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Bautzner Landstrasse 400
01328 Dresden, Germany
Phone: +49 351 260 - 0

Further Information


Advisory Committees of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

The expert boards of the large-scale facilities at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf make a significant contribution to ensure the continuous and efficient operation of these facilities and a constant access for internal and external users.

Scientific Advisory Committee for the Radiation Source ELBE

The international and multidisciplinary Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) for the ELBE radiation source has been founded in April 2003. It advises the management of the Center for High-Power Radiation Sources in its strategic and scientific orientation. In addition, the expert committee evaluates the submitted beamtime proposals and prepares a ranking of the approved applications twice a year.

Link to the present members of this Committee

User Selection Panel for the Ion Beam Center

In an ongoing process, this independent international expert committee evaluates the scientific quality of the submitted beamtime proposals at HZDR ‘s Ion Beam Centre (IBC) and advises the management of the infrastructure in its scientific orientation and the acquisition of new user communities during its Annual Meetings.

Link to the present members of this Committee