
Dr. Sören Kliem

Reactor Safety
Phone: +49 351 260 2318

Department of Reactor Safety


Neutron physics and reactor dynamics

  • Validation and application to light water reactors and innovative reactor concepts of the Monte Carlo code SERPENT2
  • Application of the deterministic lattice code HELIOS-2
  • Development, verification and application of the in-house reactor dynamics code DYN3D
  • Extension of the DYN3D code to innovative reactor concepts
  • Coupling of DYN3D to the system code ATHLET
  • Coupling of DYN3D to the Computational Fluid Dynamics codes ANSYS CFX and TRIO_U

Plant dynamics and severe accident analysis

  • Accident analysis and analysis of plant dynamics using the ATHLET system code
  • Assessment of the impact of severe accident management measures on the progression of severe accidents in PWRs and VVERs

Monte-Carlo simulations (n- / γ-field calculations)

  • Development of the in house Monte Carlo code TRAMO
  • Fluence calculations of the of the reactor pressure vessel and internals using MCNP and TRAMO

Latest publication

Analysis of loss of flow without scram test in the FFTF reactor: Coupled 3D neutronics and thermal hydraulics analysis with DYN3D/ATHLET code system

Nikitin, E.; Ponomarev, A.; Fridman, E.


The coupled code system DYN3D/ATHLET is continuously developed and validated for transient analyses of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). In this study, the system was applied to model the loss of flow without scram (LOFWOS) test conducted at the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF), with the aim of further assessing the coupled 3D neutronics and system-level thermal hydraulics analysis capabilities. Two simulation approaches were employed. The first approach utilized the point kinetics module of ATHLET for neutron physics. The second relied on the 3D spatial kinetics solver of DYN3D. In both cases, the thermal hydraulics of the system was handled by ATHLET, while neutronics data was generated by the Serpent Monte Carlo code. The performance of both approaches was evaluated by comparing their results with experimental data. Additionally, the feasibility of using the adaptive decay heat model, a recent enhancement in DYN3D, was demonstrated. This paper concludes the FFTF LOFWOS study, extending the validation base for the DYN3D/ATHLET system in comprehensive SFR modeling.

Keywords: SFR; Serpent; DYN3D; ATHLET; coupled calculations; point kinetics; spatial kinetics; decay heat

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NameBld./Office+49 351 260Email
Dr. Sören Kliem250/1082318


NameBld./Office+49 351 260Email
Dr. Yurii Bilodid250/2092020
Dr. Emil Fridman250/2092167
Jörg Konheiser250/1092416
Kerstin Kurde250/1073025
Dr. Evgeny Nikitin250/2072906
Dr. Frank Schäfer250/1172069