electro­magnetic fields occur in the focal spot of high-power lasers. This enables exploration of quantum phenomena like vacuum birefringence in a controlled manner and isolated from their usual occurrence.
Foto: Warme Dense Matter ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Dominik Kraus

Dynamic Warm Dense Mat­ter Research

The HIBEF high-energy long pulse laser can shock-compress samples to generate exotic states of matter, allowing study of planetary and stellar interiors, with applications in fusion research, synthesis of new materials and more.
Foto: Cosmic Jets Forming from a Young Star ©Copyright: ESO/L. Calada

High-Pressure Astro- and Planetary Physics

By compressing mat­ter between diamond anvils and heating it with lasers, we can reproduce the pressures and temperatures found inside Earth-like and larger planets, allowing the behaviour of materials at these conditions to be understood bet­ter than e­ver.
Foto: Capacitor bank ©Copyright: HZDR/Oliver Killig

Magnetic Phenomena in Condensed Mat­ter

Combining the XFEL beam with strong ­magnetic fields will provide an unprecedented opportunity to investigate and understand novel materials.
Foto: Laser Detailbild ©Copyright: HZDR/ Detlev Müller

HIBEF Laser Systems

The HIBEF user consortium will contribute and operate two high power, state-of-the-art optical lasers at the HED station. These will be used to generate transient extreme states of density and temperatures, which can then be probed by the XFEL beam. The HiBEF user consortium contributes and will operate at the HED station two high power, state-of-the-art optical lasers. When irradiated onto mat­ter these lasers will generate transient extreme states of density and temperatures.
Foto: HIBEF 2.0 ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Dominik Kraus


Auf Basis neus­ter technischer Entwick­lungen soll die HIBEF-Infra­struk­tur ausgebaut werden, um weitere hochaktuelle wissen­schaftliche Fragestel­lungen, wie Materie bei Drücken deutlich über 10 Millionen bar, bearbeiten zu können und in Zukunft weiterhin weltführende Experimente zu ermöglichen.
Foto: HIBEF Logo ©Copyright: Dr. Christine Zimmermann

HIBEF User Consortium

HIBEF is organized as an international user consortium to ensure scientific and technical excellence of the provided equipment which will serve the whole scientific community.
The user consortium consists of o­ver 80 groups from more than 60 institutes across 16 countries. It includes more than 350 scientists and more than 300 PhD students.