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Foto: Functional diagram of the inductive heating of a rotary kiln reactor in cement production (reference image) ©Copyright: HZDR / B.Schröder

Press Release of 23.01.2025

Green cement: Electric heating to contribute to climate neutrality

The cement industry is one of the largest producers of carbon dioxide. It is responsible for up to eight percent of global man-made emissions – almost three times as much as the global air traffic. To reduce this share and become climate-neutral …

Foto: Dr. Nora Schönberger, Angela Thewes (Pep2Rec) ©Copyright: HZDR / O.Killig

Press Release of 20.01.2025

Nachhaltige Metallfil­ter für die Industrie: Nachwuchs­gruppe Pep2Rec am HZDR gestartet

Am Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie (HIF) des HZDR stellt sich die Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe Pep2Rec der Herausforderung, Palladium-haltige Katalysatoren wiederzugewinnen. Unter der Leitung von Dr. Nora Schönberger entwickelt …

Foto: XR (eXtended Reality) microscopy not only allows you to immerse yourself virtually in the world of cells and tissue but also to change the biological system under investigation through interactions in this world. ©Copyright: U. Günther & J. Tiemann/HZDR

Press Release of 17.01.2025

New method for interactive 3D microscopy

In late 2024, the XR (eXtended Reality) microscopy project received 100,000 euros by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) via the GO-Bio initial funding program. The project aims to develop software that allows images from …



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