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43543 Publications
Enantioselective σ1 receptor binding and biotransformation of the spirocyclic PET tracer 1’-Benzyl-3-(3-fluoropropyl)-3H-spiro[[2]benzofuran-1,4’-piperidine]
Wiese, C.; Große Maestrup, E.; Schepmann, D.; Grimme, S.; Humpf, H.-U.; Brust, P.; Wünsch, B.
It was shown that racemic (±)-2 [1’-benzyl-3-(3-fluoropropyl)-3H-spiro[[2]benzofuran-1,4’-piperidine], WMS-1813] represents a promising positron emission tomography (PET) tracer for the investigation of centrally located σ1 receptors. To study the pharmacological activity of the enantiomers of 2, a preparative HPLC separation of (R)-2 and (S)-2 was performed. The absolute configuration of the enantiomers was determined by CD-spectroscopy together with theoretical calculations of the CD-spectrum of a model compound. In receptor binding studies with the radioligand [3H]-(+)-pentazocine, (S)-2 was thrice more potent than its (R)-configured enantiomer (R)-2. The metabolic degradation of the more potent (S)-enantiomer was considerably slower than the metabolism of (R)-2. The structures of the main metabolites of both enantiomers were elucidated by determination of the exact mass using an Orbitrap-LC-MS system. These experiments showed a stereoselective biotransformation of the enantiomers of 2.
Keywords: σ1 receptor ligands; PET tracer; resolution; CD spectroscopy; enantioselective receptor binding; enantioselective metabolism
Chirality 23(2011), 148-154
DOI: 10.1002/chir.20893
Cited 11 times in Scopus
Hyperon production in Ar + KCl collisions at 1.76A GeV
Agakishiev, G.; Balanda, A.; Bannier, B.; Bassini, R.; Belver, D.; Belyaev, A.; Blanco, A.; Böhmer, M.; Boyard, J. L.; Cabanelas, P.; Castro, E.; Chernenko, S.; Christ, T.; Destefanis, M.; Diaz, J.; Dohrmann, F.; Dybczak, A.; Eberl, T.; Epple, E.; Fabbietti, L.; Fateev, O.; Finocchiaro, P.; Fonte, P.; Friese, J.; Froehlich, I.; Galatyuk, T.; Garzon, J. A.; Gernhaeuser, R.; Gil, A.; Gilardi, C.; Golubeva, M.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D.; Guber, F.; Gumberidze, M.; Heilmann, M.; Heinz, T.; Hennino, T.; Holzmann, R.; Huck, P.; Iori, I.; Ivashkin, A.; Jurkovic, M.; Kaempfer, B.; Kanaki, K.; Karavicheva, T.; Kirschner, D.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B. W.; Kotte, R.; Krizek, F.; Kruecken, R.; Kuehn, W.; Kugler, A.; Kurepin, A.; Lang, S.; Lange, J. S.; Lapidus, K.; Liu, T.; Lopes, L.; Lorenz, M.; Maier, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Markert, J.; Metag, V.; Michalska, B.; Michel, J.; Mishra, D.; Moriniere, E.; Mousa, J.; Muentz, C.; Naumann, L.; Otwinowski, J.; Pachmayer, Y. C.; Palka, M.; Parpottas, Y.; Pechenov, V.; Pechenova, O.; Perez-Cavalcanti, T.; Pietraszko, J.; Przygoda, W.; Ramstein, B.; Reshetin, A.; Roy-Stephan, M.; Rustamov, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Sailer, B.; Salabura, P.; Schmah, A.; Schwab, E.; Siebenson, J.; Sobolev, Y. G.; Spataro, S.; Spruck, B.; Stroebele, H.; Stroth, J.; Sturm, C.; Tarantola, A.; Teilab, K.; Tlusty, P.; Traxler, M.; Trebacz, R.; Tsertos, H.; Wagner, V.; Weber, M.; Wendisch, C.; Wisniowski, M.; Wojcik, T.; Wuestenfeld, J.; Yurevich, S.; Zanevsky, Y.; Zhou, P.; Zumbruch, P.
We present transverse momentum spectra, rapidity distribution and multiplicity of Lambda-hyperons measured with the HADES spectrometer in the reaction Ar(1.76A GeV)+KCl. The yield of Xi- is calculated from our previously reported Xi-/(Lambda+Sigma0) ratio and compared to other strange particle multiplicities. Employing a strangeness balance equation the multiplicities of the yet unmeasured charged Sigma hyperons can be estimated. Finally a statistical hadronization model is used to fit the yields of pi-, K+, K0s, K-, phi, Lambda and Xi-. The resulting chemical freeze-out temperature of T=(76+-2) MeV is compared to the measured slope parameters obtained from fits to the transverse mass distributions of the particles.
European Physical Journal A 47(2011), 21
DOI: 10.1140/epja/i2011-11021-8
Cited 76 times in Scopus
Energetics and kinetics of defects, impurities, nanostructures and interfaces
Posselt, M.
Computer simulations using classical interatomic potentials are an efficient and promising tool to investigate and understand atomic-level properties and processes in advanced materials. They allow the consideration of length and time scales which are often hardly accessible by experiments. However, the accuracy of the interatomic potentials employed in such type of simulations determines decisively the quality of the obtained results. Therefore, these potentials must be continuously improved and evaluated.
In the present contribution three applications of atomistic computer simulations are illustrated. The focus is on energetics and kinetics of defects, impurities, nanostructures and interfaces in materials for micro- and nanoelectronics and in structural materials for fission reactors. Implications of the simulation results for the explanation of experimental findings are discussed.
The first example deals with molecular dynamics simulations on basic migration mechanisms of mono- and di-(self-)interstitials in Si. Both the atomic mobility due to the presence of the defect and the defect mobility itself are determined. The mechanism of di-interstitial migration depends on temperature, in contrast to that of the mono-interstitial.
In the second example amorphous Si and Ge as well as their solid-phase epitaxial recrystallization (SPER) are considered. Results obtained by different interatomic potentials are compared. The molecular dynamics simulations yield amorphous material with realistic structural and thermodynamic properties, but the SPER rate is strongly overestimated. It is shown that a more realistic SPER rate can be obtained using a modified interatomic potential which yields a higher melting temperature of the amorphous phase. This is explained by the fact that both melting and SPER are essentially determined by the flexibility of atomic bonds.
The subject of the third example is the formation of coherent Cu-rich precipitates in bcc-Fe, i.e. nanostructures containing Cu and vacancies. For pure vacancy and pure Cu clusters as well as for mixed clusters up to a maximum size of 200 the free binding energy and nucleation free energy are determined, using a combination of on-lattice Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations and off-lattice molecular dynamics calculations. The data which are obtained for the binding energy of a single Cu atom and a single vacancy to a cluster are important input parameters of the rate theory. This type of simulation is an efficient multi-scale modeling tool to simulate the cluster evolution on realistic length and time scales.
Keywords: energetics and kinetics; defects; impurities; nanostructures; computer simulation; classical interatomic potential
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14695) publication
Invited lecture (Conferences)
11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Symposium T: Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation of Materials, 25.-28.09.2010, Qingdao, China
Nucleation of Cu-vacancy and Ni-vacancy clusters in bcc-Fe
Al-Motasem, A. T.; Posselt, M.; Bergner, F.
Experimental investigations revealed that both the impurity Cu and the alloying element Ni may contribute to hardening and embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels during the irradiation by fast neutrons. The irradiation-induced supersaturation of vacancies and self-interstitials amplifies the diffusion of the foreign atoms in bcc-Fe and causes the formation of nanosized Cu- or Ni-rich clusters which act as obstacles to dislocation motion within the grains of the polycrystalline matrix. The concentration of Cu in RPV steels is typically higher than its solid solubility and, therefore, irradiation-enhanced formation of Cu-rich precipitates is observed. Measurements showed that these clusters may not only consist of pure Cu but also include vacancies [1]. On the other hand, the Ni concentration is typically below its solubility limit. That means, any formation of Ni-rich clusters as found in [2] for neutron-irradiated binary Fe-Ni alloys is essentially irradiation-induced. Obviously, these clusters must contain additional species in order to be stable. Small-angle neutron scattering analysis [2] indicated that vacancies could be the other constituent.
In the present work atomistic computer simulations using the ternary Fe-Cu-Ni interatomic potential by Bonny et al. [3] are employed to investigate the thermodynamics of Cu-vacancy and Ni-vacancy precipitates in bcc-Fe. The nucleation free energy of the clusters is determined by the energy and the entropy change due to precipitation using isolated (diluted) Cu and Ni atoms as well as vacancies as the reference. In agreement with indications from measurements the nanoclusters are assumed to have the bcc structure of the iron matrix. The binding energy of the most stable cluster configurations is calculated by simulated annealing within the framework of on-lattice Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations and by subsequent relaxation using off-lattice molecular dynamics calculations.
[1] Q. Xu, T. Yoshiie, K. Sato, Phys. Rev, B 73 (2006) 134115.
[2] F. Bergner, A. Ulbricht, M. Hernandez-Mayoral, P. K. Pranzas, J. Nucl. Mater. 374 (2008) 334.
[3] G. Bonny, R. C. Pasianot, N. Castin, L. Malerba, Phil. Mag. 89 (2009) 3531.
Keywords: atomic simulation; cu-v clusters; formation energy; binding energy
Lecture (Conference)
the 10th International Conference on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, 19.-23.07.2010, Krakow, Poland
Thermodynamics of nanoclusters in bcc-Fe containing copper, nickel and vacancies
Al-Motasem, A. T.; Posselt, M.; Talati, M.; Bergner, F.
Reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steels consist of polycrystalline bcc-Fe with different alloying elements, e.g. Ni, and different impurities, e.g. Cu. The continuous irradiation by fast neutrons leads to a supersaturation of vacancies and self-interstitials which enhances the diffusion of the foreign atoms and causes the formation of nanosized clusters. The interaction of dislocations with these precipitates is considered to be the main cause of hardening and embrittlement of RPV steels. In order to model the evolution of the nanoclusters under irradiation at typical temperatures by rate theory the dependence of their nucleation free energy on cluster size and composition must be known. In the present work atomic-level computer simulations are employed to determine these data since they are hardly obtainable by experimental investigations. The ternary Fe-Cu-Ni interatomic potential by Bonny et al. [1] is used in order to consider the thermodynamics of nanoclusters which may consist of the two foreign species and vacancies. In particular the influence of Ni on the formation of clusters containing Cu and vacancies is investigated since previous theoretical [1] and experimental [2,3] studies indicated synergistic effects. The nucleation free energy of the clusters is determined by the energy and the entropy change due to precipitation using isolated (diluted) Cu and Ni atoms as well as vacancies as the reference. In agreement with experimental observations the nanoclusters are assumed to have the bcc structure of the iron matrix. The energy and entropy contributions are calculated using combinations of on-lattice Monte Carlo simulations and off-lattice molecular dynamics calculations.
[1] G. Bonny et al., Phil. Mag. 89 (2009) 3531.
[2] J. T. Buswell et al., Effects of Radiation on Materials: 14th Int. Symp. (Vol. II), ASTM STP 1046, Philadelphia, 1990, p.127.
[3] F. Bergner et al., J. Nucl. Mater. (2009) in press
Keywords: atomistic modeling; v-Cu-Ni cluster; thermodynamic stability; monomer binding energy
Lecture (Conference)
The fifth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM-2010), 04.-08.10.2010, Frieburg, Germany, 04.-08.10.2010, Freiburg, Germany -
Contribution to proceedings
The fifth international conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling , Freiburg-Germany, 04.-08.10.2010, Freiburg, Germany
MMM2010 Multiscale Materials Modeling, 978-3-8396-0166-2
3D-Visualisierung von Fluidströmungen in Salinargestein mittels Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie
Wolf, M.; Kulenkampff, J.; Enzmann, F.; Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Gründig, M.; Richter, M.
Der ehemalige Kali- und Steinsalzbergbau im Raum Staßfurt (Sachsen-Anhalt) führt seit dem 19. Jahrhundert zu stellenweise erheblichen Bergschäden im Stadtgebiet, die auf Subrosion und Konvergenz untertägiger Hohlräume zurück gehen. Gebäude und Infrastruktur sind von großflächigen Absenkungen, Vernässungen und lokalen Tagesbrüchen in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden.
Da man ähnliche Bergbaufolgeschäden in vielen Regionen des Salzbergbaus antrifft, hat sich das aus mehreren Forschungseinrichtungen, Universitäten und Unternehmen bestehende Forschungsverbundvorhaben Dynamik abgesoffener oder gefluteter Salzbergwerke und ihres Deckgebirgsstockwerks unter Federführung der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) zum Ziel gesetzt, Ursachen, Prozesse und Auswirkungen der Bergschäden exemplarisch und allumfassend zu untersuchen.
Um ein möglichst umfassendes Bild der im Untergrund ablaufenden Prozesse und deren Ursachen und Folgen zu erhalten, sind Untersuchung der kleinräumigen Strukturen und Prozesse im Labormaßstab erforderlich. Die großräumige Abschätzung der Grundwasserdynamik im Salinar und im Deckgebirge, also der Ursachen und Folgen der Subrosion, bedarf der Charakterisierung von Wegsamkeiten und der Fluiddynamik bis in den Milli- und Mikrometerbereich, da sich die grundlegenden Prozesse auf der molekularen Ebene in der Mikroskala abspielen und somit die Dynamik in der regionalen Größenordnung bestimmen.
Wie auf der Feldskala, so wird auch auf der Laborskala die Verteilung von hydrologischen Parametern, wie z. B. Permeabilitäten, Abstandsgeschwindigkeiten und Dispersionsraten von der heterogenen Struktur des Gesteins kontrolliert, weswegen diese Parameter nicht nur im regionalen sondern auch im Labormaßstab strukturbezogen, also räumlich differenziert, erhoben werden sollten.
Daher wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Geologischen Institut der JGU Mainz eine Methode zur direkten räumlich aufgelösten und quantitativen Prozessbeobachtung entwickelt und angewendet. Hierfür wurde die Methode der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) eingesetzt, ein ursprünglich medizinisches, bildgebendes Verfahren. Dieses Verfahren erlaubt es, zerstörungsfrei, mit höchstmöglicher Empfindlichkeit und geeignetem Auflösungsvermögen, die Bewegung einer mit einem radioaktiven Tracerisotop (hier F-18 und I-124) markierten Wassermenge in Raum und Zeit zu beobachten, wobei die Menge des eingesetzten Radiotracers im Bereich weniger Nanogramm gehalten werden kann. Das System wird somit durch den Tracer auf geringst mögliche Weise beeinflusst und es wird ein sehr realistisches Bild des Fließverhaltens mit einer räumlichen Auflösung von 1 mm und einer zeitlichen Auflösung von 60 s erzeugt.
Bislang wird in der Literatur nur von wenigen Ansätzen berichtet, die das Ziel verfolgen, die realistischen Verhältnisse strömender Fluide in heterogen strukturierten Gesteinen dreidimensional abzubilden. Solche Strömungsmuster werden in der Regel mittels stochastischer Modelle durch Computersimulationen erzeugt. Erst ein Abgleich mit gemessenen Strömungsmustern kann zur Validierung dieser Simulationen führen, was auch erst ein valides Upscaling in die Feldskala ermöglicht.
In Kooperation mit der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung- und prüfung Berlin (BAM) und dem Geologischen Institut der Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz (JGU) werden daher die PET-Messungen zur Fluiddynamik mit Lattice-Boltzmann-Simulationen der Fließprozesse verglichen, die auf hochauflösenden computertomographischen µXCT Messungen der internen Struktur der identischen Bohrkerne beruhen.
Der Vergleich von PET-Messdaten mit Lattice-Boltzmann - Simulationsdaten bedeutet eine Skalenübertragung um etwa drei Größenordnungen (µm - mm). Daher erfolgt der Abgleich zwischen gemessenen und simulierten Daten auf statistischem Wege. Gemessene und simulierte Strömungsmuster werden mittels Variographie mit einander abgeglichen, da diese Methode skalenübergreifend die Korrelationen zwischen den Fließmustern wider gibt. Ebenso werden räumlich differenzierte Durchbruchkurven und Histogramme für den Vergleich von Messung und Simulation heran gezogen.
Diesem Ansatz liegt das Bestreben zugrunde, zu einer Erweiterung des generellen Prozessverständnisses und der Vorhersagbarkeit über das Verhalten von Fluiden in porösen und klüftigen Gesteinen beizutragen und die beobachteten Phänomene und Prozesse von der Labor- auf die Feldskala zu übertragen.
Nicht in jedem Fall war dieser Abgleich zwischen Simulation und Experiment jedoch möglich: während in klüftig-porösen Materialien gewöhnlich mit beiden Methoden räumlich stark differenzierte präferentielle Fließwege im Kluftsystem gefunden wurden, konnte in eher mikrostrukturell ausgeprägten Materialien trotz messbarer Permeabilität gelegentlich kein verbundener Porenraum aus den CT-Bildern segmentiert und somit keine Lattice-Boltzmann-Simulation durchgeführt werden. In diesem Fall zeigte die PET-Untersuchung ein diffuses Ausbreitungsverhalten des Tracers.
Lecture (Conference)
Staßfurt-Verbund Abschlusstagung 2010, 18.-20.11.2010, Staßfurt, Sachsen-Anhalt
Fluid flow in geological material: GeoPET observation in comparison with Lattice-Boltzmann simulation
Wolf, M.; Kulenkampff, J.; Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Gründig, M.; Richter, M.; Enzmann, F.
This thesis is located at the Institute of Radiochemistry, FZD Research Site Leipzig for Interdisciplinary Isotope Research, Reactive Transport Division (FWRT). The main focus of this division is the investigation of transport processes in geosystems by means of radiotracer applications. The main topic of the thesis is the visualization of transport processes in geologic material by means of the in-house development of the GeoPET-method. This work is conducted as part of the scientific joint venture: Dynamik abgesoffener oder gefluteter Salzbergwerke und ihres Deckgebirgsstockwerks (Dynamic of drowned or flooded salt mines and their overburden), coordinated by the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR).
Since the late 19. century drowned salt mines cause severe mining damages in the city of Stassfurt (Saxony-Anhalt). Sink hole depressions and subsidence of the surface below the groundwater table destroyed large parts of the down town. The general causation was lack of experience with salt mines and mining in gypsum karst in the 19. century. The causation in detail why and how exactly salt rock has washed out is more complicated to identify, as streaming mechanisms at the small scale level are partly still unclear; the general fluid dynamics at small scales is partly unknown.
To reveal these processes and mechanisms the behaviour of salt brines at the millimetre scale in drilling cores of the different geological units of the salt rock and its surrounding is examined by three-dimensional visualization of the distribution of radioactive labelled water measured with PET. Mechanisms at millimetre scale control mechanisms at the kilometre scale and are of utmost importance for the principal understanding of fluid dynamics. In the laboratory you can have a look into the rock. In the field this is not possible this way.
Combining PET data with high resolution CT-scans of the samples (conducted by the cooperation partners JGU Mainz and BAM Berlin) allows an alignment of processes of the fluid flow and its associated hydraulic pathway structures. This matching is important for understanding and for generalized conclusion about ongoing processes and is a necessary preparatory work for computer modelling.
Lattice-Boltzmann-simulations of velocity fields and streaming patterns based on CT-data are compared with PET-data derived from the same samples. This comparison of the flow patterns is done by means of geostatistic methods that allows scale independant spatial correlation of the patterns and therefore provide scale indpendant parameters like correlation lengths that are a necessity for upscaling.
Short term objective is the improvement and validation of parameters and fluid flow concepts derived from small scale simulations. Long term objective is the improvement of upscaling of parameters and concepts to the field scale and a better understanding and prediction of mining damages and groundwater behaviour.
Lecture (Conference)
Bodenphysik-Seminar, 14.10.2010, Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt
Does the coordination geometry of CuII bispidine complexes influence the radiopharmacological properties?
Fähnemann, S.; Stephan, H.; Walther, M.; Steinbach, J.; Haaf, C.; Comba, P.
3,7-Diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane derivatives (bispidines) represent a versatile platform for the development of new copper radiopharmaceuticals.[1] An extensive research effort has shown that bispidines with additional donor substituents form very stable complexes with copper(II) (L1, logK = 16.3). The CuII complexes of these so-called 1st generation hexadentate bispidine ligands (L1-Cu) enforce a distorted octahedral geometry which is well preorganized for CuII.
Recently, the 2nd generation of bispidine derivatives has been reported (L2 – L3).[2, 3] These ligands yield very high complex stabilities with CuII (logK from 19.5 to 26.4) similar to [CuII(cyclam)]2+ (logK = 27.2). In contrast to the 1st generation bispidines they provide exclusively aliphatic nitrogen atoms in the backbone, combined with one (L2) or two (L3) rigid diazacycloheptane rings for tetra- or hexadentate coordination, leading to distorted trigonal bipyramidal or distorted trigonal prismatic coordination geometries.
Ligands L1 – L3 have been labeled with 64Cu, and their radiopharmacological data, e.g. labeling efficiency and kinetics, lipophilicity and in vitro stability will be discussed.
[1] S. Juran, M. Walther, H. Stephan, R. Bergmann, L. Steinbach, W. Kraus, F. Emmerling, P.Comba; Bioconjugate Chem. 2009, 20, 347-59.
[2] P. Comba, C. Haaf, H. Wadephol; Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 6604-6614.
[3] P. Comba, C. Haaf, A. Lienke, A. Muruganantham, H. Wadepohl: Chem.-Eur. J., 2009, 41, 10880-10887.
3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, 29.08.-02.09.2010, Nürnberg, D
Octahedral rhenium cluster/glycodendrimer associates: A new tailor-made drug delivery system?
Kubeil, M.
In recent years polynuclear metal complexes have become increasingly important due to their antitumoral as well as antiviral properties. [1] Their wide variety of biochemical, chemical and physical properties gives the opportunity to create tailor-made drugs. In this perspective, the enhancement of the hydrolytic stability and in particular the improvement of the in vivo selectivity of inorganic cluster compounds represents the major burden to circumvent.
Appropriate nanocontainers may be utilized to enable the cluster compounds to be transported and released within target tissues. Of great interest is the encapsulation of potential drug molecules by non-covalent binding at the interior of dendritic structures which provide well-defined cavities. In this context, dendritic nanocontainer with maltose-modified shell [2] appears appealing to act as a host for nanometer sized anionic rhenium cluster compounds.
The inclusion and release phenomena of an octahedral rhenium cluster with six terminal hydroxo ligands [Re6S8(OH)6]4- [3] into poly(propylene amine) dendrimers (POPAM, generation 4 and 5) with dense maltose shell have been studied in detail applying different physico-chemical methods, e.g. UV/vis, time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS) and laser induced liquid bead ion desorption (LILBID) mass spectrometry.
On average, 4 – 5 cluster anions can be captured in the interior of the investigated sugar-coated dendrimers, and a slow release of cluster complexes was observed under physiological conditions.
Altogether, the studied system shows the possibility for the development of dendritic nanocarriers with specific targeting and paves the way for therapeutic applications.
[1] J. T. Rhule, C. L. Hill, D. A. Judd, R. F. Schinazi, Chem. Rev.1998, 98, 327-357.
[2] B. Klajnert, D. Appelhans, H. Komber, N. Morgner, S. Schwarz, S. Richter, B. Brutschy, M. Ionov, A. K. Tonkikh, M. Bryszewska, B. Voit, Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 7030.
[3] K. A. Brylev, Y. V. Mironov, S. S. Yarovoi, N. G. Naumov, V. E. Fedorov, S.-J. Kim, N. Kitamura, Y. Kuwahara, K. Yamada, S. Ishizaka, Y. Sasaki, Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 7414-7422.
Lecture (Conference)
IWTMC-II International Workshop on Transition Metal Clusters-II, 30.09.-02.10.2010, Rostock, D
Improved environmental resistance of Ti-alloys at elevated temperatures by a combined Al- and F-treatment
Donchev, A.; Schütze, M.; Kolitsch, A.; Yankov, R.
Titanium is widely used as a structural material because of its low specific weight, good mechanical properties and excellent corrosion resistance at low temperatures due to the formation of a passive TiO2layer. The melting point (1677°C) is very high. Usually the maximum tolerable operating temperature is lower than 600°C. Because of increased oxidation and environmental embrittlement Ti-Alloys can not be used at higher temperatures in oxidizing environments. An enrichment of Al in the surface zone of Ti-alloys leads to an improvement of the oxidation resistance by the formation of intermetallic TixAly-phases but this is not sufficient. A fluorine treatment on TiAl-alloys results in the formation of a protective alumina scale by the so called fluorine effect. Therefore, the combination of Al-enrichment in the surface zone so that a TiAl-layer is formed and an additional F-treatment gives good results. The alumina scale is very protective against environmental attack and also prevents oxygen inward diffusion which causes embrittlement. In this paper the results of isothermal and thermocyclic oxidation tests at 600°C of several Ti-alloys (-Ti, Ti3Al, etc.) are presented without any treatment, with single Al-treatment, pure F-treatment and the combination of both. Aluminium was either enriched by a powder pack process or by magnetron sputtering. Fluorine was applied by several ways e.g. by a liquid phase process. Post experimental investigations like SEM revealed the formation of thin oxide layers on samples with the combined Al + F-treatment. Hardness measurements showed that no embrittlement was observed on the treated samples while untreated specimens showed increased hardness values in the oxygen enriched zone.
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14688) publication
Lecture (Conference)
Materials Science & Technology 2010 Conference and Exhibition - combined with the ACerS 112th Annual Meeting (MS&T 2010), 17.-21.10.2010, Houston, USA
Protection of TiAl-components against high temperature oxidation with fluorine
Donchev, A.; Schütze, M.; Kolitsch, A.; Yankov, R.
Titanium aluminides are very promising light weight materials for several high temperature applications e.g. in aero or automotive engines but due to their insufficient oxidation resistance at temperatures above roughly 800°C they can not be used for longer times. The oxidation behaviour of TiAl-alloys can be improved significantly by microalloying of small amounts of fluorine into the subsurface zone. The use of TiAl-components after fluorine treatment is possible up to temperatures above 1000°C in oxidizing atmospheres due to the formation of a thin protective alumina layer. One possibility to apply fluorine to the surface of complex TiAl-components is the PI³-technique (plasma immersion ion implantation). The use of an Ar/CH2F2-plasma for the F-PI³ into small coupons leads to a positive effect which is as good as the beamline implantation of elemental fluorine gas into samples of the same size. Other treatments are using liquid or gaseous fluorine containing compounds which react with the surface of the specimens. The oxidation kinetics of F-treated TiAl-alloys will be discussed in the paper. Several more complex TiAl-samples and turbine blades as examples for real TiAl-components have been treated. Their oxidation behaviour will be shown. Post exposure investigations like SEM reveal a thin protective alumina scale on the surface of the implanted samples in contrast to a thick mixed scale (TiN/TiO2/Al2O3) growing on untreated samples during high temperature exposure in air.
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14687) publication
Lecture (Conference)
Materials Science & Technology 2010 Conference and Exhibition - combined with the ACerS 112th Annual Meeting (MS&T 2010), 17.-21.10.2010, Houston, USA
Suppression of oxygen-induced embrittlement in Ti by plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII)-based processing
Yankov, R. A.; Kolitsch, A.; Munnik, F.; von Borany, J.
Titanium has a large strength-to-weight ratio and good corrosion resistance at moderate temperatures, which make it an important structural material in a number of advanced technical applications. A major problem with the use of Ti is its high affinity to oxygen giving rise to massive oxygen in-diffusion at temperatures of about 550° to 600°C. The presence of large amounts of oxygen renders the material brittle and deteriorates its mechanical properties. In this work, we describe an effective way of overcoming the oxygen-induced embrittlement problem by forming a surface barrier to the diffusion of oxygen. Surface processing has involved two steps, namely enrichment of the Ti near-surface region with Al, and introduction of fluorine. For the Al enrichment, a novel hybrid system has been developed to implant Al into Ti. The apparatus consists basically of a PIII chamber configured with two magnetrons having an Al target each, and facing the RF antenna. The magnetrons are synchronized with the bias applied to the sample holder in such a way that the accelerating high-voltage pulse is triggered with a certain delay, i.e. during the time when the Al plasma generated by the magnetrons is most dense, thereby minimizing deposition. Alternative aluminization techniques have involved either magnetron sputtering of Al onto Ti followed by a thermal drive-in step or pack processes. Fluorine has been subsequently introduced by PIII employing a mixture of CH2F2 and Ar as the precursor gas. A variety of analytical techniques such as elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) have been used for characterization. Optimized PIII-based processing has been found to produce a continuous, adherent alumina scale on the Ti surface. Thus, the resulting material is inherently resistant to oxygen absorption and is not embritteled upon extended exposure to oxygen-containing environments at elevated temperatures up to about 600° C.
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14686) publication
12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering - PSE 2010, 13.-17.09.2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Improvement of the oxidation behaviour of complex shaped TiAl-alloys by plasma immersion ion implantation with fluorine
Kolitsch, A.; Yankov, R.; Donchev, A.
Titanium aluminides are of great interest for several structural high temperature applications because of their low specific weight (about 4 g/cm3) and their excellent high temperature strength. They could replace the much heavier high temperature steels or Ni-based superalloys (up to 9 g/cm3) which are usually in service. The implementation of this new group of intermetallic alloys in e.g. the aerospace or automotive industry is therefore due to economic and ecologic reasons. The use of TiAl-based alloys is still limited to a temperature of about 750 °C because of their poor oxidation resistance despite of their good mechanical properties which would allow the use at higher temperatures. The oxidation resistance can be improved significantly by small amounts of halogens such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine (so called halogen effect).
A defined dose of these halogens has to be provided at the metal/oxide interface of the component. The halogens promote the selective formation of gaseous Al-halides at temperatures above 700 °C which are oxidised to Al2O3 during their outward diffusion through the naturally grown oxide scale. So finally a protective alumina scale is formed which is stable for long times even under thermocyclic exposure and wet atmospheres. In this presentation the results of isothermal and thermocyclic high temperature oxidation tests of technical TiAl-alloys with and without fluorine ion implantation are shown.
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14685) publication
18th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, 06.-11.06.2010, Kyoto, Japan
Formation of an alumina-containing scale for the surface protection of TiAl alloys and Ti against environmental degradation at elevated temperatures
Yankov, R. A.; Kolitsch, A.; Munnik, F.; von Borany, J.
Ti and TiAl alloys are lightweight materials that hold great promise for advanced aerospace, automotive and power generation applications. They are, however, limited in applicability by their poor oxidation resistance above 600°C. We have developed a process for enhancing the high-temperature oxidation resistance of these materials. For TiAl, the process involves a single step, i.e. plasma immersion implantation (PIII) of fluorine relying on the so-called "halogen effect". Optimum conditions have been established under which the alloys acquire a stable, adherent and highly protective alumina scale upon subsequent high-temperature oxidation in air. The extent of oxidation protection has been evaluated by testing F-implanted TiAl samples at temperatures up to 1050°C. Results from characterization by elastic recoil detection, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis have proven the possibility of forming a protective alumina scale on both laboratory coupons and components such as turbine blades and turbochargers. In the case of Ti, surface processing involves two steps, i.e. Al enrichment of the Ti near-surface, and introduction of F by PIII. The Ti samples so modified have shown marked environmental stability at temperatures up to 700°C.
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14684) publication
CIMTEC 2010 - 12th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies, 12th International Ceramic Congress, 06.-11.06.2010, Montecatini Terme, Italy
Enhanced resistance of Ti-alloys against environmental attack by a combined Al- and F-treatment
Donchev, A.; Schütze, M.; Kolitsch, A.; Yankov, R.
Titanium alloys cannot be used at elevated temperatures above approximately 500°C because of their limited environmental stability. Several ways have been investigated so far to improve the environmental stability of Ti-alloys e.g. coatings but these attempts in a majority of cases have not been really successful. A new way to improve the performance of these alloys is the combination of Al-enrichment in the surface zone plus additional fluorine treatment. The Al-enrichment leads to the formation of intermetallic phases. These phases improve the oxidation resistance of Ti-alloys but not to a sufficient extent. An additional fluorine treatment on top of the Al-enriched surface leads to the formation of a stable alumina scale due to the fluorine effect. In this paper results from oxidation and other tests performed on Ti-samples without any treatment, with single Al- or F-treatment and with a combination of both are presented and the results are discussed.
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14683) publication
Lecture (Conference)
TMS 2010 (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society), 139th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 14.-18.02.2010, Seattle, USA
Comparison of fluorination treatments to improve the high temperature oxidation resistance of TiAl alloys in SO2 containing environments
Masset, P. J.; Yankov, R.; Kolitsch, A.; Schütze, M.
Surfaces of titanium aluminides were treated with fluorine either physically by plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) or chemically using a F-based polymer. Under optimum conditions of fluorination, both treatments were shown to improve the oxidation resistance of the alloys even in aggressive environments containing sulfur dioxide (0.1 vol. %). No sulfur was detected in the oxide scale although thermodynamic calculations predict the formation of sulfides. The inward diffusion of oxygen and nitrogen was found to be reduced in the presence of SiO2.
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14682) publication
Materials Science Forum 638-642(2010), 1374-1378
DOI: 10.4028/
Cited 5 times in Scopus
Surface Morphology of Heterogeneous Nanocrystalline Rutile/Amorphous Anatase TiO2 Films Grown by Reactive Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering
Gago, R.; Vinnichenko, M.; Redondo-Cubero, A.; Czigany, Z.; Vazquez, L.
Titaniumdioxide filmswere grown on unheated substrates bymid-frequency (100 kHz) reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering at different O2 partial pressures in an Ar/O2 atmosphere. X-ray diffraction and absorption measurements reveal a transition from amorphous anatase to nanocrystalline rutile with [O2], with a mixture of both phases at intermediate values. Atomic forcemicroscopy shows that the promotion of rutile is accompanied by surface roughening due to the apparition of hollow structures (holes) on the surface, in contrast with the extremely smooth morphology of amorphous anatase films. The number and size of holes increase with [O2] and growth time in such a way that they eventually coalesce and percolate to lead to a rough surface for those growth conditions for which a rutile rich filmis obtained. Transmission electron microscopy analysis shows the growth evolution of a heterogeneous phase mixture and provides unambiguous correlation between the hole (smooth) morphology and the underlying rutile (anatase) phase. Therefore, the surface morphology results fromthe slower local growth rate of nanocrystalline rutile compared to that of the surrounding amorphous anatase flat regions as well as from the fast (slow) lateral (vertical) growth rate of the rutile domains.
Keywords: Amorphous oxides; TiO2; magnetron; pulsed discharges; thin films
Plasma Processes and Polymers 7(2010), 813-823
DOI: 10.1002/ppap.200900182
Cited 20 times in Scopus
Tumour bed irradiation of human tumour xenografts in a nude rat model using a common X-ray tube
Tokalov, S.; Enghardt, W.; Abolmaali, N.
Studies that investigate the radiation of human tumour xenografts require an appropriate radiation source and highly standardized conditions during radiation. This work reports on the design of a standardized irradiation device using a commercially available X-ray tube with a custom constructed lead collimator with two circular apertures and an animal bed plate, permitting synchronous irradiation of two animals. Dosimetry and the corresponding methodology for radiotherapy of human non-small cell lung cancer xenograft tumours transplanted to and growing subcutaneously on the right lower limb in a nude rat model were investigated. Procedures and results described herein prove the feasibility of use of the device, which is applicable for any investigation involving irradiation of non-tumorous and tumorous lesions in small animals.
Journal of Bioscience 2(2010)35, 203-207
DOI: 10.1007/s12038-010-0024-4
Cited 4 times in Scopus
Improvement of radiation-mediated immunosuppression of human NSCLC tumour xenografts in a nude rat model
Tokalov, S.; Enghardt, W.; Abolmaali, N.
Human tumour xenografts in a nude rat model have consistently been used as an essential part of preclinical studies for anticancer drugs activity in human. Commonly, these animals receive whole body irradiation to assure immunosuppression. But whole body dose delivery might be inhomogeneous and the resulting incomplete bone marrow depletion may modify tumour behaviour. To improve irradiation-mediated immunosuppression of human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) xenografts in a nude rat model irradiation (2 + 2 Gy) from opposite sides of animals has been performed using a conventional X-ray tube. The described modification of whole body irradiation improves growth properties of human NSCLC xenografts in a nude rat model. The design of the whole body irradiation mediated immunosuppression described here for NSCLC xenografts may be useful for research applications involving other types of human tumours.
Journal of Biomedicine Biotechnology (2010), 580531
DOI: 10.1155/2010/580531
Cited 5 times in Scopus
Advanced bio-composite materials for water treatment
Raff, J.; Pollmann, K.
Bacteria developed during evolution highly effective mechanisms and structures to survive at the most forbidding, uninviting places on Earth. One example is the binding of metalloids, heavy metals and actinides by cell surface proteins of uranium mining waste pile isolates. The so called surface layer (S-layer) proteins avoid the uptake and any sustainable damage of the cell by toxic and/or radioactive elements. The proteins possess additionally self-assembling properties and form symmetric lattices. These properties altogether qualifies the protein for nano-technological purposes and allow the production of advanced bio-composite materials such as metal filters, (photo)catalysts, functionalized membranes or biosensors for the treatment of water.
Keywords: S-layer; photocatalysts; water treatment
POLEKO 2010, Internationale Fachausstellung für Umwelt, Energie, Ökologie, 23.-26.11.2010, Posen, Polen
Untersuchungen zur U(VI)-Komplexierung durch Milchsäure sowie zur U(VI)-Sorption an Opalinuston in Abwesenheit und Gegenwart von organischen Modellliganden in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur
Joseph, C.; Steudtner, R.; Schmeide, K.
Die U(VI)-Komplexierung durch Milchsäure in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur (7-65°C) wurde mittels UV/VIS-Spektroskopie und TRLFS untersucht. Dabei konnten zwei U(VI)-Lactat-Komplexe, UO2Lac+ und UO2Lac2, identifiziert werden. Die entsprechende Enthalpie und Entropie der U(VI)-Komplexierung wurde bestimmt.
Die U(VI)-Sorption an Opalinuston (OPA) in Abhängigkeit von Modellliganden und der Temperatur (25-60°C) wurde untersucht. Dabei beeinflussten die Modellliganden die U(VI)-Sorption an OPA in folgender Reihenfolge: Citronensäure > Weinsäure > Milchsäure ≈ Essigsäure > Ameisensäure. Die U(VI)-Sorption nahm mit steigender Ligandenkonzentration ab, nahm aber mit steigender Temperatur zu. Bei 60°C wurde ein Sprung im Kd-Wert des Urans verzeichnet. Milchsäure hatte dabei keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Enthalpie und Entropie der U(VI)-Sorption an OPA in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur.
HTO-Diffusionsversuche mit OPA bei 25°C und 60°C wurden durchgeführt um die Diffusionsparameter (effektiver Diffusionskoeffizient, Porosität) der Tonproben zu bestimmen. Die experimentellen Werte bestätigten die Literaturdaten.
Keywords: uranium(VI); complexation; TRLFS; UV/VIS; lactate; citric acid; sorption; Opalinus Clay; temperature-dependent; diffusion; HTO
Lecture (others)
9. Workshop des Verbundprojekts "Wechselwirkung und Transport von Actiniden im natürlichen Tongestein unter Berücksichtigung von Huminstoffen und Tonorganika", 05.-06.10.2010, Mainz, Deutschland
Design, Synthesis and Preliminary in vitro and in vivo Pharmacological Evaluation of 2-{4-[4-(2,5-disubstituted thiazolyl)phenylethyl] piperazin-1-yl}-1,8-naphthyridine-3- carbonitriles as Atypical Antipsychotic Agents
Chandra Sekhar, K. V. G.; Rao, V. S.; Deuther-Conrad, W.; Reddy, A. S.; Brust, P.; Kumara, M. M. K.
A series of 2-{4-[4-(2,5-disubstituted thiazolyl)phenylethyl] piperazin-1-yl}-1,8-naphthyridine-3-carbonitriles were synthesized in an effort to prepare novel atypical antipsychotic agents. The compounds were synthesized by either microwave irradiation technique or by conventional synthesis and were characterized by spectral data (IR, 1H NMR, and MS) and the purity was ascertained by microanalysis. The D2 and 5-HT2A affinity of the synthesized compounds was screened in vitro by radioligand displacement assays on membrane homogenates isolated from rat striatum and rat cortex, respectively. Furthermore, all the synthesized compounds were screened for their in vivo pharmacological activity in Swiss albino mice. The D2 antagonism studies were performed using climbing mouse assay model and 5-HT2A antagonism studies were performed using quipazine induced head twitches in mice. It was observed that none of the new chemical entities exhibited catalepsy and 10f is the most active among the synthesized compounds with 5-HT2A/D2 ratio of 1.1286 while the standard drug risperidone exhibited 5-HT2A/ D2 ratio of 1.0989
Keywords: schizophrenia; atypical antipsychotics; D2 antagonists; 5-HT2A antagonists
Journal of Enzyme Inhibition And Medicinal Chemistry 26(2011)4, 561-568
DOI: 10.3109/14756366.2010.537658
Cited 5 times in Scopus
A prototype coordinate detector based on granulated thin-walled drift tubes
Bazylev, S. N.; Davkov, K. I.; Gregor, I.; Haas, D.; Mouraviev, S. V.; Myalkovskiy, V. V.; Naumann, L.; Peshekhonov, V. D.; Rembser, C.; Rufanov, I. A.; Russakovich, N. A.; Senger, P.; Shutov, A. V.; Slepnev, I. V.; Smirnov, S. Y.; Tikhomirov, V. O.; Zhukov, I. A.
A prototype detector based on thin-walled segmented tubes has been developed and its parameters have been studied. The detector contains 360 registration channels with a straw diameter of 4mm. The prototype granularity is 4 cm2 and the length of insensitive region due to straw internal elements is less than 5% of its full sensitive area. Deterioration of the spatial resolution near these elements is observed for 1.0% of the detector sensitive area. The time and spatial parameters of the detector do not differ from those of conventional tracking detectors based on drift tubes.
Keywords: Coordinate detector; Granulated thin-walled drift tube; Straw; Spatial resolution
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 632(2011), 75-80
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.09.073
Cited 10 times in Scopus
Exploring uranium chemistry with computational chemistry
Tsushima, S.
Involved research facilities
- Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265
Related publications
- DOI: 10.1107/S1600577520014265 is cited by this (Id 14673) publication
Lecture (Conference)
User's meeting of Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen (ZIH), TU Dresden, 06.-07.12.2010, TU Dresden, Germany
Ni-Ti Surface Modification by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation
Martins, R. M. S.; Barradas, N.; Alves, E.; Henke, D.; Reuther, H.; Carmezim, M. J.; Fernandes, T. M. S. J. C. S.
The plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) technique was used to modify and improve the surface of a Ni-Ti alloy (» 50.2 at.% Ni) for biomedical applications. The main goal has been the formation of a Ni-depleted surface, which should serve as a barrier to out-diffusion of Ni ions from the bulk material. Ion implantation of oxygen was carried out. The depth profiles of the elemental distribution in the alloy surface region, obtained by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), confirm the formation of a Ti-rich oxide layer. The working plan also comprised ion implantation of nitrogen. In this case, the formation of titanium oxynitride (TiNxOy) was observed. The AES depth profiles clearly show a Ni-depleted fraction for experiments performed with 40 keV.
Keywords: plasma immersion ion implantation; PIII; ion implantation; Ni-Ti
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14672) publication
MM & FGM 2010 - 11th International Symposium on Multiscale, Multifunctional and Functionally Graded Materials, 26.-29.09.2010, Guimarães, Portugal
Medical Imaging Experience from the Past 10 Years and State-of-the-Art
Enghardt, W.
Lecture (Conference)
ENVISION General Meeting Stockholm, 05.09.2010, Stockholm, Schweden
Neue Entwicklungen in der medizinischen Strahlenphysik
Enghardt, W.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
43. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises Strahlenbiologie/Strahlenwirkung Dresden, 21.-22.06.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
Laser-Radioonkologie: Auf dem Weg vom Konzept zur Klinik
Enghardt, W.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Symposium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Prof. Dr. Thomas Herrmann, 19.02.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
Prospects in Medical Imaging - Summary Workshop
Enghardt, W.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
„Physics for Health in Europe“, 02.-04.02.2010, Geneva, Schweiz
Wissensvermittlung im Studiengang „Medical Radiation Sciences“ an der Medizinischen Fakultät der TU Dresden Sitzung des Fachausschusses Strahlenschutz des Länderausschusses für Atomkernenergie
Enghardt, W.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Sitzung des Fachausschusses Strahlenschutz des Länderausschusses für Atomkernenergie, 18.02.2010, Bonn, Deutschland
Runtime Experience and Impurity Investigations at the ELBE Cryogenic Plant
Schneider, C.; Michel, P.; Haberstroh, C.
The superconducting linear accelerator ELBE at the Forschungszentrum Dresden/Rossendorf has two superconducting accelerator modules and a superconducting photo injector (SRF-Gun). They are operated by a cryogenic Helium plant with a cooling power of 200 W at 1.8 K. Since the commissioning of the plant in 1999 minor and major impurity problems have influenced the operation stability of the plant. The presentation will give an overview of the ELBE cryogenic system and will focus on the different sources of plant contamination and their effects on the plant operation, which have been found during the nearly 10 years of plant lifetime. Especially the contamination with oil brake up components as well as air and water from different sources have limited the run periods of the plant and effected special service and maintenance procedures.
Keywords: superconducting linear accelerator; cryogenetic
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14666) publication
Contribution to proceedings
The first International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC’10, 23.-28.05.2010, Kyoto, Japan
Proceedings of IPAC'10, 3828-3830 -
The first International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC’10, 23.-28.05.2010, Kyoto, Japan
Untersuchungen zur Anwendung der Elektronenstrahl-Röntgen-Tomographie für die Kleintierbildgebung
Loitsch, S.
Die ultraschnelle Röntgentomographie wird am FZD vorrangig für die Untersuchung von Zweiphasenströmungen eingesetzt. Potentielle Anwendungsgebiete sind aber auch auf dem medizinischen Sektor zu erwarten. Daher soll die Möglichkeit des Einsatzes der ultraschnellen Röntgentomographie für die Kleintierbildgebung untersucht werden. In dieser Diplomarbeit wurden statische und dynamische Labormodelle entwickelt, mit deren Hilfe die Abbildungseigenschaften für die Kleintierdiagnostik evaluiert werden können.
Keywords: ultrafast imaging; X-ray computed tomography; small animals
Diploma thesis
Fachhochschule Lübeck, 2010
63 Seiten
Filtration material inspired by microorganisms
Kutschke, S.; Pollmann, K.; Raff, J.; Matys, S.
Detoxification strategy of bacteria, living in uranium mining waste piles, is one part of radio-ecological investigation at the Institute of Radiochemistry of the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. On that account several isolates were subsequently analyzed regarding their growth in presence of different heavy metals and their heavy metal binding properties, particularly using uranium. Some isolates show a high and selective binding for uranium, cadmium, lead, and a few other heavy metals. Interestingly, the heavy metals were immobilized on the cell surface, preventing any sustainable damage of the cell. Responsible for the binding of heavy metals outside the cell is a proteinaceous cell envelope, a so-called surface layer (S-layer).
Using these heavy metal binding properties of bacterial cells and S-layer different filter materials were developed. These include the production of biofilm based materials and the protein immobilization on conventional carriers. Thereby, a different binding behaviour between whole cells and their corresponding S-Layers could be observed. Moreover the S-layer based filter materials bind also some precious metals. So a metal selective filter material for the removal of heavy metals and precious metals from aqueous solutions is developing.
Keywords: Proteinous bacterial surface layer (S-layer); Metal binding capacities of S-layer; Application potential
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Synthetic Fibre Talks- Membranes and Filters, 29.-30.04.2010, Aachen, Deutschland
Sorption of thallium(I) onto geological materials: Influence of pH and humic matter
Liu, J.; Lippold, H.; Wang, J.; Lippmann-Pipke, J.; Chen, Y.
The sorption behaviour of the severely toxic heavy metal thallium (Tl) as a monovalent cation onto three representative materials (goethite, pyrolusite and a natural sediment sampled from a field site) was examined as a function of pH in the absence and presence of two natural humic acids (HAs), using 204Tl(I) as a radiotracer. In order to obtain a basic understanding of trends in the pH dependence of Tl(I) sorption with and without HA, sorption of HAs and humate complexation of Tl(I) as a function of pH were investigated as well. In spite of the low complexation between Tl(I) and HAs, the presence of HAs results in obvious alterations of Tl(I) sorption onto pyrolusite and sediment. An influence on Tl(I) sorption onto goethite was not observed. Predictions of Kd (distribution coefficient) for Tl(I) on goethite in the presence of HAs, based on a linear additive model, agree well with the experimental data, while a notable disagreement occurs for the pyrolusite and sediment systems. Accordingly, it is suggested that HAs and goethite may act as a non-interacting sorbent mixture under the given conditions, but more complex interactions may take place between the HAs and the mineral phases of pyrolusite or sediment.
Keywords: goethite; pyrolusite; humic acid; modelling
Chemosphere 82(2011), 866-871
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.10.089
Cited 68 times in Scopus
Cold quark stars from hot lattice QCD: a comparison
Schulze, R.; Kämpfer, B.
Based on a quasiparticle model for \beta stable and electrically neutral deconfined matter we address the possibility of pure quark stars. The model is adjusted to recent hot lattice QCD results for 2+1 flavors with almost physical quark masses. Using stability and binding arguments general statements can be made concerning the existence of such compact stellar objects.
Lecture (Conference)
TORIC 2010, 26.-30.09.2010, Villasimius/Sardinia, Italy
Superconductivity in Group IV Semiconductors
Fiedler, J.; Heera, V.; Skrotzki, R.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Voelskow, M.; Mücklich, A.; Schmidt, B.; Posselt, M.; Skorupa, W.; Helm, M.; Gobsch, G.
Involved research facilities
- High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14659) publication
Lecture (Conference)
Punktdefekttreffen, 07.-08.10.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
Spin manipulation in Co-doped ZnO
Schmidt, H.
The magnetoresistance of n-type conducting, paramagnetic Co-doped ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition on sapphire substrates has been studied experimentally and theoretically. Positive magnetoresistance (MR) of 124% has been observed in the film with the lowest electron concentration, while only a negative MR of −1.9% was observed in the film with a large electron concentration at 5 K. The positive MR is attributed to the quantum correction on the conductivity due to the s-d exchange interaction induced spin splitting of the conduction band. The negative MR is attributed to the magnetic field suppressed weak localization. Voltage control of the electron concentration in Schottky diodes revealed a drastic change of the magnetoresistance and demonstrated the electrically controllable magnetotransport behavior in Co-doped ZnO. The magnetically controllable spin polarization in Co-doped ZnO has been demonstrated at 5 K in magnetic tunnel junctions with Co-doped ZnO as a bottom electrode and Co as a top electrode. There spin-polarized electrons were injected from Co-doped ZnO to a crystallized Al2O3 layer and tunnelled through an amorphous Al2O3 barrier. Our studies demonstrate the spin polarization and manipulation in Co-doped ZnO.
Keywords: ZnO; spin polarization; spin-polarized transport
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14658) publication
Invited lecture (Conferences)
12th International Ceramics Congress, 06.-11.06.2010, Montecatini Terme, Italy
Lung tumour motion during treatment: Should we match on bone or on tumour?
Hoinkis, C.; Richter, C.; Enghardt, W.; Zips, D.; Baumann, M.
During the session titled "The use of PET-CT for lung cancer" several topics will be addressed, such as the technical background of PET-CT and an overview of the possibilities offered by PET imaging in lung cancer. The aim of all PET imaging in treatment planning for tumours is an improved delineation of the Gross Tumour Volume (GTV). Knowing exactly the position and extent of the vital tumour should increase local control and lead to longer survival of patients. As long as the target is immobile as is the case in the brain fusion of the PET information into the planning CT seems to be effortless. But problems arise when PET imaging is to be used for moving targets such as in lung. Therefore, the issue to be discussed in this presentation is "Should we match on bone or on tumour?". Necessity of motion comprehension during PET-CT imaging: In PET-CT imaging two different motion-related effects have to be considered:
(1) the direct effect of motion on the CT and PET modalities separately, and
(2) the effect of improper attenuation correction caused by a mismatch in the temporal resolutions of the two data sets.Examples of direct effects are artefacts in the region between the lung and liver in 3D-CT data and motion-induced smearing of the activity concentration in 3D-PET data. These artefacts are unavoidable in 3D imaging but can be overcome with the introduction of 4D imaging (4D-CT and 4D-PET). The second effect (i.e. smearing) has to be considered in both 3D- and 4D-imaging. In 3D-imaging the 3D-CT artefacts described above can propagate into the PET data set due to attenuation correction. One example given by Beyer et al. shows 3D PET-CT data that appears to show soft tissue in the lung, but which in fact is part of the moving liver (Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2003). Additionally, the different temporal resolution of 3D-PET and 3D-CT can generate artefacts in attenuation corrected data sets although both 3D-CT and uncorrected 3D-PET are free of artefacts. One impressive example of this phenomenon was shown by Osman et al. (J Nucl Med 2003), where liver metastases appeared in the lung region. In 4D-imaging, artefacts due to improper attenuation correction can be avoided if the different datasets of the 4D-PET are corrected with corresponding datasets of the 4D-CT, as has been demonstrated by Pnisch et al. (Med Phys 2008).
Possibilities for motion compensation during treatment: Several technical approaches have been introduced into clinical practice to compensate for motion during radiotherapy.
Two questions have to be addressed: a) How can the motion be turned into a signal and b) how can this signal be used to compensate the motion? Answering question a), helpful techniques which can be mentioned include spirometry, pressure based systems or optical systems detecting the motion of points on the thorax or of the whole body surface. In all these techniques, the motion leads to a signal that represents more or less precisely the motion of the patient. However, it is not proven that any signal also exactly follows the motion of the tumour. Answering question b), two approaches can be mentioned: "Gating" and "Tracking". Gating uses the motion signal to trigger the linear accelerator according to a defined "gate", i.e. to turn the beam on and off in synchronization with the breathing motion. Tracking is a method in which the motion of the target is followed (tracked) either by motion of the leaves in the MLC or by motion of the table. Verification of motion in the chain from planning to treatment: 4D treatment planning including 4D-PET/4D-CT and breathing-synchronized radiotherapy for lung cancer patients need a carefully considered concept of verification.
In contrast to conventional verification procedures at the linear accelerator, where the position of the patient is verified only by bony anatomy (brain), target motion adapted methods require appropriate additional imaging in the treatment room. Either radioopaque markers or kV-CT images are necessary. For organs with mainly interfractional motion such as the prostate, correct positioning of the target before the start of the fraction is essential. The treatment of intrafractional moving targets imposes more complexity. Besides verification of the baseline, the amplitude of the motion is a second point to be considered. The most important in the verification of a breathing synchronized radiotherapy is the comparison with the 4D treatment planning dataset. The basic principle is the use of the identical motion signal both for 4D imaging and for the 4D treatment. Only then a possible shift between real tumour motion and visualized tumour motion can be neglected.
Conclusions: Should we match on bone or on tumour? The short answer should be ON TUMOUR. But the longer answer is, BUT NOT FOR EVERY PATIENT. The challenge is the finding of clinical values used as guidance as to which patients will benefit from the high workload of 4D treatment planning and delivery.
Invited lecture (Conferences)
ESTR0 29, 12.-16.09.2010, Barcelona, Espana -
Abstract in refereed journal
Radiotherapy and Oncology 96(2010)Suppl. 1, 64-65
Suppression of temperature fluctuations by rotating magnetic field in a large scale Rayleigh-Benard cell
Grants, I.; Gerbeth, G.
Temperature fluctuations are observed experimentally in a cylinder of liquid mercury heated from below and cooled from above under action of a rotating magnetic field (RMF). The Grashof number (Gr) exceeds that of earlier studies by a factor of 10 at least. The setup models a proposed modification of the Czochralski crystal growth process where crucible rotation is replaced by RMF. It is known that the RMF characterized by the magnetic Taylor number Ta=15Gr0.8 suppresses buoyant temperature fluctuations in a cylinder cooled from above [1]. To achieve a comparable effect by a mechanical rotation of the crucible, a considerably higher rotation rate is required and the difference grows with Gr. The effect has been demonstrated up to Gr~5x107 that corresponds to a medium size gallium arsenide liquid encapsulated Czochralski process. Does the “0.8” scaling keep as Gr is increased? This is the central question of the study. One of the possible explanations of the phenomenon is a hypothetical stabilizing action of the core meridional flow. It is known that the angular velocity scaling Omega~Ta2/3 experiences a change at Ta~2x107 (that is able to stabilize the Gr~5x107 configuration). Besides, it is known that the product of mean radial velocity Vr and mean angular velocity Omega equals the magnetic force (Ta~V, Omega). Thus, if the meridional flow indeed plays a major role, then there should be a change of the Tacr(Gr) scaling above Gr~5x107. The experiment will allow Gr in the range [5x107 : 5x108]. It is prepared and scheduled for April 2010
Lecture (Conference)
Modelling for Material Processing, 16.-17.09.2010, Riga, Lettland -
Contribution to proceedings
Modelling for Material Processing, 16.-17.09.2010, Riga, Lettland
Suppression of temperature fluctuations by rotating magnetic field in a large scale Rayleigh-Benard cell, pp. 293-298
Development and assessment of structural materials and heavy liquid metal technologies for transmutation systems (DEMETRA): highlights on major results
Fazio, C.; van den Bosch, J.; Martin Muñoz, F. J.; Henry, J.; Roelofs, F.; Turroni, P.; Mansani, L.; Weisenburger, A.; Gorse, D.; Abella, J.; Brissonneau, L.; Dai, Y.; Magielsen, L.; Neuhausen, J.; Vladimirov, P.; Class, A.; Jeanmart, H.; Ciampichetti, A.; Gerbeth, G.; Wetzel, T.; Karbojian, A.; Litfin, K.; Tarantino, M.; Zanini, L.
The DEMETRA domain of the EUROTRANS project provides a wealth of experimental and theoretical results within key technological areas related to the Heavy Liquid Metal (HLM) Technology. HLMs as Pb and Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) are the reference coolant and spallation materials choices for the ADS facilities studied within the EUROTRANS project.
For these coolants the key items that have been addressed within DEMETRA are:
Coolant quality control in terms of oxygen and impurities control;
Materials compatibility in terms of corrosion, mechanical and irradiation resistance;
Thermal-hydraulics studies related to heat transfer in turbulent conditions through dedicated experiments on a single pin, a fuel bundle and integrated component tests;
Safety related studies through experimental and simulation studies on HLM/water interaction;
Support to component design and testing, where in particular substantial support has been given to the development of the windowless-neutron spallation target and the assessment of the window spallation target behaviour through the post test analysis of MEGAPIE;
Measurement and operational techniques development;
The technical work programme of DEMETRA is herein summarised and some major experimental results are discussed.
Lecture (Conference)
Technology and components of accelerator-driven systems, 15.-17.03.2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
Einfluss der Pulslänge bei hohen Pulsdosen auf die Sättigungskorrektur von Ionisationskammern
Karsch, L.; Richter, C.; Pawelke, J.
Keywords: hohe Pulsdosen; Ionisationskammern
Lecture (Conference)
41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik, 29.09.-02.10.2010, Freiburg, Deutschland -
Contribution to proceedings
41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik, 29.09.-02.10.2010, Freiburg, Deutschland
Strömungsinstabilitäten bei der Kristallzüchtung im TMF
Gerbeth, G.
Es wird eine übersicht gegeben zu Strömungen und deren Stabilität in magnetischen Wanderfeldern. Die Sensitivität der TMF-Strömung gegenüber geringen Achsenverschiebungen zwischen TMF und Schmelztiegel ist sehr hoch und sollte in der Praxis großen Einfluss auf die tatsächlichen Strömungen in Kristallzüchtungsprozessen haben.
Lecture (Conference)
Magnetfelder in der Kristallzüchtung, 09.-10.09.2010, Potsdam, Deutschland
Elektromagnetische Strömungskontrolle lokaler Temperaturgradienten in einem Modell des Czochralski-Prozesses
Cramer, A.; Röder, M.; Pal, J.; Gerbeth, G.
Die Gestalt der Kristallisationsfront und das damit verbundene monokristalline Wachstum im Czochralski-Kristallzuchtprozess hängt stark vom Verhältnis zwischen horizontalem und vertikalem Temperaturgradienten r*=deltaT_h/deltaT_v an der Schnittstelle zwischen Schmelze, Kristall und Atmosphäre ab. Der Wert von r* liegt dabei idealerweise in der Nähe von 1. Deshalb wurde ein Flüssigmetall-Modellexperiment aufgebaut, das die Untersuchung von r* unter dem Einfluss von Magnetfel-dern ermöglicht. Das zylindrische Flüssigmetallvolumen wird dabei homogen von unten geheizt, und um den wachsenden Kristall zu simulieren wird die Wärme oben konzentrisch mit einem Kühler entzogen, der die Oberfläche nur bis zu einem Drittel des Radius bedeckt. Ohne Strömungskontrolle findet sich ein von der Zielfunktion weit entfernter Wert von r*=3. Das Ziel r*=1 kann durch elektromagnetische Strömungsbeeinflussung erreicht werden.
Contribution to proceedings
Workshop Elektroprozesstechnik, 23.-24.09.2010, Ilmenau - OT Heyda, Deutschland
A physical model for electromagnetic control of local temperature gradients in a Czochralski system
Cramer, A.; Röder, M.; Pal, J.; Gerbeth, G.
The shape of the solidification front and the related mono-crystalline growth in the Czochralski crystal growth process is thought of being strongly influenced by the ratio of the horizontal and the vertical temperature gradient r* = deltaT_h / deltaT_v at the triple point liquid-solid-atmosphere, which ratio desirably should be in the order of unity. A liquid metal model experiment was therefore built that allows studying r* under the influence of magnetic fields. The cylindrical liquid metal column was homogeneously heated from below, whereas on top the heat was extracted in a centrical region covering only one third of the surface in order to simulate the growing crystal. Without flow control, r* ≈ 3 is far removed from unity. It was then possible to reach the target value r* = 1 for any temperature difference between the bottom and the top at a moderate field strength while applying a rotating magnetic field.
Keywords: crystal growth; Czochralski process; flow control; electromagnetic processing of materials; magnetic fields
Lecture (Conference)
International Scientific Colloquium on Modelling for Material Processing, 16.-17.09.2010, Riga, Lettland -
Contribution to proceedings
International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, 16.-17.09.2010, Rīga, Latvija
Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Material Processing, 978-9984-45-223-4, 41-46 - Magnetohydrodynamics 46(2010), 353-362
Magnetic field controlled single crystal growth and surface modification of titanium alloys exposed for biocompatibility
Hermann, R.; Calin, M.; Uhlemann, M.; Wendrock, H.; Gerbeth, G.; Büchner, B.; Eckert, J.
The aim of the work is the growth and characterisation of Ti55Nb45 (wt %) single crystals with the floating-zone single crystal growth of intermetallic compounds using two-phase radio-frequency (RF) electromagnetic heating. Thereby, the process and, in particular, the flow field in the molten zone is influenced via additional magnetic fields. The growth of massive intermetallic single crystals is very often unsuccessful due to an unfavourable solid-liquid interface geometry enclosing concave fringes. It is generally known that the crystallization process stability is enhanced if the crystallization interface is convex. As a result, a tailored magnetic two-phase stirrer system has been developed which enables the controlled influence on the melt ranging from intensive inwards to outwards flows. Due to their attractive properties such as light, strong and totally biocompatible, titanium is one of few materials that naturally match the requirements for implantation in the human body. Therefore, the magnetic system was applied to crystal growth of Ti alloys. The grown crystals were oriented and cut to cubes with the desired crystallographic orientations (-1,0,0) and (1,0,1) normally on a plane. The electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique was applied to clearly define crystal orientation and orientation changes in the crystallographic textures. The elastic modulus, the shear modulus and the bulk modulus were determined in dependence on the crystal orientation using ultrasonic measurements. Moreover, the oxide formation behavior on Ti surfaces in dependence on the grain orientation was investigated, performed anodically from fluoride containing electrolyte.
Lecture (Conference)
The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth (ICCG-16), 08.-13.08.2010, Beijing, China -
Journal of Crystal Growth 318(2011)1, 1048-1052
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2010.10.196
Cited 8 times in Scopus
Thermophysical properties of intermetallic Ti-Al alloys in the liquid state
Plevachuk, Y.; Sklyarchuk, V.; Hermann, R.; Gerbeth, G.
TiAl intermetallic alloys were developed as potential materials for high temperature applications because of their excellent chemical and physical properties such as low density, high modulus and corrosion resistance. These characteristics are attractive for applications in aerospace and automotive industries but also for chemical and biomedical application. However, their low ductility at room temperature limits their application. Also microscopic factors like volume fraction of the apparent phases, the distribution of orientation variants, fineness of the microscopic structure strongly affect the mechanical properties.
Lecture (Conference)
Liquid and Amorphous Metals Conference (LAM 14), 11.-16.07.2010, Rom, Italy
Thermophysical and structure-sensitive properties of low-temperature ternary liquid metal eutectics
Plevachuk, Y.; Sklyarchuka, V.; Gerbeth, G.; Eckert, S.
Investigation of thermophysical and structure-sensitive properties of liquid low-temperature ternary metal eutectic alloys are stimulated both by pure academic as well as by applied science. In particular, there exist few reliable experimental data on the electrophysical, transport and surface properties of multicomponent alloys and, therefore, they are often estimated with analytical approaches. In order to prove any theory, experimental results are needed.
The favorable combination of the technical characteristics of Ga-based melts brought about their extensive application as sliding contacts, the working medium of magnetohydrodynamic devices, heat-sensitive elements of liquid-metal thermometers and thermocouples, and the base for conducting magnetic fluids. The GaInSn eutectic alloy is a suitable alternative to mercury since it exhibits an equilibrium melting point of 284 K. Bi-Pb-Sn liquid eutectics are chosen as model substances for experimental
XIV Liquid and Amorphous Metals Conference (LAM 14), 11.-16.07.2010, Rom, Italy
Saturation correction of an ionization chamber for short and intense beam pulses
Karsch, L.; Richter, C.; Pawelke, J.
Keywords: saturation correction; ionization chamber; short and intense beam pulse
OncoRay Retreat, 27.-28.01.2010, Bautzen, Deutschland
An integrated dosimetry and cell irradiation device for in vitro cell experiments with laser accelerated protons
Richter, C.; Akhmadaliev, S.; Dammene, Y.; Karsch, L.; Reinhardt, S.; Sobiella, M.; Schürer, M.; Weber, A.; Pawelke, J.
Keywords: dosimetry; cell irradiation; in vitro cell experiments; laser accelerated protons
OncoRay Retreat, 27.-28.01.2010, Bautzen, Deutschland
Liquid metal modelling of continuous steel casting
Gerbeth, G.; Eckert, S.; Timmel, K.; Miao, X.
Model experiments with low melting point liquid metals are an important tool to investigate the flow structure and related transport processes in melt flows relevant for metallurgical applications. We present the new experimental facility CONCAST for modelling the continuous casting process of steel using the alloy SnBi at temperatures of 200-400°C. The possibilities for flow investigations in tundish, submerged entry nozzle and mould will be discussed. In addition, experimental results will be presented on the impact of a steady magnetic field on the outlet flow from the nozzle, obtained at a smaller-scale set-up working with the room-temperature alloy GaInSn. Local velocities in both facilities are measured by Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry and contactless inductive flow tomography. The latter is attractive also for real-scale steel casting.
Lecture (Conference)
TMS Annual meeting "Jim Evans Honorary Symposium", 14.-18.02.2010, Seattle, USA -
Contribution to proceedings
TMS Annual meeting, 14.-18.02.2010, Seattle, USA
"Jim Evans Honorary Symposium", 55-62
Radiobiological preparation of in vitro cell experimentes with laser accelerated protons
Beyreuther, E.; Dammene Debbih, Y.; Karsch, L.; Laschinsky, L.; Lessmann, E.; Naumburger, D.; Richter, C.; Schürer, M.; Pawelke, J.
Keywords: in vitro cell experimentes; laser accelerated protons
OncoRay Retreat, 27.-28.01.2010, Bautzen, Deutschland
Influence of ultra-high pulse dose rate on biological effectiveness of laser accelerated electrons
Laschinsky, L.; Beyreuther, E.; Karsch, L.; Leßmann, E.; Naumburger, D.; Richter, C.; Schürer, M.; Pawelke, J.
Keywords: ultra-high pulse dose rate; biological effectiveness; laser accelerated electrons
OncoRay Retreat, 27.-28.01.2010, Bautzen, Deutschland
Biological effectiveness of laser-accelerated electrons in comparison to conventional accelerated electrons
Naumburger, D.; Beyreuther, E.; Enghardt, W.; Kaluza, M.; Karsch, L.; Laschinsky, L.; Leßmann, E.; Nicolai, M.; Pawelke, J.; Richter, C.; Sauerbrey, R.; Schlenvoigt, H. P.; Baumann, M.
Keywords: biological effectiveness; laser-accelerated electrons; electrons
OncoRay Retreat, 27.-28.01.2010, Bautzen, Deutschland
Research of the laser-radiooncology (onCOOPtics) group
Pawelke, J.
Keywords: laser radiooncology
Invited lecture (Conferences)
OncoRay Retreat, 27.-28.01.2010, Bautzen, Deutschland
Modelling, Simulation and Experiments to Boiling in Pressurized Water Reactors in the framework of the R&D program “Energie 2020+”
Krepper, E.
Der Vortrag gibt einen Überblick zu diesem Verbundprojekt. Die im Rahmen des Förderprogramms Energie 2020+ durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderten und gemeinsam von den Partnern Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD), Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (HSZG), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Technische Universität München (TUM) und ANSYS Germany durchgeführten Arbeiten sind der Weiterentwicklung und Validierung von CFD-Modellen für Siedevorgänge in Druckwasserreaktoren, vom Blasensieden bis hin zu Phänomenen des Filmsiedens, gewidmet. Das auf die Grundlagen orientierte Vorhaben schließt die Modellentwicklung, die Simulation und Experimente in verschiedenen Maßstäben ein. Kleinskalige Experimente an den Hochschulen dienen der Aufklärung mikroskopischer Phänomene. An der Großversuchsanlage TOPFLOW wird ein Bündelexperiment zur integralen Validierung der Modelle aufgebaut. Die Ausrüstung dieses Experiments mit schneller Röntgentomographie wird störungsfrei zeitlich und räumlich hoch aufgelöste Daten liefern, die für die Entwicklung und Validierung von CFD-Modellen geeignet sind. Die TU Dresden wird den Einfluss chemischer Zusätze auf die Ausprägung kritischer Siedezustände an der Versuchsanlage BORAN untersuchen. Durch den Einsatz neuester und zum Teil eigens zu entwickelnder Messtechnik wird ein signifikanter Erkenntniszuwachs gegenüber dem Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik erreicht werden.
Keywords: CFD; boiling; model development; small scale experiments; large scale tests
Involved research facilities
- TOPFLOW Facility
Lecture (Conference)
Sitzung des CFD-Verbundes, 21.-22.07.2010, Jülich, Deutschland
CFD modelling of boiling in rod bundles
Krepper, E.; Rzehak, R.
The presentation shows the application of the CFD wall boiling model on the computation of a rod bundle. The data of the OECD/NEA Benchmark Based on NUPEC PWR Subchannel and Bundle Test (PSBT) were used. Besides the parameters of the wall boiling model the simulation of turbulence in the narrow channels is essential.
Keywords: CFD; two phase flow; wall boiling; rod bundle; OECD benchmark PSBT
Lecture (Conference)
8th FZD & ANSYS Short Course and Workshop "Multiphase Flow - Simulation, Experiment and Applications", 22.-24.06.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
Development and validation of the wall boiling model in ANSYS CFD
Frank, T.; Lifante, C.; Burns, A.; Krepper, E.; Rzehak, R.
The presentation shows the actual state of model implementation of a wall boiling model in the code ANSYS/CFX. Publisherd experimental data are used to validate the model
Keywords: CFD; two phase flow; wall boiling; model development; validation
Lecture (Conference)
8th FZD & ANSYS Short Course and Workshop "Multiphase Flow - Simulation, Experiment and Applications", 22.-24.06.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
Contactless inductive flow tomography: principles and applications
Wondrak, T.; Stefani, F.; Gerbeth, G.; Gundrum, T.
There is a growing interest in the determination of the velocity field of metal or semiconductor melts in many industrial applications, such as steel casting and silicon growth. Due to the opaqueness of those fluids optical methods are not applicable. Furthermore these fluids are often very hot or chemically aggressive, so a contactless measuring technique would be highly desirable. Interestingly, those metal and semiconductor melts are characterized by a relatively high electrical conductivity. Exposing the flow of such melts to an externally applied magnetic field, electrical currents are induced which give rise to a perturbation of the applied field. This flow induced field perturbation, which is detectable outside the fluid volume, contains information about the flow structure and can be exploited to reconstruct the velocity field. By applying consecutively the external magnetic field in different directions, different induced currents and magnetic fields can be produced from the same velocity. This enables a tomographic reconstruction of the flow field. Such a contactless inductive flow tomography (CIFT) was proposed, and later verified experimentally. The determination of the velocity from the measured induced magnetic field is an ill-posed linear inverse problem. One of the key problems is the inherent non-uniqueness of the reconstruction. For the velocity reconstruction we circumvent this non-uniqueness problem by using Tikhonov regularization and the method of the L-curve to identify automatically the best regularization parameter. At the point of strongest curvature (the knee) of the L-curve one expects the most reasonable compromise between the fit of the modeled magnetic fields to the measured ones on one hand, and the minimum kinetic energy on the other hand. One possible application of CIFT is the continuous casting process which is widely used in the steel producing industry. The flow structure in the mould, where the steel starts to solidify, is of particular interest since it is mainly responsible for the quality of the produced steel slabs. Since for thin slab casting the velocity can be assumed to be mainly two-dimensional it is sufficient to apply only one external field. We show that the CIFT method is able to reconstruct a numerically determined flow field with an empirical correlation coefficient of about 75 per cent. Then we apply the method to different flow configurations in a real model and show that typical flow features can be reliably detected.
Keywords: velocity measurement; liquid metals; continuous casting; inverse problems
Lecture (Conference)
5th International Conference: Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, 24.-29.05.2010, Antalya, Türkei
Use of electromagnetic induction tomography for monitoring liquid metal/gas flow regimes on a model of an industrial steel caster
Terzija, N.; Yin, W.; Peyton, A.; Gerbeth, G.; Stefani, F.; Timmel, K.; Wondrak, T.
Monitoring of the steel flow through the submerged entry nozzle (SEN) during continuous casting presents a challenge for the instrumentation system because of the high temperature environment and the limited access to the nozzle in between the tundish and the mould. Electromagnetic inductance tomography (EMT) presents an attractive tool to visualize the steel flow profile within the SEN.
In this paper, we investigate various flow regimes over a range of stopper positions and gas volume flow rates on a model of a submerged entry nozzle. A scaled (approx. 10:1) experimental rig consisting of a tundish, stopper rod, nozzle and mould was used. Argon gas was injected through the centre of the stopper rod and the behaviour of the two phase GaInSn / Argon flow was studied. The experiments were performed with GaInSn as an analogue for liquid steel, which has similar conductive properties as molten steel and allows the measurements at the room temperature. The electromagnetic system used in our experiments to monitor the behavior of the two phase GaInSn / Argon flow consisted of an array of 8 equally spaced inductive coils arranged around the object, a data acquisition system and a host computer. The present system operates with a sinusoidal excitation waveform with a frequency of 20 kHz and the system has a capture rate of 40 frames per second.
The results show the ability of the system to distinguish the different flow regimes and to detect the individual bubbles. Sample tomographic images given in the paper clearly illustrate the different flow regimes.
Keywords: twophase flow study; electromagnetic inductance tomography; industrial steel caster model
Contribution to proceedings
6th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 06.-9.9.2010, Peking, China, 1033-1041 -
Measurement Science and Technology 22(2011)1, 015501
DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/22/1/015501
ISSN: 0957-0233
Cited 44 times in Scopus
Contactless inductive flow tomography: principles and application to a model of continuous casting
Wondrak, T.; Stefani, F.; Timmel, K.; Galindo, V.; Gundrum, T.; Gerbeth, G.
In many metal casting processes the flow structure in the mould is very important for the produced material. For instance the flow field in the mould in the continuous casting process plays an important role for slug entrainment and surface defects. The measurement of that velocity field is very difficult due to the opaqueness and the high temperature of the liquid steel. One possible measurement technique is the contactless inductive flow tomography (CIFT), which is able to reconstruct the three dimensional velocity field in electrically conducting melts from externally measured induced magnetic fields.
Since for thin slab casting the velocity can be assumed to be mainly two-dimensional it is sufficient to apply only one external magnetic field and to measure the induced fields at the narrow faces of the mould. We utilize CIFT for visualizing the flow of GaInSn in a model of continuous steel casting. In a first step we show that a numerically determined flow field can be reconstructed by CIFT with an empirical correlation coefficient of nearly 80 per cent. Then we apply the method to the real model and show that typical flow features can be reliably detected.
Keywords: velocity measurement; liquid metals; continuous casting
Lecture (Conference)
6th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 06.-9.9.2010, Peking, China -
Contribution to proceedings
6th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 06.-9.9.2010, Peking, China
6th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 1051-1066
Contribution of Lattice Vibrations to the Thermodynamics of Vacancy Clusters in bcc-Fe
Talati, M.; Posselt, M.; Bonny, G.; Al-Motasem, A. T.; Bergner, F.
During the long operation time of nuclear reactors, vacancies and vacancy clusters (VC) may play an intermediary role in the formation of copper-rich precipitates (CRP), which are considered to be the main cause of hardening and embrittlement of Cu-bearing RPV steels since these defects act as obstacles to dislocation motion within the grains of polycrystalline bcc-Fe. The effect of irradiation on the microstructure of RPV steels and consequently on their mechanical properties is a multiscale phenomenon. The evolution of VCs over realistic time and length scales can be effectively studied by rate theory. However, many parameters used, such as the free binding energies of precipitates, are not very well known from experimental investigations. Atomic-level computer simulations can provide these data. The few previous attempts to include the effect of lattice vibrations into thermodynamics of Cu-precipitates in bcc-Fe did not lead to consistent results [1, 2].The present investigations are focused on the phonon contributions to the thermodynamics of VCs. In all calculations the Mendelev potential for bcc Fe is used [3]. Molecular dynamics simulations at different temperatures are performed in order to determine the velocity autocorrelation function which can be transformed into the vibrational density of states (VDOS). VDOS is also obtained using dynamical matrix method under harmonic approximation. This quantity is then used to calculate the contributions of lattice vibrations to the total free energy of bcc-Fe as well as to the free energy of formation and free binding energy of VCs. The vibrational contribution to the total free energy of bcc-Fe is compared with available CALPHAD data and with the values obtained using other interatomic potentials. At a temperature of 600 K the vibrational contribution to the free binding energy leads to a reduction of the absolute value of the corresponding zero-Kelvin free binding energy of the VC by about 10%.
[1] K. Yuge, A. Seko, I. Tanaka, S. R. Nishitani, Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 174201.
[2] K. Yuge, A. Seko, K. Kobayashi, T. Tatsuoka, S. R. Nishitani, H. Adachi, Mater. Trans. 45 (2004) 1473.
[3] M. I. Mendelev, S. Han, D. J. Srolovitz, G. Ackland, D. Y. Sun, M. Asta, Philo. Mag. 83 (2003) 3977.
Keywords: Vibrational Density of States; Total free energy; Free binding energy; bcc-Fe; Thermodynamics; Molecular Dynamics Simulation
The fifth International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM-2010), 04.-08.10.2010, Freiburg, Germany
Boiling models for CFD
Rzehak, R.; Krepper, E.
CFD for Boiling Flows requires models to represent bubble dynamics during ebullition cycle. At present, mostly empirical correlations are used to this end, which have only a limited range of applicabiblity. Hence, there is a strong desire to replace these correlations by physical models. A survey of available approaches to this issue is given and need for further research identified.
Keywords: CFD; boiling
Involved research facilities
- TOPFLOW Facility
Lecture (Conference)
8th FZD & ANSYS Short Course and Workshop "Multiphase Flow - Simulation, Experiment and Applications", 22.-24.06.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
Measurement technique developments for LBE flows
Buchenau, D.; Eckert, S.; Gerbeth, G.; Stieglitz, R.; Dierckx, M.
We report on the development of measurements techniques for flows in lead-bismuth eutectic alloys (LBE). This paper covers the test results of newly developed contact-less flow rate sensors as well as the development and test of the LIDAR technique for operational free surface level detection. The flow rate sensors are based on the flow-induced disturbance of an externally applied AC magnetic field which manifests itself by a modified amplitude or a modified phase of the AC field. Another concept of a forcefree contactless flow meter uses a single cylindrical permanent magnet. The electromagnetic torque on the magnet caused by the liquid metal flow sets the magnet into rotation. The operation of those sensors has been demonstrated at liquid metal test loops for which comparative flow rate measurements are available, as well as at the LBE loops THESYS at KIT and WEBEXPIR at SCK-CEN. For the level detection a commercial LIDAR system was successfully tested at the WEBEXPIR facility in Mol and the THEADES loop in Karlsruhe.
Keywords: Liquid metal; LBE; Phase-shift sensor; EMFM; Rotating magnet; LIDAR
Lecture (Conference)
Int. DEMETRA Workshop, 02.-04.03.2010, Berlin, Deutschland
Interfacial heat and mass tansfer models
Krepper, E.; Scheuerer, G.
The lesson 4 of the "Short Course on Multiphase Flow Modelling" deals with the simulation of mass and energy exchange between the phases based on the two fluid model approach. After the basic principles the lesson describes the simulation of subcooled boiling and the simulation of cavitation processes.
Keywords: CFD; Two fluid model; heat transfer; mass transfer; boiling; cavitation
Invited lecture (Conferences)
7th FZD & ANSYS Short Course and Workshop "Multiphase Flow - Simulation, Experiment and Applications", 26.-28.05.2009, Dresden, Deutschland -
Invited lecture (Conferences)
8th FZD & ANSYS Short Course and Workshop "Multiphase Flow - Simulation, Experiment and Applications", 22.-24.06.2010, Dresden, Deutschland -
Invited lecture (Conferences)
9th FZD & ANSYS Short Course and Workshop "Multiphase Flow - Simulation, Experiment and Applications", 08.-10.06.2011, Dresden, Deutschland
CFD models for the description of particle transport, deposition and (re)mobilization of deposited particles at walls
Barth, T.; Krepper, E.
Radioactive aerosol deposition and the assessment of its resuspension during a design basis accident (DBA) in the primary circuit have been revealed in the past as a key issue in the development and certification of advanced pebble bed High Temperature Reactors (HTRs). The report describes the particle parametres to be expected. Actual CFD methods to model particle deposition and particle resuspension are reported.
Keywords: CFD; Euler/Lagrange; Particles; Deposition; Resuspension
Article, self-published (no contribution to HZDR-Annual report)
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf 2010
22 Seiten
ISSN: 1437-322X
Extension of the MUSIG approach by considering gas/liquid-mass transfer
Krepper, E.; Lucas, D.; Schmidtke, M.
The report describes the derivation of the corresponding equation and validations on the TOPFLOW condensation experiments (test series K16). The evolution of the cross-sectional averaged void fraction along the pipe were compared with experimental results. In the test K16_118 the condensation of steam was prevailing. The influence of the heat transfer model bubble – liquid (Ranz-Marshall, Hughmark, Tomiyama) was investigated and the influence of the initial bubble size distribution was shown. In the tests K16_140 reevaporation caused by decreasing hydrostatic pressure was found in the experiments and simulated.
Keywords: CFD; two phase flow; bubble population balance; mass transfer
Involved research facilities
- TOPFLOW Facility
Article, self-published (no contribution to HZDR-Annual report)
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf 2010
22 Seiten
ISSN: 1437-322X
Improvement of the turbulence modelling in Euler/Eulerian CFD simulation of gas/liquidflow
Krepper, E.; Schmidtke, M.; Lucas, D.
In the Euler/Eulerian approach simulating bubbly flow, the influence of the bubbles on the turbulence of the liquid has to be modelled. Vice versa, the structures of the turbulent liquid flow influence the gas void fraction distribution, which is expressed as a turbulent dispersion force. Reliable models for turbulence are an urgent precondition for the improvement of models describing bubble coalescence and bubble breakup in any population balance model. In the present work the different approaches simulating the influence of bubbles on the turbulence are revised and compared to measurements using ANSYS-CFX. Models for the turbulent dispersion force are validated.
Keywords: CFD; two phase flow; turbulence
Involved research facilities
- TOPFLOW Facility
Article, self-published (no contribution to HZDR-Annual report)
Forschungszentrum Rossendorf 2010
18 Seiten
ISSN: 1437-322X
Die supraleitende HF-Fotoelektronenquelle am ELBE-Beschleuniger im FZD
Teichert, J.
Keywords: SRF Gun; Cs2Te; electron injector
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
- SRF Gun
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14622) publication
Lecture (others)
MAMI Seminar, 28.01.2010, Mainz, Germany
Study of gas-liquid two-phase flow in pipes with ultrafast electron beam X-ray CT
Fischer, F.; Hampel, U.
Electron beam X-ray CT is capable of fast measurement of multi-phase flows with frame rates of 1000 images per second and higher. The principle is based on the creation of a moving X-ray spot by electromagnetic deflection of a high-intensity electron beam across a circular target within an evacuated scanner enclosure. Together with a fixed fast X-ray detector this setup allows scanning of objects at frame rates well beyond that of classical CT machines. Our group has developed a scanner that is capable of scanning at up to 7 kHz frame rate and approximately 1 mm spatial resolution. The technique allows visualizing and measuring multiphase flows in vessels of moderate size. We have applied this fast electron X-ray tomography to the study of gas-liquid flow in a vertical pipe of 50 mm inner diameter. Different two-phase flow regimes from bubbly flow to churn-turbulent flow were produced and scanned. The data were processed using self-made image reconstruction software which implements the filtered backprojection technique and further post-processing algorithms for determination of gas-phase parameters, such as temporal and radial gas fraction profiles.
Keywords: Electron beam tomography; X-ray tomography; flow measurement; two-phase flow
Involved research facilities
- TOPFLOW Facility
Lecture (Conference)
6th World Congress of Industrial Process Tomography, 06.-09.09.2010, Peking, China
Alfven wave experiments with liquid rubidium
Gundrum, T.; Hüller, J.; Stefani, F.; Gerbeth, G.; Galindo, V.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Arnold, F.; Putzke, C.
Since their discovery by Hannes Alfvén in 1942, Alfvén waves have played an ever increasing role in explaining many phenomena in astrophysical and fusion related plasmas. The experimental investigation of Alfvén waves had started shortly after Alfvéns prediction, with first experiments using mercury and liquid sodium. Since those times, many Alfvén wave experiments have been carried out, both in liquid metals and, even more extensively, in plasmas.
Interestingly, the recent developments in reaching pulsed magnetic fields above 50 Tesla open up quite new prospects for Alfvén wave experiments with liquid metals. At those field strengths it happens that the Alfvén speed in higher alkalis metals reaches the sound speed (the threshold is 51 T for Caesium and 55 T for Rubidium). This threshold is of upmost importance for the character of Alfvén waves and its relation to slow and fast magnetoacoustic waves, and its crossing has been made responsible for the corona heating.In order to check the feasibility of experiments with higher alkali metals, we have carried out at Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory a preliminary experiment. This first test experiment has yielded a proof of concept, and first promising results have been achieved.
Keywords: Alfven; MHD; Rubidium; magnetoacoustic wave; liquid metal; high magnetic field
Involved research facilities
- High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
Lecture (Conference)
Science in High Magnetic Fields, 05.-11.09.2010, Ameland, Niederlande
Use of Superconducting LINACS for Positron Generation: The EPOS System at Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf
Krause-Rehberg, R.; Jungmann, M.; Krille, A.; Werlich, B.; Pohl, A.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Butterling, M.; Büttig, H.; Kosev, K. M.; Teichert, J.; Wagner, A.; Cowan, T. E.
Intense positron sources require the pair production process for the positron generation. In case a pulsed positron source shall be constructed, a superconducting Linac-based accelerator allows generating the required final time structure for the electron beam. This simplifies the positron beam construction. The first such setup, the EPOS system at the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf, will be described.
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
- SRF Gun
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14617) publication
Lecture (Conference)
12th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques, 01.-06.08.2010, North Queensland, Australia -
Contribution to proceedings
12th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques, 01.-06.08.2010, North Queensland, North Queensland
Use of Superconducting LINACS for Positron Generation: The EPOS System at Research
SRF Gun Experiments
Teichert, J.; Arnold, A.; Büttig, H.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Murcek, P.; Schneider, C.; Schurig, R.; Staats, G.; Xiang, R.; Kneisel, P.; Kamps, T.; Rudolph, J.; Schenk, M.; Klemz, G.; Will, I.
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
- SRF Gun
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14616) publication
Lecture (others)
EuCARD-SRF Annual Review 2010, 07.-09.04.2010, Daresbury, UK
High Rep Rate Guns: FZD Superconducting RF Photogun
Teichert, J.; Arnold, A.; Büttig, H.; Janssen, D.; Justus, M.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Moeller, K.; Murcek, P.; Schneider, C.; Schurig, R.; Staats, G.; Staufenbiel, F.; Tietze, H.; Xiang, R.; Kneisel, P.; von der Horst, B.; Matheisen, A.; Stephan, J.; Kamps, T.; Rudolph, J.; Schenk, M.; Klemz, G.; Will, I.; Volkov, V.
A RF photo injector with a superconducting cavity (SRF gun) for installation at the Radiation Source ELBE was developed within a collaboration of BESSY, DESY, FZD, and MBI. This new and promising injector type allows CW operation and has the potential for the production of high-brightness electron beams. The gun cryostat, the electron diagnostic beamline, and the driver laser with optical beamline were installed. In November 2007 the first beam was produced. In 2008 beam parameter measurements with Cs2Te photo cathodes were carried out. Due to problems during the cleaning of the cavity, the design gradient could not be reached. Thus the SRF gun is operating now with a peak field of 17.5 MV/m which corresponds to electron energy of 3 MeV. In 2009 the cathode transfer system was upgraded, the bunch lengths measurement based on Cherenkov radiation was put into operation, and the connection beamline to ELBE was installed in the winter shutdown. In February, the first beam of the SRF gun was injected to ELBE and accelerated. Parallel to the commissioning and operation of the SRF gun, an improved design for the gun cavity was created and two now cavities, one made of RRR300 Nb and one made of high-grain Nb was fabricated in collaboration with JLab.
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
- SRF Gun
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14615) publication
Invited lecture (Conferences)
FLS 2010 – ICFA Beam Dynamic Workshop, 01.-05.03.2010, Menlo Park, USA
Dynamics of a trapped Brownian particle in shear flows
Holzer, L.; Bammert, J.; Rzehak, R.; Zimmermann, W.
The Brownian motion of a particle in a harmonic potential, which is simultaneously exposed either to a linear shear flow or to a plane Poiseuille flow is investigated. In the shear plane of both flows the probability distribution of the particle becomes anisotropic and the dynamics is changed in a characteristic manner compared to a trapped particle in a quiescent fluid. The particle distribution takes either an elliptical or a parachute shape or a superposition of both depending on the mean particle position in the shear plane. Simultaneously, shear-induced cross-correlations between particle fluctuations along orthogonal directions in the shear plane are found. They are asymmetric in time. In Poiseuille flow thermal particle fluctuations perpendicular to the flow direction in the shear plane induce a shift of the particle’s mean position away from the potential minimum. Two complementary methods are suggested to measure shear-induced cross-correlations between particle fluctuations along orthogonal directions.
Keywords: Brownian motion; shear flow; fluctuations; correlation; colloids
Physical Review E 81(2010), 041124
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.041124
Cited 36 times in Scopus
Validierung des Inhomogenen MUSIG-Modells mit Phasenübergang
Schmidtke, M.; Krepper, E.; Lucas, D.
Bubble condensation in sub-cooled water is a complex process, to which various phenomena contribute. Since the condensation rate depends on the interfacial area density, bubble size distribution changes caused by breakup and coalescence play a crucial role.
Experiments on steam bubble condensation in vertical co-current steam/water flows have been carried out in a 8m long vertical DN200 pipe. Steam is injected into the pipe and the development of the bubbly flow is measured at different distances to the injection using a wire mesh sensor. By varying the steam nozzle diameter the initial bubble size can be influenced. Larger bubbles come along with a lower interfacial area density and therefore condensate slower. Steam pressures between 1-2 MPa and sub-cooling temperatures from 2 to 6 K were applied. Due to the drop of hydrostatic pressure along the pipe, the saturation temperature falls towards the upper pipe end. This affects the sub-cooling temperature and can even cause re-evaporation in the upper part of the test section. The experimental configurations are simulated with the CFD code CFX using an extended MUSIG approach, which includes the bubble shrinking or growth due to condensation or re-evaporation. The development of the vapour phase along the pipe with respect to vapour void fractions and bubble sizes is qualitatively well reproduced in the simulations. For a better quantitative reproduction, reliable models for the heat transfer at high Reynolds number as well as for bubble breakup and coalescence are needed.
Keywords: steam bubble; condensation; Inhomogeneous MUSIG; TOPFLOW; phase transfer; Nusselt number
Involved research facilities
- TOPFLOW Facility
Lecture (Conference)
3. Meilenstein Workshop / CFD-Forschungsverbund Entwicklung und Anwendung von Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Programmen für Phänomene im Kühlkreislauf und Sicherheitseinschluss von Leichtwasserreaktoren, 23.09.2010, München-Holzkirschen, Deutschland
CFD Simulation zum Eintrag von Mineralwolle in den Reaktorkern
Höhne, T.; Grahn, A.; Kliem, S.; Weiss, F. P.
Es wurden CFD-Analysen zum Eintrag von Mineralwolle in den Kern bei Sumpfbetrieb der Kernnotkühlung durchgeführt. Ziel der CFD-Rechnungen war der qualitative Nachweis der so genannten Durchbruchkanäle, die experimentell an der Versuchsanlage UPTF beobachtet wurden und durch die das heißseitig eingespeiste Notkühlwasser in den Kern gelangt, auch unter den Massenstrom- und Druckverhältnissen bei Ansaugung aus dem Sumpf. Zunächst wurde ohne Belastung des Kühlmittels mit Isoliermaterial gerechnet, während weiterführende Rechnungen die teilweise Belegung der oberen Abstandshalterebene durch eingetragene Mineralwollfasern berücksichtigten. Dafür musste die Verteilung der Ablagerung der Mineralwollfasern auf der oberen Abstandshalterebene ermittelt werden. Die Rechnungen zeigen eine zunächst bevorzugte Ablagerung der Fasern im Bereich der Durchbruchkanäle.
Keywords: CFD; Kernnotkühlung; Durchbruchkanäle; UPTF
Contribution to proceedings
Aktuelle Themen der Reaktorsicherheitsforschung in Deutschland-Fachtagung der KTG-Fachgruppen, 07.-08.10.2010, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Deutschland
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Aktuelle Themen der Reaktorsicherheitsforschung in Deutschland-Fachtagung der KTG-Fachgruppen, 07.-08.10.2010, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Deutschland
Thermal fluid dynamics research at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - sensors, systems and applications
Hampel, U.
Understanding and modeling multiphase flows requires sophisticated imaging tools which can disclose physical information of such flows with high temporal and spatial resolution. At FZD a number of sensors and imaging systems are being developed and applied, which are able to obtain phase distribution information from multiphase flows with superior resolution and speed. Within the presentation we will introduce and discuss the methods of wire mesh imaging, gamma ray tomography and ultra fast X-ray tomography with respect to their functional principles and application in energy and process engineering.
Keywords: multiphase flow measurement; wire mesh sensor; computed tomography
Involved research facilities
- TOPFLOW Facility
Lecture (others)
Meeting on the application of multiphase flow measurement techniques in reactor engineering, 28.09.2010, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Thermal fluid dynamics research and multiphase flow measurement and imaging techniques at FZD
Hampel, U.
The presentation gives an overview over the research activities in thermal fluid dynamics research at FZD. A focus is given on experiments on steam-water two-phase flows and innovative tomographic instrumentation. Research is carried out at the TOPFLOW thermal hydraulic test facility where steam-water flows under authentic nuclear reactor conditions can be investigated. In the recent past, new imaging sensors and technologies, such as wire mesh sensors and fast X-ray tomography have been developed and are being applied for such studies.
Keywords: two-phase flow; flow measurement; thermal fluid dynamics
Involved research facilities
- TOPFLOW Facility
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Multiphase flow and microbubbles in oil and gas production: Son of DIPSS “Ideas Factory”, 27.09.2010, Sheffield, UK
The THz-FEL FELBE at the Radiation Source ELBE
Seidel, W.
Two free-electron lasers (FELBE; 4-21 μm and 18-250 μm, respectively) have been in routine user operation for a wide range of IR experiments at the radiation source ELBE in the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf for several years. The lasers are driven by a superconducting RF linac that permits the generation of a cw-beam with a repetition rate of 13 MHz and a high average beam power. In addition, operation in a macropulse modus (pulse duration >100 µs, repetition rate ≤ 25 Hz) is possible. A few important experiments using the cw-operation are discussed. Furthermore, an outlook is given on the experiments which use the beam of FELBE in the High Magnetic Field Laboratory Dresden (HLD). The HLD provides pulsed magnetic fields up to 60 T. It operates as a user facility since 2007.
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14608) publication
Contribution to proceedings
Free Electron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden
Proceedings of the FEL 2010 -
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Free Electron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden
A Laser-Activated Plasma Switch for the Extraction of Single FELBE Radiation Pulses
Seidel, W.; Winnerl, S.
In order to decrease the average radiation power of the Rossendorf free-electron laser FELBE, as required for certain experiments (high pulse energies but moderate or low average power), the FEL repetition rate can be reduced from 13 MHz to 1 kHz. To this end, plasma switching of FEL radiation pulses was demonstrated for cw operation. The plasma switch is based on the principle of photo-induced reflectivity by an optically excited electron-hole plasma. Germanium or silicon serves as semiconductor material for the switch. The semiconductor was illuminated by a Nd:YAG laser amplifier system (1 kHz, wavelength 1064 nm, pulse duration16 ps, 1Watt), generating an electron-hole plasma on the front surface of the semiconductor. To integrate this plasma-switch into the existing experimental set-up we build an additional by-pass to the Germanium or Silicon slab which is under Brewster’s angle. To get a high contrast in the switched beam we adjust the polarization plane of the incoming beam to the right direction by using an additional polarization rotator. We will report on first results at different wavelength. Submitted as a poster to the FEL 2010 conference.
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14606) publication
Free Electron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden -
Contribution to proceedings
Free Electron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden
Proceedings of the FEL 2010
Conceptual Design of a THz Facility at the ELBE Radiation Source
Lehnert, U.; Helm, M.; Michel, P.; Schneider, H.; Seidel, W.; Winnerl, S.; Aksoy, A.
To extend the wavelength range of possible experiments from the FIR into the THz region a dedicated beamline is planned at the ELBE Radiation Source. The beamline will deliver coherent transition radiation and coherent synchrotron radiation as broad-band (essentially single-cycle) radiation. Superradiant undulator radiation will be produced for a tunable narrow-band radiation source in the 100GHz to 3THz range. This requires a compression of the ELBE electron beam down to 150fs bunchlength. The beam transport and bunch compression scheme as well as the properties of the produced radiation are presented in detail.
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14605) publication
Free Electron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden -
Contribution to proceedings
Free Electron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden
Proceedings of the FEL 2010
A Tapered-Undulator Experiment at the ELBE FIR Oscillator FEL
Lehnert, U.; Asgekar, V. B.; Michel, P.
A tapered undulator experiment was carried out at the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (ELBE) far-infrared FEL. The main motivation was to see whether the presence of a dispersive medium due to the partially waveguided resonator has any effect on the outcome. The FEL saturated power and the wavelength shifts have been measured as a function of both positive as well as negative undulator field amplitude tapering. In contrast to the typical high-gain FELs where positive tapering (i.e. a decrease of undulator field amplitude over the beam path) proves beneficial for the output power we observe an improvement of performance at negative taper. During the same experiments we studied the characteristics of the detuning curves. The width of the curves indicates a maximum small-signal gain for zero taper while the output peak power is highest for negative taper. Whereas the saturated power output and the detuning curve characteristics agree with the known theoretical predictions, the wavelength shifts showed deviations from the expected values. Details of the experiment are presented.
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14604) publication
Free Elektron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden -
Contribution to proceedings
FEL Conference 2010, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Schweden
Proceedings of the FEL 2010
Im Kern die Sicherheit
Weiss, F.-P.
Wirtschafts- und Klimafaktor Kernenergie; Ausbau der Kernenergie-globaler Trend; Sicherheit von Kernkraftwerken; Anforderungen an die (Sicherheits-)Forschung im aktuellen Kontext; Zukunftsvision der nuklearen Sicherheitsforschung
Invited lecture (Conferences)
FDP Technologieforum, 27.05.2010, Dresden, Deutschland
The Fritz Haber Institute THz FEL Status
Bluem, H.; Dowell, D.; Park, J.; Todd, A. M. M.; Christina, V.; Rathke, J.; Young, L. M.; Douglas, D.; Dalesio, L. B.; Gewinner, S.; Junkes, H.; Meijer, G.; Schöllkopf, W.; von Helden, G.; Zhang, W. O.; Lehnert, U.; Michel, P.; Seidel, W.; Wuensch, R.; Jordan, K.; Gottschalk, S. C.; Kelly, R. N.
The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, Germany will celebrate its Centennial in 2011. Coincident with this event, they will christen a THz Free Electron Laser (FEL) that will operate from 3 to 300 microns. A linac with a gridded thermionic gun is required to operate from 15 to 50 MeV at 200 pC while delivering a transverse rms emittance of 20 mm-mrad in a 1 psec rms, 50 keV rms energy spread bunch at the wigglers. Mid-IR and far-IR wigglers enable this electron beam to deliver the required radiation spectrum. In addition to the longitudinal emittance, a key design requirement is the minimization of the micropulse and macropulse jitter to ensure radiation wavelength stability and timing consistency for pump probe experiments. We present the completed physics and engineering design that delivers the required performance for this device. Shipment is scheduled for the end of the calendar year and the status of fabrication will be summarized.
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14602) publication
Contribution to proceedings
Free Electron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden
Proceedings of FEL 2010 -
Free Electron Laser Conference, 23.-27.08.2010, Malmö, Sweden
ELBE and the upgrade project towards a National Centre for High Power Radiation Sources 4th National Congress on Particle Accelerators and Applications
Michel, P.
A superconducting *E*lectron *L*inac with high *B*rilliance and low *E*mittance (ELBE) which provides an average beam current of 1 mA with maximum beam energy of 36 MeV was constructed in the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. The electron beam is used to generate infrared light (Free Electron Lasers), MeV-Bremsstrahlung, X-rays (electron channelling), fast neutrons and positrons. The ELBE secondary beams are used for a wide range of basic research like semiconductor physics, nuclear astrophysics and radio biological investigations.
Furthermore a 150 TW Ti:Sa Laser delivers high intense and very short laser pulses used for laser plasma acceleration of electrons and protons.
Until 2014 ELBE will be upgraded to a Centre for High Power Radiation Sources. The concept contains additional broad and narrow band coherent THz sources and the development of a 500 TW Ti:Sa Laser and even a 2 PW diode pumped Laser system. Laser plasma electron acceleration and proton acceleration experiments for medical applications are planed.
Additionally coupled electron laser beam experiments like Thomson scattering or injection of ELBE electron into the laser plasma will be done.
Keywords: Superconducting Electron; infrared light; 500 TW Ti:Sa Laser; X-rays; MeV Bremsstrahlung
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14601) publication
Lecture (Conference)
Congress on Particle Accelerators and Applications (UPHUK-4), 30.08.-01.09.2010, Bodrum, Turkey
Modeling of Ruddlesden-Popper surfaces and oxygen vacancies in strontium titanate
Zschornak, M.; Gutmann, E.; Stöcker, H.; Shakverdova, I.; Meyer, D. C.; Gemming, S.
Strontium titanate (STO) is an oxide crystallizing with cubic perovskite-type of structure that exhibits a high tunability of dielectric, electric, mechanical and optical properties by means of defects. Apart from dopants, also intrinsic oxygen vacancies or ordered stacking faults, e.g. Ruddlesden-Popper (RP) phases SrO(SrTiO3)n, influence these properties.
We have investigated structural stability, electronic properties and surface energies of such RP phases up to n = 5 by means of density-functional theory. We find a significant gain of formation energy up to n = 3 and can approximate the interaction range of neigh-boring stacking faults to 11.7 Angs.. Surfaces in [001] and [100] direction with all possible unreconstructed crystal terminations have been modeled and stability is compared. In contrast to pure STO, the near-surface SrO-OSr stacking fault can be employed to control surface roughness by adjusting SrO and TiO2 surface rumpling, to stabilize SrO termination in SrO-rich surrounding or to increase the band gap for TiO2 termination.
Further, we have theoretically verified a rever-sible elastic softening along an O-deficient 001 direction recently found in nano-inden-tation of SrTiO3 under influence of an electric field. Results from an isotropic and anisotropic model of a SrTiO3-d super cell are discussed.
Keywords: ferroelectrics; surface; Ruddlesden-Popper; STO; strontium titanate; DFT; density-functional; stacking faults; planar defect; complex oxide
ICAMM 2010 - International Conference on Advanced Materials Modelling, 07.-10.07.2010, Nantes, France
Density-functional investigation of the electronic structure at surfaces and interfaces of gallium phosphide
Schreiber, M.; Steinbach, G.; Gemming, S.
Gallium phosphide is a compound semiconductor with an indirect band gap of 2.26 eV. It is commonly employed for manufacturing low-cost red, orange, and green light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with low to medium brightness. As pure material GaP is transparent for yellow and red light, thus GaP is a better suited as substrate for GaAsP LEDs than GaAs. GaP itself may also be employed as active LED material, which emits green light in the pure phase and shifts to yellow-green upon nitrogen-doping and further to the red by doping with zinc-oxide. Thus, GaP thin films on cheaper silicon substrates promise a high application potential for LED engineering.
The present study addresses both material discontinuities which occur at the boundaries of such a GaP thin functional layer, the surface and the interface with the silicon substrate. Density-functional calculations have been performed with the pseudopotential plane-wave code ABINIT [1]. The most stable (001) surface is P-terminated and exhibits the formation of P dimers in analogy with the common (1x1)-, (2x1)-, and c(4x2)-symmetric reconstructions known for the Si(001) surface. Those reconstructions give rise to STM patterns with differing symmetries, especially when terminated by additional hydrogen atoms. At the interface with the silicon substrate both the Ga-rich and the P-rich terminations of the GaP layer are studied along with partially Si-occupied boundary layers. Substantially negative values of the work of separation are obtained for all investigated interfaces, which indicate the high stability and the low remanent stresses at the GaP-Si interface.
Keywords: GaP; gallium phosphide; surface; interface; silicon; semi-conductor; DFT; density-functional
STC 2010, 27.-30.09.2010, Münster, Deutschland -
Lecture (others)
Arbeitstreffen GaP-based Devices, 12.11.2010, Berlin, Deutschland
Nanostructures - Small and Beautiful
Gemming, S.; Erbe, A.; Facsko, S.
Spatial confinement effects induce fascinating new phenomena in nanostructured media, which are based on structure- and interface-controlled modifications of the bulk material properties. A thorough understanding of the resulting properties and an assessment of the application potential ideally relies on a combination of experimental and modelling techniques, which cover the whole range of nanostructure creation, characterization and applicative integration into larger functional elements. Thus, we apply self-organized patterning by ion-beam-induced surface modifications and top-down electron ltihographic techniques to generate nano-scale functional elements and combine it with nanometrology methods on specific structural, mechanical, optical and transport phenomena and with scale-adapted as well as multi-scale modeling.
Transport properties on the small scale, for instance, have traditionally been addressed by a classical master equation approach for the motion of the different charge carrier species, which is based on rate theory. The rather large quantity of parameters, which enter such an approach, can more or less easily be adjusted to the dimensional characteristics, local potential changes at interfaces, and the electronic settings of the system as well as to temperature effects. On the other hand, a microscopically more detailed and mostly parameter-free picture is obtained from a quantum-mechanical treatment on the basis of the density-functional theory. An extension by a Green's function formalism allows the determination and analysis of electronic transport through contacted nanostructures. We have combined both approaches to study electron transport in several material systems with different degrees of structural and electronic complexity. Examples will be given to demonstrate the applicability of the different approaches for dissipative and hopping transport through a regular array of nanostructures [1], for a mechanically triggered metal-insulator transition in nanowires [2], and for the enhanced conductivity at multiferroic domain walls [3].
[1] Kunze, T.; et al.; Phys. Rev. B 81, 115401 (2010).
[2] Popov, I.; et al.; Nano Lett. 8, 4093-4097 (2008).
[3] Seidel, J.; et al.; Nature Materials 8, 229-234 (2009).
Keywords: nanostructures; ion-beam; surface modification; ripples; transport; break junction; DFT; classical rate theory
Involved research facilities
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14597) publication
Lecture (others)
Physikalisches Kolloquium, 07.07.2010, Freiberg (S), Deutschland
Oxygen vacancy contribution on the polarization dependent DAFS of Rutile TiO2
Zschornak, M.; Richter, C.; Novikov, D.; Stöcker, H.; Leisegang, T.; Gemming, S.; Meyer, D. C.
In order to develop a method to reconstruct the density of unoccupied electronic states in between Fermi energy and vacuum level, we performed combined anisotropic anomalous scattering and diffraction anomalous fine structure (AAS-DAFS) scans. Examining the energy dependence of the dipole-dipole transition near the Ti-K absorption edge in rutile TiO2 [2], special interest was given to the stability of the symmetry restrictions imposed by the Ti site symmetry on the dipole-dipole transition. Here we present new results, extending former findings from studying the sample orientation dependent, diffracted intensity on different allowed and forbidden reflections at the specific resonance photon energy of E = 4985 eV exclusively [3], in respect to the energy dependence.
Keywords: DAFS; rutile; O vacancy; point defect; X-Ray; simulation
European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM-26, 30.08.-02.09.2010, Darmstadt, Deutschland
Correlation of structure and conductance in nanowires
Gemming, S.
In nanostructured materials spatial confinement effects lead to structure-dependent deviations from the bulk transport properties. Such modifications may in part be accounted for by classical transport simulations, but a microscopically more detailed and mostly parameter-free picture is obtained from quantum-mechanical density-functional theory (DFT). DFT calculations yield the atom arrangement and electronic structure of nanotubes and nanowires in the electronic ground state. Additionally, an extension by a Greens function formalism leads to the determination and analysis of electronic transport through contacted nanostructures. A combination of both approaches allows to correlate structural and transport properties of nanostructures. The applicability of this approach will be demonstrated for a mechanically triggered metal-insulator transition in nanowires.
Kibsgaard et al. Nano Lett 8 (2008) 3928; [2] Popov et al. Nano Lett 8 (2008) 4093.
Keywords: transport; nanotubes; nanowires; crystallography; DFT; transition metal chalcogenides; MoS; molybdenum sulfide
European Crystallographic Meeting, ECM-26, 30.08.-02.09.2010, Darmstadt, Deutschland
Transport in Nanostructured Materials
Gemming, S.
In nanostructured materials spatial confinement effects lead to structure-dependent modifications of the bulk transport properties. In part, such modifications can be accounted for by a classical master equation approach for the transport of the different charge carrier species. The rather large quantity of parameters, which enter such an approach, can more or less easily be adjusted to the dimensional characteristics and the electronic settings of the system as well as to temperature effects. On the other hand, a microscopically more detailed and mostly parameter-free picture is obtained from a quantum-mechanical treatment on the basis of the density-functional theory. An extension by a Green's function formalism allows the determination and analysis of electronic transport through contacted nanostructures. Examples will be given to demonstrate the applicability of the different approaches for dissipative and hopping transport through a regular array of nanostructures, for a mechanically triggered metal-insulator transition in nanowires, and for the enhanced conductivity at multiferroic domain walls.
Keywords: transport; calculation DFT; simulation; multi-scale; nano-electronics; molecular electronics; multiferroics
Invited lecture (Conferences)
FAHL Academia 2010: Transparent and flexible Electronics, 28.09.2010, Leipzig, Deutschland
Anisotropy of magnetic interactions in the spin-ladder compound (C5H12N)2CuBr4
Čižmár, E.; Ozerov, M.; Wosnitza, J.; Thielemann, B.; Krämer, K. W.; Rüegg, C.; Piovesana, O.; Klanjšek, M.; Horvatić, M.; Berthier, C.; Zvyagin, S. A.
Magnetic excitations in the spin-ladder material (C5H12N)2CuBr4 (BPCB) are probed by high-resolution multifrequency electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Our experiments provide a direct evidence for a pronounced anisotropy (~5% of the dominant exchange interaction), that is in contrast to a fully isotropic spin-ladder model employed for this system previously. It is argued that this anisotropy in BPCB is caused by spin-orbit coupling, which appears to be important for describing magnetic properties of this compound. The zero-field zone-center gap in the excitation spectrum of BPCB, Δ0/kB = 16.5 K, is detected directly. Furthermore, an ESR signature of the interladder exchange interactions is obtained. The detailed characterization of the anisotropy in BPCB completes the determination of the full spin hamiltonian of this exceptional spin-ladder material and shows ways to study anisotropy effects in spin ladders.
Involved research facilities
- High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
Physical Review B 82(2010), 054431
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.054431
Cited 29 times in Scopus
Superconductivity in Gallium-doped Germanium
Skrotzki, R.; Herrmannsdörfer, T.; Heera, V.; Fiedler, J.; Ignatchik, O.; Uhlarz, M.; Mücklich, A.; Posselt, M.; Reuther, H.; Schmidt, B.; Heinig, K.-H.; Skorupa, W.; Voelskow, M.; Wündisch, C.; Helm, M.; Wosnitza, J.
Involved research facilities
- High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
2nd EuroMagNET Summer School 2010 at Ameland, 05.-11.09.2010, Ameland, Niederlande
The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory - Recent Research Results
Wosnitza, J.
The Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden, HLD), situated at the outskirts of Dresden, has opened its doors for external users in 2007. Since then, an increasing number of scientists from all over the world applied for magnet time and had, after approval, the possibility to conduct their high-field research in the pulsed fields at the HLD. A variety of magnets with pulsed fields up to 70 T are available and a European record field of 87.2 T has been reached. Numerous experimental methods are available allowing to measure electrical transport, magnetization, magnetostriction, ultrasound, ESR, and even NMR, often with very high resolution. As a unique feature, a free-electron-laser facility next door allows high-brilliance radiation to be fed into the pulsed field cells of the HLD, thus making possible high-field magneto-optical experiments in the range 3-250 µm. In-house research of the HLD focuses on electronic properties of strongly correlated materials at high magnetic fields. Besides introducing some highlights of the HLD experimental infrastructure, some recent scientific research results will be presented. This includes e.g. the detection of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in electron-doped high-temperature superconductors that allowed to unravel a drastic change of the Fermi-surface topology upon doping. Furthermore, pulsed-field experiments at the HLD allowed to observe the field-induced conductance switching in single-walled carbon nanotubes.
Involved research facilities
- High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
Invited lecture (Conferences)
Seminar at the National Institute for Materials Science, 21.09.2010, Tsukuba, Japan
Electron Injectors, The Determining Part For Beam Quality At Accelerators
Arnold, A.
The electron source essentially determines the properties of the entire accelerator system. As part of the 1st doctoral seminar in Oybin (Zittauer Gebirge), the talk explains the working principles of two different electron sources. The first part is dealing with the established thermionic source of ELBE (Electron Linac for beams with high Brilliance and low Emittance). While in the second part the benefits of the new superconducting electron source (SRF gun) are presented.
Keywords: electron; source; SRF; Gun
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
- SRF Gun
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14590) publication
Lecture (others)
1st FZD Graduate Students PhD Seminar, 11.-13.10.2006, Oybin, Germany
Overview On Superconducting Photo Injectors
Arnold, A.; Teichert, J.
The success of most of the proposed energy recovery linac (ERL) based electron accelerator projects for future storage ring replacements (SRR) and high power IR-FELs largely depends on the development of an appropriate source. E.g., to meet the FEL specifications [J. W. Lewellen, SPIE 5534, 22-36 (2004)] electron beams with an unprecedented combination of high brightness, low emittance (0.1 μmrad) and high average current (hundreds of mA) are required. An elegant way to create a beam of such quality is to combine the high beam quality of a normal conducting RF photoinjector with the superconducting technology, i.e., to build a superconducting RF photoinjector (SRF gun). SRF gun R&D programs based on different approaches have been launched at a growing number of institutes and companies (AES, Beijing University, BESSY, BNL, DESY, FZD, TJNAF, Niowave, NPS, Wisconsin University). Substantial progress was achieved in recent years and first long term operation was demonstrated at FZD [R. Xiang et al., in Proceedings of FEL09, Liverpool, GB, 2009]. In the near future SRF guns are expected to play an important role for LINAC driven FEL facilities. In the present paper we will review the concepts, the design parameters and the status of the major SRF gun projects.
Keywords: Superconducting; Electron; Injector; SRF; Gun; ERL; FEL; AES; Beijing University; BESSY; BNL; DESY; FZD; TJNAF; Niowave; NPS; Wisconsin University
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
- SRF Gun
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14589) publication
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 14(2011)2, 024801
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.14.024801
Cited 71 times in Scopus
Bunch Length Measurements at the Radiation Source ELBE
Kaya, C.
At the ELBE Free Electron Laser (FEL) at Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf (FZD) electron bunches having lengths between 1 to 4 ps are generated. It is required to compress these electron bunches to lenghts below 1 ps which necessitates diagnosis of the electron bunch parameters. We use a Martin-Puplett interferometer (MPI) which is a modification of the Michelson interferometer, where the beams are linearly polarized at specific orientations. It measures the autocorrelation function of the coherent transition radiation (CTR) from a view screen which is an optical replication of the electron bunch.
The interferometer setup consists of various optical components like polarizers, beam splitter, mirrors and Golay cell detectors. In our measurement a wire grid was used as a polarizer and also as a beam splitter. A thorough understanding of the response of the optical components, as a function of the CTR wavelength range of our interest, is required for correct analysis of the measured signal. We have therefore simulated the response of the entire interferometer setup including the diffraction losses and the window transmission and compared the results to experimental measurements.
Keywords: electron bunch length; Martin-Puplett interferometer
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14588) publication
DIPAC 2009, 25.-27.05.2009, Basel,, Switzerland
Longitudinal Electron Bunch Profile Measurement with Electro Optic Sampling at the Radiation Source ELBE
Kaya, C.
At the ELBE Accelerator at the Forschungszentrum Dresden (FZD) we want to perform longitudinal electron bunch profile measurement with Electro Optic Sampling (EOS) technique. We present the preliminary measurement results. The EOS technique is based on the change in the optical characteristics of a birefringent crystal due to the electric field induced by the passage of electrons in the vicinity of the crystal. Therefore we use femtosecond laser (Ti:Sa) pulses to probe the change of birefringence in the electro-optic ZnTe crystal. The resolution in the experiment is limited to about 250 fs by the bandwidth of the detection equipment.
One of the important steps in the measurement is to synchronize the Ti:Sa laser pulses emitted with a repetition frequency of 78 MHz with the 13 MHz radio frequency from the superconducting accelerator with low time jitter. The set-up required for determination of the temporal overlap of the femtosecond laser pulse with the real electron bunch was assembled with a OTR sensitive photodiode. The last synchronization step was tuning the time delay of the femtosecond laser relative to the electron bunch by an optical delay unit. By splitting the signal from the ZnTe crystal in a balance detector we achieve information about the longitudinal electron bunch profile.
Keywords: Electro Optic Sampling; bunch length; ZnTe
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14587) publication
Lecture (Conference)
74. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände 2010, 15.-19.03.2010, Bonn, Germany
Bunch Length Measurements at the Radiation Source ELBE
Kaya, C.
At the ELBE Free Electron Laser (FEL) at Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf (FZD) electron bunches having lengths between 1 to 4 ps are generated. It is required to compress these electron bunches to lenghts below 1 ps which necessitates diagnosis of the electron bunch parameters. We use a Martin-Puplett interferometer (MPI) which is a modification of the Michelson interferometer, where the beams are linearly polarized at specific orientations. It measures the autocorrelation function of the coherent transition radiation (CTR) from a view screen which is an optical replication of the electron bunch.
The interferometer setup consists of various optical components like polarizers, beam splitter, mirrors and Golay cell detectors. In our measurement a wire grid was used as a polarizer and also as a beam splitter. A thorough understanding of the response of the optical components, as a function of the CTR wavelength range of our interest, is required for correct analysis of the measured signal. We have therefore simulated the response of the entire interferometer setup including the diffraction losses and the window transmission and compared the results to experimental measurements.
Keywords: electron bunch; Martin-Puplett interferometer
Involved research facilities
- Radiation Source ELBE DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-2-58 is cited by this (Id 14586) publication
Lecture (Conference)
DIPAC 2009, 25.-27.05.2009, Basel, Switzerland
Morphology Induced Magnetic Anisotropy of Thin Films on Nanoscale MgO- and Si-Ripples
Lenz, K.; Körner, M.; Liedke, M. O.; Fritzsche, M.; Cizmar, E.; Ranjan, M.; Facsko, S.; Fassbender, J.
Ion beam erosion techniques allow for the creation of well ordered ripple patterns with nanometer periodicity. Moreover, the periodicity can be tuned over a wide range by changing the ion beam energy [1]. The ripple pattern is directly transferred to the surface of films grown on these substrates. This offers the possibility of tailoring the magnetic properties by inducing additional magnetic anisotropy as well as modifying the intrinsic magnetic damping by adding relaxation mechanisms due to the structural modifications.
We study the influence of rippled vs. flat Si substrates for 10 nm thin Fe and Co films, as well as technologically relevant Heusler alloys (Fe3Si and Co2FexMn1-xSi). The magnetic anisotropy as well as damping is measured by frequency and angle-dependent vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance. The ripple morphology of the magnetic layers induces a strong uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. The intrinsic magnetic damping is influenced by mosaicity related inhomogeneous broadening and additional two-magnon scattering.
This work was supported by DFG grant no. FA 314/6-1.
Keywords: Magnetism; Magnetic Anisotropy; Nanoscale; Ripples
Involved research facilities
- High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD)
- Ion Beam Center DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159
Related publications
- DOI: 10.17815/jlsrf-3-159 is cited by this (Id 14585) publication
IEEE 7th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML 2010), 19.-24.09.2010, Berkeley, CA, USA
Years: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Pages: [1.] [2.] [3.] [4.] [5.] [6.] [7.] [8.] [9.] [10.] [11.] [12.] [13.] [14.] [15.] [16.] [17.] [18.] [19.] [20.] [21.] [22.] [23.] [24.] [25.] [26.] [27.] [28.] [29.] [30.] [31.] [32.] [33.] [34.] [35.] [36.] [37.] [38.] [39.] [40.] [41.] [42.] [43.] [44.] [45.] [46.] [47.] [48.] [49.] [50.] [51.] [52.] [53.] [54.] [55.] [56.] [57.] [58.] [59.] [60.] [61.] [62.] [63.] [64.] [65.] [66.] [67.] [68.] [69.] [70.] [71.] [72.] [73.] [74.] [75.] [76.] [77.] [78.] [79.] [80.] [81.] [82.] [83.] [84.] [85.] [86.] [87.] [88.] [89.] [90.] [91.] [92.] [93.] [94.] [95.] [96.] [97.] [98.] [99.] [100.] [101.] [102.] [103.] [104.] [105.] [106.] [107.] [108.] [109.] [110.] [111.] [112.] [113.] [114.] [115.] [116.] [117.] [118.] [119.] [120.] [121.] [122.] [123.] [124.] [125.] [126.] [127.] [128.] [129.] [130.] [131.] [132.] [133.] [134.] [135.] [136.] [137.] [138.] [139.] [140.] [141.] [142.] [143.] [144.] [145.] [146.] [147.] [148.] [149.] [150.] [151.] [152.] [153.] [154.] [155.] [156.] [157.] [158.] [159.] [160.] [161.] [162.] [163.] [164.] [165.] [166.] [167.] [168.] [169.] [170.] [171.] [172.] [173.] [174.] [175.] [176.] [177.] [178.] [179.] [180.] [181.] [182.] [183.] [184.] [185.] [186.] [187.] [188.] [189.] [190.] [191.] [192.] [193.] [194.] [195.] [196.] [197.] [198.] [199.] [200.] [201.] [202.] [203.] [204.] [205.] [206.] [207.] [208.] [209.] [210.] [211.] [212.] [213.] [214.] [215.] [216.] [217.] [218.] [219.] [220.] [221.] [222.] [223.] [224.] [225.] [226.] [227.] [228.] [229.] [230.] [231.] [232.] [233.] [234.] [235.] [236.] [237.] [238.] [239.] [240.] [241.] [242.] [243.] [244.] [245.] [246.] [247.] [248.] [249.] [250.] [251.] [252.] [253.] [254.] [255.] [256.] [257.] [258.] [259.] [260.] [261.] [262.] [263.] [264.] [265.] [266.] [267.] [268.] [269.] [270.] [271.] [272.] [273.] [274.] [275.] [276.] [277.] [278.] [279.] [280.] [281.] [282.] [283.] [284.] [285.] [286.] [287.] [288.] [289.] [290.] [291.] [292.] [293.] [294.] [295.] [296.] [297.] [298.] [299.] [300.] [301.] [302.] [303.] [304.] [305.] [306.] [307.] [308.] [309.] [310.] [311.] [312.] [313.] [314.] [315.] [316.] [317.] [318.] [319.] [320.] [321.] [322.] [323.] [324.] [325.] [326.] [327.] [328.] [329.] [330.] [331.] [332.] [333.] [334.] [335.] [336.] [337.] [338.] [339.] [340.] [341.] [342.] [343.] [344.] [345.] [346.] [347.] [348.] [349.] [350.] [351.] [352.] [353.] [354.] [355.] [356.] [357.] [358.] [359.] [360.] [361.] [362.] [363.] [364.] [365.] [366.] [367.] [368.]