IHRS NanoNet Annual Workshop 2014
The Annual Workshop of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) was held at the Berghotel Bastei, Lohmen near Dresden on 29/30 September 2014.
The workshop consisted of 4 invited talks by leading, international scientists, selected talks from the group of principal investigators of the IHRS NanoNet, and a poster session where the doctoral candidates of the IHRS NanoNet presented their work.
In particular, the following topics were presented:
Electrical properties for circuits based in single organic molecules,
a molecular way to 2D carbon materials for electronic applications,
nanoscale transport theory, and
Top-down fabrication and application of Si and Ge nanowires.
Best Poster Prize 2014
The IHRS NanoNet Best Poster Prize 2014 was given to Torsten Sendler, hosted by the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, for his poster "Electrical characterization of in-situ switched diarylethene single molecule junctions" presented at the IHRS NanoNet Annual Workshop 2014 on September 29, 2014 - Congratulations ! |
Keynote speakers
Prof. Dr. Anna DelinDepartment of Materials and Nanophysics, School of Information and Communication Technology, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Teresa González PérezInstitute of Nanoscience, IMDAE - Madrid Institutes of Advanced Research, Madrid, Spain (now at Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona IMB-CNM)
PD Dr. Andrey TurchaninBINAS - Bielefeld Institute for Biophysics and Nanoscience, Institute of Physics, University Bielefeld, Germany
Prof. Dr. Yordan GeorgievCentre for Micro- & Nanoelectronics, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
Picture Gallery
The pictures can be downloaded here.
For enquiries, please contact the IHRS NanoNet coordinator.
This workshop was organized by the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks IHRS NanoNet funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association (VH-KO-606).