- Gamma-Ray Strength Functions at low Energy (IKTP, TU Dresden (invited), 2025)
- Evolution of low-lying M1 modes in germanium isotopes (CGS17, Grenoble (invited), 2023)
- Development of E1 and M1 strengths in 54Fe and 66Zn (Oslo (invited), 2019)
- New Phenomena in Gamma-Ray Strength Functions (DPG-Meeting Bochum (invited), 2018)
- E1 and M1 excitations in 54Fe and low-energy M1 strength in open-shell Fe isotopes (Oslo (invited), 2017)
- E1 and M1 strength functions at low energy (ND2016, Brugge (invited), 2016)
- Low-energy M1 strength from shell-model calculations (ECT* Trento (invited), 2016)
- Gamma-ray strength functions at low energy (1. CRP-Meeting, IAEA Vienna (invited), 2016)
- Low-energy M1 strength in deformed nuclei (Darmstadt, 2016)
- Photon strength functions from photon scattering (APS-DNP Meeting, Santa Fe (invited), 2015)
- Gamma-ray strength functions in 74Ge (Oslo (invited), 2015)
- Low-energy enhancement of M1 strength (Frankfurt and Ischia (invited), 2014)
- Electromagnetic strength functions (Schleching (invited), 2014)
- Low-lying M1 strength within the shell model (Oslo (invited), 2013)
- Pygmy dipole strength in 86Kr and systematics of N=50 isotones (Dresden, 2013)
- Dipole strength on the tail of the giant dipole resonance (ECT* Trento (invited), 2012, and Tours/Black Forest (invited), 2012)
- Inelastic scattering of fast neutrons from excited states in 56Fe (IRMM Geel, 2012)
- Study of dipole strength distributions in photon-scattering experiments (Oslo (invited), 2012)
- Experiments with neutrons and photons at ELBE (CGS14, Guelph (invited), 2011)
- Enhanced dipole strength and its consequences for reaction rates (Oslo (invited), 2011)
- Study of dipole strength distributions at the ELBE accelerator (TIFR Mumbai (invited), 2010)
- Study of dipole strength distributions at the ELBE accelerator (TU Darmstadt (invited), 2010)
- Enhancement of dipole strength below the neutron-separation energy in 139La (Bonn, 2010)
- Enhanced dipole strength below particle threshold (Oslo, 2009)
- Systematics of electric dipole strength in the stable even-mass Mo isotopes (Bochum, 2009)
- Experiments on nuclear rotation (Rossendorf, 2008)
- Gamma-ray strength-function measurements at ELBE (SNP2008, Athens, Ohio (invited), 2008)
- Dipole-strength in 89Y and 90Zr up to the neutron-separation energy (Darmstadt, 2008)
- Dipole-strength function measurements (EFNUDAT, Rossendorf, 2008)
- Dipole-strength functions studied in photon-scattering experiments at ELBE (TUNL Durham, North Carolina (invited), 2008)
- Dipole strength in N=50 nuclei studied in photon-scattering experiments at ELBE (PSF07, Prague (invited), 2007)
- Dipole-strength distributions up to the Giant Dipole Resonance deduced from photon scattering (Vico Equense (invited), 2007)
- Dipole response of 88Sr up to the neutron-separation energy (Gießen, 2007)
- Quadrupole moment of the 8+ yrast state in 84Kr (Gießen, 2007)
- Photon-scattering and photoactivation experiments at the electron accelerator ELBE (AP.G.RA.D(E), ILL Grenoble (invited) and Madrid (invited), 2006)
- Dipole-strength distributions up to the particle-separation energies and photodissociation of Mo isotopes (COMEX2, Sankt Goar, 2006)
- Electromagnetic excitations in nuclei: from photon scattering to photodisintegration (München, 2006)
- Nuclear-structure and nuclear-astrophysics experiments at the superconducting electron accelerator ELBE (Varna (invited), 2005)
- The decay of 1+ states as a new probe of the structure of 0+ shape isomers (Berlin, 2005)
- Magnetic and collective rotation in 79Br (Münster, 2002)
- Transition strengths in magnetic dipole bands in 82Rb, 83Rb and 84Rb (Göttingen and Erlangen, 2001)
- Signature inversion caused by triaxiality in 72Br and band termination in 73Br (Bologna (invited), 2000)
- Particle excitations and rotational modes in nuclei with A = 70 - 90 (Varna (invited), 1999)
- Magnetic rotation in the A = 80 region (Notre Dame, Indiana (invited) and ANL Argonne, Illinois, 1998)
- 40 Jahre Rossendorfer Zyklotron U-120 (Rossendorf, 1998)
- Hochspinzustände im N=48 Kern 87Y (Göttingen, 1997)
- Dipole excitations in 122Te, 126Te and 130Te (Crete, 1996)
- Shell-model states and collectivity in 83Br and 85Rb (Stockholm, 1994)