Beryllium-10, a rare radioactive isotope produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere, provides valuable insights into the Earth's geological history. A research team from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), in collaboration with the TUD …
Seit 2015 begehen die Vereinten Nationen jährlich am 11. Februar den Internationalen Tag der Frauen und Mädchen in der Wissenschaft. Trotz aller Bemühungen, Frauen in der Wissenschaft ihren männlichen Kollegen gleichzustellen, sind nach Angaben der …
Radiant winners, inspiring lectures, and lively discussions – the second HZDR Transfer Day on January 28, 2025, brought together over 80 scientists, transfer managers, and innovation enthusiasts at the HZDR. They took the opportunity to exchange …
Diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion – these values are more than just words for us. They form the core of what we do at the HZDR. Our commitment to these values is unwavering: Diverse perspectives lead to better ideas to solve the complex challenges of an ever-evolving world.More