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Foto: Polymers and other materials move on a conveyor belt test track at speeds of up to one meter per second while beeing sequentially scanned by multiple sensors. ©Copyright: Dr. Margret Fuchs

Press Release of 02.10.2024

More recycling efficiency for plastics

Plastics make up around a quarter of the materials contained in electronic waste (e-waste). The proportion that is recycled is comparatively low - the majority is simply incinerated. The first step to improve recycling is the identification of …

Foto: A strong light pulse in the terahertz range separates charged luminous trions into individual electrons and neutral excitons. ©Copyright: Giuseppe Meneghini

Press Release of 27.09.2024

Temporarily apart: Research team succeeds in ultra-fast switching of tiny light sources

Extremely thin materials consisting of just a few atomic layers promise applications for electronics and quantum technologies. An international team led by TU Dresden has now made remarkable progress with an experiment conducted at HZDR: The experts were able to induce an …

Foto: High-intensity laser DRACO ©Copyright: HZDR/Jürgen Lösel

Press Release of 25.09.2024

Weltweit erste laserbasierte Neu­tronen­quelle für Industrieeinsatz

Ein von Focused Energy geführtes Verbundprojekt entwickelt die weltweit erste lasergetriebene Neutronenquelle für den Industrieeinsatz. Das so genannte LDRS-Verfahren …



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