DNA Mitteldeutschland Workshop August 2022
The Workshop DNA Mitteldeutschland 2022/2 was held at the HZDR campus on August 26, 2022.
Impressions from the workshop will be available in the
Picture Gallery.
How to reach the HZDR main campus?
Contributed Talks
- Kosti Tapio (Univ Jyväskylä): The three challenges of DNA Assisted Lithography
- Roman Gossmann (IZI Leipzig): Evaluating the binding of sugar-DNA constructs to bacteria
- Daniel Moreno Soto (IZI Leipzig): Profiling of a dsDNA 60-mer with different phosphorothioate modifications: stability and effects on cell proliferation
- Beatrise Berzina (IPF Dresden): VirChip: point-of-need isothermal RNA/DNA detection
- Florian Seier (IPHT Jena): LSPR for antibiotic resistance gene detection and real-time observation of G-wire growth
- Mina Yesilyurt (IPHT Jena): DNA origami-assisted unidirectional plasmonic nanoantennas
- Yuya Kanehira (Univ Potsdam): A versatile DNA origami based plasmonic substrate for single molecule detection
- Amr Mostafa (Univ Potsdam): DNA 3-periodic weaving
- Borja Rodriguez-Barea (HZDR): Metallic nanowires assembled by DNA origami
- Charlotte Kielar (HZDR): AFM-assisted DNA origami patterning for lipid nanodisc studies
- Daniel Dornbusch (HZDR): Anion-Specific Structure and Stability of Guanidinium-Bound DNA Origami
- Christoph Hadlich (Univ Leipzig): Heavy metal increased heat stability of DNA origami nanostructures
Program, Abstracts, and Hand-outs
The Program is available here (PDF).
Abstracts are available for some of the talks, see the links in the list above.
The scientific program will start at 11:00 am., and will run until 5 pm.
Local Information is available in this PDF, the canteen offers this Menu.
Workshop Venue
If you want to participate, or contribute, please contact the organizers Artur Erbe, or Peter Zahn (dna-mitteldeutschland@hzdr.de).This workshop is organized by the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet) and the Department Nanoelectronics at HZDR.
Financial support by the DFG Research Training Group "Supracolloidal Structures: From Materials to Optical and Electronic Components" (DFG GRK/RTG 2767, Speaker Prof. Dr. Andreas Fery) at TU Dresden is kindly acklowledged.