Publications Repository - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

"Online First" included
Approved and published publications
Only approved publications

42029 Publications

Investigations of the transition region between Si and thermally grown SiO2 layers

Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Coleman, P. G.; Goodyear, A.; Reuther, H.; Maser, K.

  • J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9 (1997) 2947


Nanostructured arrays formed by finely focused ion beams

Zuhr, R. A.; Budai, J. D.; Datskos, P. G.; Meldrum, A.; Thomas, K. A.; Warmack, R. J.; White, C. W.; Feldman, L. C.; Strobel, M.; Heinig, K.-H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, 1998


Stabilisation of the 3C-SiC/SOI system by an intermediate Si3N4 layer

Zappe, S.; Obermeier, E.; Stoemenos, J.; Möller, H.; Krötz, G.; Wirth, H.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ECSCRM '98 (2nd European Conf. on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials), Montpellier, Sept. 2 - 4, 1998


Ion-implantation induced damage In 6H-SiC: the influence of substrate temperature

Wirth, H.; Anwand, W.; Mücklich, A.; Panknin, D.; Voelskow, M.; Brauer, G.; Skorupa, W.; Gonzalez-Varona, O.; Perez-Rodriguez, A.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    40th Electronic Materials Conference (EMC'98), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, June 24-26, 1998


Similarity of energetic depositions of cubic boron nitride and titanium nitride thin films

Wang, X.; Kolitsch, A.; Zhao, J. P.; Möller, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    MRS Fall Meeting 1998, Boston, USA, Nov. 30 - Dec.4, 1998


Study of Interatomic Potentials in ZnS - Crystal-GRID Experiments versus ab initio Calculations

Koch, T.; Heinig, K.-H.; Jentschel, M.; Börner, H. G.


Crystal-GRID measurements have been performed with ZnS single crystals. For the first time, an asymmetric Crystal-GRID line shape could be observed. The preliminary data evaluation indicates that the reported lifetime of the 3221 keV level in 33 is too short. A value of about 60 fs has been found. Due to this ``long'' lifetime the line shape is much less structured than calculated with the reported lifetime.

Keywords: atomic collisions; Crystal-GRID; gamma ray spectroscopy; interatomic potentials; Molecular Dynamics simulations; nuclear lifetimes; ZnS

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Applications of high-precision gamma-spectroscopy, Notre Dame, USA, July 1-3, 1998
  • J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 105 (2000) 81-87


Tiefenselektive Phasenanalyse Si-ionenimplantierter "-Fe-Oberflächen mittels DCEMS

Walterfang, M.; Kruijer, S.; Keune, W.; Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, March 23-27,1998


Potential investigation for ZnS using Crystal-GRID high-precision gamma spectroscopy and MD computer simulations

Hauschild, T.; Heinig, K.-H.; Jentschel, M.; Börner, H. G.


Crystal-GRID is a new and complementary method for studying interatomic potentials in crystals at intermediate energies between 1 eV and 1 keV. After a neutron capture reaction a first photon emission leads to a recoil of the still excited nucleus. While moving through the crystal a second photon is emitted. When observing many recoil events a structured and Doppler broadened gamma line shape is obtained due to the anisotropic slowing down in the crystal. Experimental findings from the high-precision gamma spectrometers GAMS 4 and GAMS 5 at the ILL are compared to predictions from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Thereby information about the interatomic potential can be obtained. Results will be presented for ZnS single crystals, showing that the universal screened Coulomb potentials (ZBL, KrC) are not appropriate in the examined energy region. A new potential for that region will be presented.

Keywords: Crystal-GRID; gamma ray spectroscopy; interatomic potential; Molecular Dynamics simulation; nuclear level lifetime; ZnS

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG Frühjahrstagung, Münster, Germany, March 22-26, 1999


Electron energy-loss spectroscopy in transmission of undoped and doped diamond films

Waidmann, S.; Bartsch, K.; Endler, I.; Fontaine, F.; Arnold, B.; Knupfer, M.; Leonhardt, A.; Fink, J.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS'98, Strasbourg, France, June 16 - 19, 1998


Surface modification of AISI M2 steel by nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation

Uglov, V. V.; Rusalsky, D. P.; Kholmetskii, A. L.; Khodasevich, V. V.; Ruebenbauer, K.; Günzel, R.; Richter, E.; Wilbur, P.; Wei, R.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


Effect of hydrostatic pressure annealing on visible photoluminescence from Si+- and Ge+-implanted SiO2 films

Tyschenko, I. E.; Kachurin, G. A.; Zhuravlev, K. S.; Rebohle, L.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


Room temperature visible photoluminescence from Ar+- and Ge+-implanted Si3N4- and SiOxNy-films

Tyschenko, I. E.; Kachurin, G. A.; Rebohle, L.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998


Ion Beam Mixing of the ZrO2/Fe System

Turos, A.; Gawlik, D.; Jagielski, J.; Stonert, A.; Matz, W.; Grötzschel, R.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam,The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


Thermal wave analysis: a tool for non-invasive testing ion beam synthesis of wide band gap materials

Teichert, G.; Schleicher, L.; Knedlik, C.; Voelskow, M.; Skorupa, W.; Yankov, R. A.; Pezoldt, J.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    MRS Fall Meeting., Boston, USA, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, 1998


Computer simulation studies of the competition between nucleation and ion mixing in ion beam synthesis of nanoclusters

Strobel, M.; Heinig, K.-H.; Möller, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    4th Int. Conf. on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, Okayama, Japan, Sept. 15-19, 1998


In vitro Charakterisierung modifizierter ionenimplantierter Titanoberflächen

Stölzel, M.; Born, R.; Scharnweber, D.; Worch, H.; Pham, M. T.; Wieser, E.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Werkstoffwoche, München, Germany, Oct. 12-15, 1998


The behaviour of hydrogen in titanium after ion implantation

Soltani-Farshi, M.; Baumann, H.; Richter, E.; Kreißig, U.; Bethge, K.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    CAARI´98, Denton, USA, December 1998


Positron studies of defects in nitrogen and carbon implanted titanium

Soltani-Farshi, M.; Baumann, H.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Coleman, P. G.; Richter, E.; Kreißig, U.; Bethge, K.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    1998 Spring Meeting, San Francisco/CA, April 13-17, 1998


Wave-ordered nanostructures formed on silicon-on-insulator wafers by means of reactive ion beams

Smirnov, V. K.; Kibalov, D. S.; Krivlevich, S. A.; Lepshin, P. A.; Potapov, E. V.; Ynakov, R. A.; Skorupa, W.; Danilin, A. B.; Makarov, V. V.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS'98, Strasbourg, France, June 16 - 19, 1998


Crystal-GRID: Current status and prospects for experimental studies of atomic collisions in solids.

Jentschel, M.; Hauschild, T.; Börner, H. G.; Heinig, K.-H.


The Doppler effect of electromagnetic radiation represents a very direct indicator to study the motion of emitting particles. In the Crystal-GRID technique one uses the ultra high resolution power of the crystal spectrometers GAMS4 and GAMS5 to measure the Doppler broadening of $\gamma$ radiation emitted from excited nuclei. Thus it represents a new nuclear probe for the direct study of atomic motion in solids at kinetic energies of several hundreds of eV.

A detailed description of the experimental technique will be given together with an overview on already performed experiments using massive single crystals
of TiO2, NaCl, Ni and Cr. In these experiments the comparison of experimental data to predictions deduced from Molecular Dynamics simulations has allowed to obtain new repulsive interatomic potentials.

The currently used double flat crystal geometry of the spectrometers has allowed to use only massive targets. Recent technical improvements of the GAMS5 spectrometer towards a double bent crystal geometry
will allow to extend the technique to studies of crystalline layers as they may result from ion implantation. The current status of the spectrometer and the expected capabilities will be presented.

Keywords: Crystal-GRID; gamma ray spectroscopy; interatomic potential; Molecular Dynamics simulation; nuclear level lifetime; TiO2; NaCl; Ni; Cr

  • Poster
    ICACS-18, Odense, Denmark, August 3-8, 1999


Study of Interatomic Potentials in ZnS using Crystal-GRID high-precision gamma spectroscopy and MD simulations

Hauschild, T.; Jentschel, M.; Heinig, K.-H.; Börner, H. G.; Möller, W.


Crystal-GRID measurements have been performed with ZnS single crystals. A new Crystal-GRID potential could be determined by splining a Stillinger-Weber like equilibrium potential to screened Coulomb potentials. The new potential is fitted to experimental data containing information about the energy range of about 10 to 500 eV and differs significantly from the screened Coulomb potentials. The nuclear level life time of the 3221 keV level in 33S has been determined to be (48.8 +/- 0.7) fs. Furthermore the predicted asymmetry of a Crystal-GRID line shape could be observed for the first time.

Keywords: Crystal-GRID; gamma ray spectroscopy; interatomic potential; Molecular Dynamics simulation; nuclear level lifetime; ZnS

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ICACS-18, Odense, Denmark, August 3-8, 1999


Ion beam processing for silicon-based light emission

Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    XIIth Int. Conf. Ion Implantation Technology (IIT´98), Kyoto, Japan, June 22-26, 1998


Beta-SiC on SiO2 formed by ion implantation and bonding for micromechanical applications

Serre, C.; Romano-Rodriguez, A.; Perez-Rodriguez, A.; Morante, J. R.; Fonseca, L.; Acero, M. C.; Kögler, R.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS'98, Strasbourg, France, June 16 - 19, 1998


Bonding and etch-back of ion beam synthesized beta-SiC for SiCOI formation

Serre, C.; Perez-Rodriguez, A.; Romano-Rodriguez, A.; Morante, J. R.; Fonseca, L.; Acero, M. C.; Esteve, J.; Kögler, R.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    NATO Advanced Workshop "Perspectives, Science and Technologies for Novel Silicon on Insulator Devices", Kiev, Ukraine, Oct. 1998


Characterisation of Al-implanted LiF by a monoenergetic positron beam

Sendezera, E. J.; Davidson, A. T.; Fischer, C. G.; Connell, S. H.; Sellschop, J. P. F.; Anwand, W.; Brauer, G.; Nicht, E.-M.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    8th Int. Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques for Solids and Surfaces (SLOPOS-8), Cape Town, Sept. 6 - 12, 1998


Non-destructive analysis of elements with low atomic numbers (Na – K) in artifacts using X-ray fluorescence analysis

Schreiner, M.; Mantler, M.; Neelmeijer, C.; Mäder, M.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    31th Int. Symp. on Archaeometry, Budapest, Hungary, April 27 - May 1, 1998


Temperaturverhalten von durch Hochdosisimplantation hergestellten Al-Fe-Legierungen

Reuther, H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IX. Mößbauerkolloquium, Freiberg, Sept. 28-30, 1998


Charakterisierung von durch Ionenimplantation hergestellten Fe-Al-Schichten mittels Augerelektronen- und Mößbauerspektroskopie

Reuther, H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    10. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik AOFA 10, Kaiserslautern, Sept. 6-10, 1998


Strong blue electroluminescence from Ge-rich silicondioxide-on-silicon formed by ion beam synthesis

Rebohle, L.; von Borany, J.; Tyschenko, I. E.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    XIIth Int. Conf. Ion Implantation Technology (IIT´98), Kyoto, Japan, June 22-26, 1998


Is there still any hope for blue luminescence from silicon?

Rebohle, L.; von Borany, J.; Markwitz, A.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998


The Installations for Materials Research on ROBL at the ESRF

Prokert, F.; Betzl, M.; Eichhorn, F.; Matz, W.; Schell, N.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Jahrestagung DGK, Karlsruhe, März 1998


Microscopic processes of damage production during ion implantation studied by combining time-ordered BCA with MD simulations

Posselt, M.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 13-17, 1998


Pulsed plasma beam mixing of Ti and Mo on Al2O3 substrates

Piekoszewski, J.; Wieser, E.; Grötzschel, R.; Reuther, H.; Werner, Z.; Langner, A.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


Formation of surface Pd-Ti alloys using pulsed plasma beams

Piekoszewski, J.; Werner, Z.; Wieser, E.; Langner, J.; Grötzschel, R.; Reuther, H.; Jagielski, J.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ION'98, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 16-19, 1998


Structural and compositional characterisation of N+ and Al+ co-implanted 6H-SiC using optical methods

Pezoldt, J.; Yankov, R. A.; Fukarek, W.; Mücklich, A.; Fontaine, F.; Skorupa, W.; Werninghaus, T.; Zahn, D.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    9th Europ. Conf. on Diamond, Diamond-like Materials, Nitrides, and Silicon Carbide, Crete, Greece, Sept. 13-18, 1998


A novel (SiC)1-x(AIN)x compound synthesized using ion beams

Pezoldt, J.; Yankov, R. A.; Mücklich, A.; Fukarek, W.; Reuther, H.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998


Nitriding of stainless steel by low energy ion implantation - the nitriding kinetics

Parascandola, S.; Kruse, O.; Richter, E.; Möller, W.


Stainless steels are known for their excellent corrosion resistance based on a native surface oxide layer and a moderate hardness leading to short life times in applications with intensive wear. Hence, surface hardening could greatly enlarge their range of applications. However, stainless steels are considered as difficult candidates for surface hardening. Nitriding by low-energy ion implantation is a promising technique. At target temperatures of about 400°C the formation of a highly nitrogen enriched layer has been observed. This layer exhibits an increased surface hardness and a reduced wear without adversely affecting the excellent corrosion resistance.
This work focuses on the nitriding kinetics which are not well understood. Experimental data has been obtained by time and depth resolved elemental analyses using elastic recoil detection (ERD) during the nitriding process. The ERD technique has been optimised for time resolved in-situ data acquisition. Fast nitrogen diffusion, an energy and current density dependence of the thickness of the nitrogen enriched layer and an influence of the surface oxide layer have been observed. The physical origin of these phenomena will be revealed and a simple model of the nitriding process taking into account the governing physical processes, i. e. sputtering, recovering of the surface from the residual gas and diffusion in the solid, will be presented.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


Nitrogen transport during plasma ion nitriding of austenitic stainless steel - the role of the native surface oxide layer

Parascandola, S.; Kruse, O.; Richter, E.; Möller, W.


Austenitic stainless steels are widely used due to their advantageous combination of properties as ductility, strength and excellent corrosion resistance. However, due to their moderate hardness they are not suited for abrasively stressed parts. Hence, the market potential of austenitic stainless steels could be greatly enhanced by a process that allows surface hardening without negatively affecting the other properties. Standard techniques as heat treatment, carburizing and conventional nitriding fail. Recently it has been shown that ion nitriding at moderate temperature is a promising candidate for surface hardening austenitic stainless steels. Surface hardness increased by factors of 4 to 5 leading to wear resistance increases by more than two orders of magnitude have been achieved without compromising the excellent corrosion resistance. It has been reported that the nitriding velocity depends on the ion energy and on the current density and that the passivating surface oxide layer of the austenitic stainless steels may play an important role. In a systematic study the influence of the surface oxide layer on the nitriding efficiency of ion nitriding austenitic stainless steel at moderate temperatures is analyzed by determining the retained nitrogen dose for fixed process times and temperatures but different oxygen partial pressures, ion current densities and ion energies. Additionally, for some selected process parameters during processing, the composition of the near surface region (down to 150nm) regarding the nitrogen, the carbon and the oxygen content is obtained by an in situ experiment.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Int. Conf. on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, April 27 - May 1, 1998


Correlation of electrical and microstructural properties after high dose aluminium implantation into 6H-SiC

Panknin, D.; Wirth, H.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ECSCRM '98 (2nd European Conf. on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials), Montpellier, Sept. 2 - 4, 1998


Positron affinities and deformation potentials in cubic semiconductors

Panda, B. K.; Brauer, G.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    30th Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation, Jarnoltowek, Sept. 17-21, 1998
  • Acta Physica Polonica, No. 4, Vol. 95 (1999), 641-646


Hydrogen incorporation into Cu-III-VI2 chalcopyrite semiconductors

Otte, K.; Schlemm, H.; Schindler, A.; Bigl, F.; Lippold, G.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, April 13 -17, 1998


Johann Gregorius Höroldt fecit?

Neelmeijer, C.; Mäder, M.; Pietsch, U.; Ulbricht, H.; Walcha, H.-M.


"J. G. Höroldt fec. et inv": Gemacht und erdacht von Johann Gregorius Höroldt - findet man als Signatur auf dem Boden der prachtvoll dekorierten "Höroldt-Vase" in der Porzellansammlung im Zwinger. Das typische Höroldt-Motiv findet sich wieder auf einem Walzenkrug, ebenfalls aus weißem Porzellan als Träger. Mittels Ionenstrahlanalyse an Luft gelang es am 5 MV Tandembeschleuniger des FZ Rossendorf, zerstörungsfrei aufzuklären, dass die Pigmente der Schmelzfarben auf der Vase der überlieferten "Höroldt'schen Palette" entsprechen. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde z. B. Chrom-Grün am Walzenkrug gefunden, was eindeutig auf eine Kopie hinweist.

Keywords: Ionenstrahlanalyse an Luft; zerstörungsfrei; PIXE; Malfarben; Porzellan

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Jahrestagung der GDCh, Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, Würzburg, Sept. 23 - 25, 1998
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege - Kurzberichte 1998, S. 78 - 80
  • Contribution to external collection
    Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege - Kurzberichte 1998, S. 78 - 80


Paramagnetische Störstellen in Si nach Implantation von Pd

Näser, A.; Gelhoff, W.; Yankov, R. A.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG-Tagung, Regensburg, Germany, March 23, 1998


EPR identification of a shallow donor state of cadmium in silicon

Näser, A.; Gehlhoff, W.; Overhof, H.; Yankov, R. A.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    8th Int. Conf. on Shallow Level Centres in Semiconductors, Montpellier, France, July 27-30, 1998


Wear properties of TiN coated cutting tools implanted with nitrogen ions

Narojczyk, J.; Piekoszewski, J.; Richter, E.; Werner, Z.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ION´98, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 16-19, 1998
  • Nukleonika Vol. 44, No. 21, p. 225-230, 1999


Beam line implantation of boron into hard metals

Mrotschek, I.; Günzel, R.; Matz, W.; Möller, W.; Anishchik, V.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ION´98, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 16-19, 1998



Möller, W.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Sommerschule "Nukleare Sonden und Ionenstrahlen", Bad Blankenburg, Sept., 1998 (invited lecture)
  • Lecture (Conference)
    VDE/ITG-Seminar "Teilchenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik", Helmsdorf b. Dresden, March 7, 1997


Schichtanalyse mit Ionenstrahlen

Möller, W.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    W. E.-Heraeus-Ferienkurs, Chemnitz, Sept. 7, 1998 (invited lecture)


Plasma immersion ion implantation for diffusive treatment

Möller, W.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    PSE'98, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Sept. 14 - 18, 1998 (invited lecture)


Vorsorgeuntersuchung an historischem Glas

Mäder, M.; Neelmeijer, C.; Schreiner, M.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Jahrestagung der GDCh, Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege, Würzburg, Sept. 23 -25, 1998
  • Lecture (Conference)
    Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege - Kurzberichte 1998, S. 149 - 151
  • Contribution to external collection
    Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege - Kurzberichte 1998, S. 149 - 151


Composition analysis of medieval glass using PIXE

Mäder, M.; Neelmeijer, C.; Schreiner, M.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    8th. Int. Conf. on PIXE and its Analytical applications, Lund, Sweden, June 14-18, 1998


Modeling high temperature co-implantation of N+-and Al+-ions into SiC: the effects of stress on the implant and damage distributions

Kulikov, A. V.; Trushin, Y. V.; Yankov, R. A.; Kreißig, U.; Fukarek, W.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.; Pezoldt, J.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998


Theoretical and experimental studies of (AIN)(1-x)(SiC)xlayer structures formed by N+ and Al+ co-implantation 6H-SiC

Kulikov, A. V.; Pezoldt, J.; Rybin, P. V.; Skorupa, W.; Trushin, Y. V.; Yankov, R. A.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Int.Workshop Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering, E 2, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 8 - 12, 1998


Dynamic in-situ diagnostics using ERD analysis

Kruse, O.; Grötzschel, R.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ION'98, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 16 - 19, 1998


Tiefenselektive Phasenanalyse der Fe-Silizidbildung in Fe-ionenimplantiertem Si mittels DCEMS

Kruijer, S.; Walterfang, M.; Keune, W.; Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, March 23-27, 1998


Deposition of nanoscaled multilayer structures by ion beam assisted deposition

Kolitsch, A.; Wang, X.; Möller, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    5th DANFYSIK User Meeting, Brindisi, Italien, Sept. 1998


Development of a user data base system for ion implanter operation

Kolitsch, A.; Schöneich, J.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    5th DANFYSIK User Meeting, Brindisi, Italy, Sept. 1998


BN based multilayers by ion beam assisted deposition

Kolitsch, A.; Wang, X.; Möller, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    MRS Fall Meeting 1998, , Boston, USA, Dec. 1998


Defect agglomeration in ion implanted silicon away from RP

Kögler, R.; Yankov, R. A.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    XIIth Int. Conf. Ion Implantation Technology (IIT´98), Kyoto, Japan, June 22-26, 1998


Technische Sitzungen der Sektion 2 (Thermo- und Fluiddynamik) der Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 1999

Knebel, J.; Grötzbach, G.; Lischke, W.; Rohde, U.; Schaffrath, A.


Auf der Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 1999 in Karlsruhe wurden in der Sektion 2 vier technische Sitzungen zu den Themenschwerpunkten: Stabilitätsuntersuchungen in Zweiphasenströmungen, DWR Integralexperimente, Experimente und Code-Validierung für WWER-Reaktoren, 3D Phänomene, Methoden und Rechnungen sowie 1 Postersession durchgeführt. Die einzelnen Beiträge werden in dem vorliegenden Artikel zusammengefaßt.

Keywords: Jahrestagung Kerntechnik; Thermo- und Fluiddynamik; Stabilitätsuntersuchungen; WWER-Reaktoren; 3D Phänomene

  • atomwirtschaft - atomtechnik 44 (1999), Heft 7, S. 419-423


Defects remaining in MeV-ion-implanted Si away from the peak of the nuclear energy deposition

Kögler, R.; Yankov, R. A.; Posselt, M.; Danilin, A.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998


Distribution of gettering centres at a buried amorphous layer in Si

Kögler, R.; Eichhorn, F.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.; Danilin, A.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam,The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


Nanopatterning of thin CoSi2 layers by local oxidation

Kappius, L.; Antons, A.; Dolle, M.; Trinkaus, H.; Mesters, S.; Bochem, H.-P.; Mantl, S.; Heinig, K.-H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 13-17, 1998


Hydrogen isotope inventories in plasma facing components of ASDEX UPGRADE

Krieger, K.; Maier, H. J.; Grambole, D.; Schleussner, D.; Franzen, P.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 19 -24, 1998


Lattice site location of foreign atoms measured by the GRID method

Karmann, A.; Wesch, W.; Börner, H. G.; Jentschel, M.; Heinig, K.-H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Int. Workshop on Applications of High-Precision gamma-Spectroscopy, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IL, USA, July 1 - 3, 1998


The GRID technique: current status and new trends

Jentschel, M.; Börner, H. G.; Heinig, K.-H.; Doll, C.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Int. Workshop on Applications of High-Precision (-Spectroscopy, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IL, USA, July 1 - 3, 1998


Structural analysis of Si/Fe and Mo/Fe ion-beam mixed layers

Jagielski, J.; Kopcewicz, M.; Turos, A.; Eichhorn, F.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th. Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


Growth of ion-beam deposited a-C and a-C:H films: molecular-dynamics simulations using empirical many-body potential expressions

Jäger, H.-U.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    9th Europ. Conf. on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide, Crete, Greece, Sept. 13-18, 1998


Untersuchung historischer menschlicher Knochen mit Ionen-Mikrosonde

Jankuhn, S.; Butz, T.; Flagmeyer, R.-H.; Reinert, T.; Vogt, J.; Barckhausen, B.; Hammerl, J.; Protsch Von Zieten, R.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.; Bethge, K.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände Chemische Physik, Kurzzeitphysik, Plasmaphysik, Polymerphysik, Bayreuth, March 9 - 13, 1998


Heavy-Ion induced damage of crystalline Ge and W at 0.5 to 8 MeV/u range

Huber, H.; Assmann, W.; Karamian, S. A.; Mieskes, H. D.; Nolte, H.; Gazis, E.; Kokkoris, M.; Kossionides, S.; Vlastou, R.; Grötzschel, R.; Mücklich, A.; Prusseit, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Int. Conf. on Swift Heavy Ions in Matter ( SHIM-98), Berlin , May 1998
  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 146 (1998) 309-316


Pd diffusion in ZnTe and CdTe

Herrmann, S.; Mahnke, H.-E.; Spellmeyer, B.; Wienecke, M.; Reinhold, B.; Yankov, R. A.; Gumlich, H.-E.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    E-MRS´98, Strasbourg, June 16-19, 1998


Effects of neutron irradiation on Fe-Cu model alloys and RPV steels probed by positron annihilation and hardness measurements

Hempel, A.; Saneyasu, M.; Tang, Z.; Hasegawa, M.; Brauer, G.; Plazaola, F.; Yamaguchi, S.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    19th Symp. on Effects of Radiation on Materials, Seattle/WA, June 16-18, 1998


A combination of computer simulation methods to predict quantum dot evolution during ion beam synthesis

Heinig, K.-H.; Strobel, M.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    4th Int. Conf. on Computer Simulation of Radiation Effects in Solids, Okayama, Japan, Sept.15 - 19, 1998


Application of high-resolution gamma-spectroscopy (GRID method) in solid state physics

Heinig, K.-H.; Börner, H. G.; Jentschel, M.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Int. Workshop on Applications of High-Precision (-Spectroscopy, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IL, July 1 - 3, 1998 (invited lecture)


Nanocrystal formation in SiO2: experiments, modelling and computer simulations

Heinig, K.-H.; Schmidt, B.; Markwitz, A.; Grötzschel, R.; Strobel, M.; von Borany, J.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    E-MRS'98, Strasbourg, France, June 16-19, 1998 (invited lecture)


What is the physics behind the 3He-4He anomaly?

Neubert, W.; Botvina, A. S.


We show that coalescence of nucleons emitted prior to thermalization in highly excited nuclei can explain the anomaly of kinetic energies of helium fragments. This mechanism accomplishes the statistical approach to nuclear rections formerly used to describe intermediate mass fragment production.

Keywords: Intermediate energy hadron -nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions; helium isotopes

  • European Physical Journal A, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.101-106


Phasenbildung und Standzeiterhöhung von HSS-Bohrern nach Plasma-Immersions-Implantation

Günzel, R.; Mändl, S.; Möller, W.; Hilke, R.; Knösel, E.; Künanz, K.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Werkstoffwoche München, Oct. 12-15, 1998


Plasma-Immersions-Implantation – ein modernes Verfahren zur Modifizierung von Werkstückoberflächen

Günzel, R.; Brückner, J.; Richter, E.; Möller, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Werkstoffwoche München, Oct. 12-15, 1998


Proton conducting Ba3Ca1.18Nb1.82O8.73/H2O: Pressure/compositions isotherms in terms of Fermi-Dirac-Statistics

Groß, B.; Marion, S.; Lind, K.; Hempelmann, R.; Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    9th Int. Conf. on Solid State Protonic Conductors (SSSPC-9), Bled, Slovenia, Aug. 17 - 21, 1998


Fragmentation of Be induced by 1 GeV protons

Andronenko, L. N.; Andronenko, M. N.; Gusev, Y. I.; Kotov, A. A.; Neubert, W.; Petrov, G. E.; Seliverstov, D. M.; Strakovski, I. I.; Vaishnene, L. A.; Yatsoura, V. I.; Zalite, A. Y.


Fragment yields and energy spectra of He, Li and Be isotopes have been measured in p+9Be interactions at 1 GeV incident energy at 30 deg. and 126 deg. using a two-arm
spectrometer based on Bragg chambers. The obtained yield ratio of the low abundant
8He to 8Li in the spectator momentum range is compared with published data.

Keywords: fragmentation; cross section; isotope; proton

  • Other report
    Preprint NP-36-1999 Nr. 2321 , St.Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute ,Gatchina, Russia


ERDA in-situ studies of atomic transport processes in various materials

Grötzschel, R.; Kreißig, U.; Kruse, O.; Grigull, S.; Parascandola, S.; Schmidt, B.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    Int.Conf. on Swift Heavy Ions in Materials Engeneering and Characterization (SHIMEC-98), New Delhi, Oct. 19 - 22, 1998 (invited lecture)


Hydrogen and deuterium depth profiling in divertor tiles of a fusion experiment by micro-ERDA

Grambole, D.; Herrmann, F.; Behrisch, R.; Hauffe, W.


Depth profiling of light elements in the surface layer of solids by means of ERDA is limited to depths smaller than about 1 mu m. In order to measure the distributions
of hydrogen isotopes in larger depth regions such as needed for the divertor tiles from the tokamak fusion experiment ASDEX-Upgrade in the Max-Planck-Institut
fur Plasmaphysik, samples cut from the divertor tiles (about 0.6 mm tungsten on carbon) were bevelled at different angles by mechanical cutting and polishing or by
ion beam slope cutting. The mechanically cut slopes were additionally cleaned and polished by oblique incidence ion beam sputtering with target rotation to avoid
anisotropic etching.
The surface composition along the slope was measured by ERDA with the Rossendorf Nuclear Microprobe, A 10 MeV Si ion beam was focused to about 3 mu m
and scanned linearly across the slope. The hydrogen and deuterium recoils were detected by a surface barrier detector at a recoil angle of 30 degrees after passing
through a 10 mu m thick Al foil for stopping scattered primary ions. Deuterium was found at depths up to about 25 mu m and hydrogen up to 750 mu m on the
samples analysed.

Keywords: micro-ERDA; elastic recoil detection; depth profiling; hydrogen; deuterium

  • Lecture (Conference)
    6th Int. Conf. on Nucl. Microprobe Technology and Applications, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Oct. 11 - 16, 1998
  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 158(1999) 647-652


Fragment production in proton interactions with light nuclei

Andronenko, L. N.; Andronenko, M. N.; Seliverstov, D. M.; Neubert, W.


Isotopic yield ratios were derived from double-differential cross sections measured in p+9Be and p+12C collisions at 1 GeV. Enhanced 9He yields were found compared to heavier target nuclei.

  • Contribution to proceedings
    7th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics. Rab, Croatia 1999


Ions and electron-irradiation induced deep levels in n-type and p-type 6H-SiC

Gong, M.; Beling, C. D.; Fung, S.; Brauer, G.; Wirth, H. D.; Skorupa, W.; You, Z.-P.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    MRS 1998 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, April 13-17, 1998


Si1-xGex structures fabricated by focused ion beam implantation

Ganetsos, T.; Tsamakis, D.; Panknin, D.; Mair, G. L. R.; Teichert, J.; Bischoff, L.; Aidinis, C.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Conference in Low Temperature Devices, Toscane, Italy, June 1998
  • Contribution to external collection
    J. de Phys. IV 8 (1998) Pr3 - 109


Analysis of mechanisms in ECR-PECVD of BN films using in situ ellipsometry

Fukarek, W.; Möller, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DACH - Kolloquium, Giengen, Oct. 6-8, 1998


Investigation of in-plane anisotropy of IBAD t-BN films

Fukarek, W.; Möller, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    DACH - Kolloquium, Giengen, Oct. 6-8, 1998


In plane anisotropy of IBAD t-BN films

Fukarek, W.; Möller, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing Science, Tilton School, New Hampshire, USA, Aug. 9 - 14, 1998


Applications of infrared spectroscopy in materials research

Fukarek, W.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    33. Holzhau-Meeting, March 30, April 3, 1998 (invited lecture)


A slow positron beam investigation of positron-defect interactions in single crystalline synthetic type IB diamonds and a natural type IIB diamond

Fischer, C. G.; Connell, S. H.; Coleman, P. G.; Anwand, W.; Malik, F.; Brauer, G.; Britton, D. T.; Sellschop, J. P. F.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    8th Int. Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques for Solids and Surface (SLOPOS - 8), Cape Town, Sept. 6 - 12, 1998


Temperature effect on the morphology of helium bubble clusters in silicon

Fichtner, P.; Kaschny, J. R.; Yankov, R. A.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    14th Int. Conf. On Electron Microscopy, Cancum, Mexico, Aug. 31-Sept.5, 1998


The effects of annealing temperature on the formation of helium filled structures in silicon

Fichtner, P.; Kaschny, J. R.; Behar, M.; Yankov, R. A.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    11th Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials (IBMM'98), Amsterdam, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


X-ray studies of silicon wafers implanted with MeV Ge++ions

Eichhorn, F.; Sass, J.; Mazur, K.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    4th Europ. Conf. on High Resolution X-ray Diffraction and Topography, Durham/GB, Sept. 9 - 12, 1998



Dobler, M.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    IX. Mößbauerkolloquium Freiberg, Sept. 28-30, 1998


Untersuchung der Eisendisilizidbildung nach der Implantation von Fe in Si

Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    10. Arbeitstagung Angewandte Oberflächenanalytik AOFA 10, Kaiserslautern, Sept. 6-10, 1998


Ion bombardment stimulated phase formation in quartz glasses

Deshkovskaya, A. A.; Richter, E.

  • Lecture (Conference) Int. Conf. on Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Aug. 31 - Sept. 4, 1998


FTIR-Untersuchungen zur Komplexierung von Uran(VI) durch Huminsäuren

Heise, K.-H.; Nicolai, R.; Pompe, S.; Bubner, M.; Klöcking, R.; Bernhard, G.


Aufgrund der nur unvollkommen erfaßbaren, keineswegs stabilen chemischen Struktur und Funktionalität von Huminsäuren aus natürlichen Recourcen haben operationell mit HS übereinstimmende, synthetische Polymere als Modellhuminsäuren in vielen Bereichen der experimentellen Wissenschaften Eingang gefunden. Sie sind vor dem Hintergrund der Umweltkontaminationen durch toxische und radiotoxische Schwermetalle besonders für Bindungsstudien mit Metallionen interessant, da ihre Funktionalität durch Variation der Precursoren und der Synthesebedingungen in weiten Grenzen "eingestellt" werden kann.

Wir haben FTIR-spektrometrisch die festen Komplexe von Uran(VI) mit unterschiedlichen, gut charaktersierten Huminsäuren, zwei natürlichen Huminsäuren (Aldrich-Huminsäure und eine aus Moorwasser des "Kleinen Kranichsees" isolierte Huminsäure) sowie drei synthetischen Huminsäuren (zwei Melanoidinfraktionen sowie das Oxidationsprodukt von 3,4,5 Trihydroxybenzoesäure), verglichen. Trotz unterschiedlicher Herkunft der Huminsäuren, die in ihren FTIR-Spektren deutlich wird, scheint die Urananbindung an die Huminsäuren sehr ähnlich zu sein, was durch EXAFS-Untersuchungen an Uranylkomplexen natürlicher Huminsäuren und synthetischer Huminsäuren vom Melanoidintyp gestützt wird. Sowohl die asymmetrischen UO22+-Streckschwingungen im mittleren Infrarot, die wir zwischen 933.5 cm-1 und 923.1 cm-1 registrieren, als auch die UO22+-Deformationsschwingungen im fernen Infrarot zwischen 264.8 cm-1 und 260.6 cm-1 sind gut miteinander vergleichbar.
Die Einflußnahmen der strukturellen und funktionellen Unterschiede der Huminsäuren spiegeln sich in unterschiedlichen Verschiebungen der Uranylbanden wieder.

Keywords: FTIR-Spektroskopie; Huminsäuren, Uranyl-Huminsäurekomplexe

  • Lecture (Conference)
    Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Moor- und Torfkunde e.V.,Sektion IV - Physik, Chemie, Biologie Bad Elster, 07.-09.10.1999


Small Angle Scattering Study Concerning the Effect of Residual Elements on the Radiation Behaviour of Iron Alloys

Ulbricht, A.; Böhmert, J.; Große, M.; Strunz, P.


For better understanding of the influence of the deleterious elements on the neutron embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel steels, the microstructural evolution due to neutron irradiation was investigated by SANS experiments at ternary iron alloys with different contents of copper and phosphorus. In every case irradiation produced nanoscaled inhomogeneities. The volume fraction of the inhomogeneities incrases with the copper content but not with the phosphorus content. Surprisingly, the high-pure alloy shows a relatively high irradiation effect. The irradiation defects vary in type and kinetic of evolution for the different alloys.

Keywords: small angle scattering; radiation damage; neutron embrittlement; iron alloy

  • Lecture (Conference)
    ECNS'99, 2. European Conference on Neutron Scattering, Sept. 1999, Budapest, PHYSICA B 276-278 (2000) 936-938
  • Physica B 276-278 (2000) 936-938


Einfluß der Ionenimplantation auf die Festigkeit von Quarzglas

Deshkovskaya, A. A.; Richter, E.

  • Lecture (Conference)
    28. Int. Konf. Physik der Wechselwirkung geladener Teilchen mit kristallinen Materialien, Moskau, May 25 - 27, 1998


New aspects in the design of silicon detectors for particle spectroscopy

von Borany, J.

  • Invited lecture (Conferences)
    1st Dresden Protection Symposium on "New Aspects of Radiation Measurements, Dosimetry and Alphaspectrometry", Dresden , March, 4-6, 1998 (invited lecture)


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