
Porträt Prof. Dr. Baraban, Larysa; FWPS

Photo: externer Fotograf

Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban

Leiterin Life Science Nanomikro­systeme
Tel.: +49 351 260 3091
Fax: +49 351 260 13091

Marita Kersten

Sekretariat / Administration
Institut für Radio­pharma­zeutische Krebs­for­schung
Tel.: +49 351 260 3223


--- 2025 ---

  • We are pleased to announce that our study conducted by Trang Anh Nguyen, Isli Çela, et al., has been accepted for publication in Small Science. In this work, an extended gate field-effect transistor (EG-FET) biosensor was implemented to monitor the concentration and pharmacokinetics of an immunotherapeutic drug component in vivo. The sensors exhibited exceptional sensitivity, meeting the requirements for immunotherapeutic drug monitoring, eliminating the need for complex radioactive labeling. Congratulations to the team!
Foto: EG-FET publication ©Copyright: EG-FET publication
  • We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Ahmed Alsadig, on being awarded the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship. Dr. Alsadig will focus his research on developing a color-coded, rapid aptamer-based bioassay for the detection of specific circulating angiogenesis-related biomarkers, aimed at advancing breast cancer staging.
    Foto: Ahmed Alsadig_AvH ©Copyright: Ahmed Alsadig_AvH
  • Our joint PhD student Amna Batool has published an article in the journal ACS Applied Nano Materials, titled "Bismuth Oxide Nanorings: A Potential Material for Hyperthermia-Based Tumor Therapy", reporting the first synthesis of Bi₂O₃ nanorings via a simple, cost-effective sonochemical method, emphasizing their hollow structure and superior light absorption properties for potential anticancer therapies. Congratulations!!
    Foto: Amna Batool_Bismuth ©Copyright: Copyright © 2024 American Chemical Society
  • We welcome Gizem Bozkurt, a research assistant and master's student from Pamukkale University in Turkey. Her research focuses on 2D nanomaterials like MoS2, graphene, nanofibers, and conductive polymers. During her research stay at our department, she will work on measuring biosensors using GFETs.
Foto: Gizem Bozkurt ©Copyright: Gizem Bozkurt
  • We are pleased to announce that our postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Željko Janićijević, has been appointed to a permanent position within our institute. As of January 2025, Dr. Janićijević has assumed the role of Team Leader for the Smart Materials and Bioelectronics research direction in the Department of Nano-Microsystems for Life Sciences. Congratulations! 
Foto: Dr. Zeljko Janicievic ©Copyright: Dr. Zeljko Janicievic
  • The review article "Heterogeneity of Tumor Biophysical Properties and Their Potential Role as Prognostic Markers" in Cancer Heterogeneity and Plasticity by Anja Madleine Markl, Daniel Nieder, Diana Isabel Sandoval-Bojorquez, Anna Taubenberger, Jean-François Berret, Artur Yakimovich, Eduardo Sergio Oliveros-Mata, Larysa Baraban and Anna Dubrovska in collaboration with BioTec (TU Dresden) and Université Paris was recently accepted for publication. Congratulations to Anja Markl for leading this insightful work!
Foto: Heterogeneity of Tumor Biophysical Properties ©Copyright: CC:BY4.0

--- 2024 --- 

  • We welcome Berna Ates as a new PhD student in our department. She has a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering from Acibadem University. Her research will focus on the development of droplet microfluidics for clinical diagnostics.
Foto: Berna ©Copyright: Berna
  • We congratulate our PhD student, Taufhik Hossain Tonmoy, for receiving the Springer Poster Award for his research on "Linear Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles with Improved Refractive Index Sensitivity for Biosensing Applications" at the 52nd Biennial Assembly of the German Colloid Society in Dresden.
Foto: Springer Poster Award at the 52nd Biennial Assembly of the German Colloid Society in Dresden ©Copyright: RTG2767
  • Dr. Željko Janićijević, a postdoctoral researcher in our department, delivered an invited talk titled ''Engineering Flexible and Conductive Polymer Composites for Advanced Drug Delivery and Biosensor Interfaces'' at the 2024 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) in Warsaw, Poland.

Foto: Dr. Zeljko Janicievic (Invited Talk at EMRS Fall 2024) ©Copyright: Dr. Zeljko Janicievic (Invited Talk at EMRS Fall 2024)
  • On August 20, Dr. Xinne Zhao and Nikolas Galensowske from our group joined a boat cruise hosted by the Harvard-MIT Germany Trek to represent Dresden’s scientific community. Under the motto “From Renovation to Innovation in Silicon Saxony: Successes and Challenges”, our colleagues had the opportunity to connect with MIT students and employees, companies like SAP and scientists from diverse research areas based in Dresden.

Foto: MIT_Harvard_BoatTrip ©Copyright: Nikolas Galensowske

  • Xuan Peng, a PhD student at our department, delivered a contributed talk titled "Investigation of Dual-Targeting Tumor Spheroids with CAR T Cell Therapy in Hydrogel Microbeads" at the  Biointerfaces International Conference 2024, in Switzerland.


  • We congratulate our PhD student, Isli Cela, for winning Best Poster Award at the Biointerfaces International Conference 2024 (Switzerland) for her poster: "A vigilant inspector: Label-free biosensing for on-site immunotherapeutic drug monitoring"


  • We welcome Lulu Song as a new PhD student in our department. She completed her Master's degree in Electronic Information and her research topic will deal with the control of magnetically-driven swarm hydrogel soft beads for drug delivery.Lulu Song
  • We welcome Nikolas Galensowske as a new PhD student in our department. He did his Master's degree in Industrial Biotechnology at TU Munich. He will focus on the establishment of a microfluidic monitoring system for realistic gel-encapsulated 3D cancer models.
    Nikolas Galensowske
  • Great news! Our cover from article ‘Impact of Viscosity on Human Hepatoma Spheroids in Soft Core-Shell Microcapsules’ by Xuan Peng, Željko Janićijević, et al., is online. 
Foto: img043 Xuan-Cover-Adv-Health ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
Foto: img042 Xinne Portable droplet-based real-time monitoring of pancreatic α-amylase in postoperative patients ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
Foto: img041 PressRelease HZDR ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
Foto: img040 Xuan Impact of Viscosity on Human Hepatoma Spheroids in Soft Core-Shell Microcapsules ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban

--- 2023 ---

  • We extend our heartiest welcome to Dr. Ahmed Alsadig as a Post-doc in our team. He completed his PhD at the University of Trieste, Italy, in the group of Dr. Loredana Casalis on "Harnessing the plasmonic properties of gold nanoparticles: functionalization strategies coupled with novel spectroscopic tools." Afterwards, he visited our group last summer as a guest researcher. His research here at HZDR will primarily focus on using optimized gold nanoparticles coupled with biomolecules relevant to theranostic applications in cancer.
Foto: img039 Ahmed WelcomeAsPostDoc ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • Our review article "Design and Development of Transient Sensing Devices for Healthcare Applications" by Ž. Janićijević, T. Huang, D. I. Sandoval Bojórquez, T. H. Tonmoy, S. Pané, D. Makarov & L. Baraban was recently accepted for publication in the journal Advanced Science. Congratulations!
Foto: img038 Rev Design and Development of Transient Sensing Devices for Healthcare Applications ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • Dr. Željko Janićijević recently delivered an invited lecture at the seminar of the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi" at the University of Bologna entitled "Advances in biomedical device engineering: From polymeric biomaterials for electrically controlled drug delivery systems to cost-effective electrochemical biosensors"
Foto: img037 Zeljko-Invited-Talk-Bologna-Italy ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
Foto: img036 Review Extended-gate field-effect transistor chemo- and biosensors State of the art and perspectives ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
Foto: img035 Xinne Population dynamics of cross-protection against β-lactam antibiotics in droplet microreactors ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • We are happy to welcome Bogdana Đorđević! She is a Master student at the School of Electrical Engineering and an Undergraduate student at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. At HZDR, she will be working on developing flexible biosensors for lactate detection.
Foto: img034 Bogdana Welcome ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • We congratulate Daniel Nieder on receiving Best Poster Award at the HZDR DocSeminar 2023. At the conference, he presented his research about a thermal sensing interface for bioassay monitoring in well plates. We also congratulate the other awardees, Dominik Koll and Cansu Dağlar.
    Foto: img033 Daniel DocRep2023 PosterAward ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • We are happy to welcome Hatice Dilay Yazici! She is a Master student at Pamukkale University, Turkey and working as a research assistant at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the same university. At HZDR, she will be conducting research about G-FET biosensors for ferritin detection.
    Foto: img032 Hatice Welcome ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • Exciting news! Our article entitled ’’Multiplexed extended gate field-effect transistor biosensor with gold nanoantennae as signal amplifiers’’ by Željko Janićijević and Trang-Anh Nguyen-Le et al. has been accepted for publication in the journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics (IF: 12.6). Congratulations!
Foto: img031 Zeljko Multiplexed extended gate field-effect transistor biosensor with gold nanoantennae as signal amplifiers ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban

  • Our article "Impedimetrische Nanotechnik für Bioanalytik und Diagnostik" ("Impedimetric Nanodevices for Bioanalytics and Diagnostics" in English) by D. I. Sandoval-Bojorqez et al. has been published in Wiley Analytical Science Magazine and GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift. This brief article illustrates the potential of nanoscopic impedimetric biosensors for the detection of functional biomolecules and showcases the fundamental mechanism of biodetection using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.


  • Guest researchers this summer: We are happy to welcome two guest researchers at our department!

Amna Batool: Amna is a PhD student from Monash University that have joined HZDR as part of a collaborative project called MHELTHERA (Helmholtz international lab). Amna has a Master's degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Currently, she develops targeted and biocompatible nano-radiopharmaceuticals to be used as theranostics agents against cancer cells.

Dr. Ahmed Alsadig: Ahmed is a visiting researcher within our department. His primary research revolves around exploiting surface modification strategies to enhance the responsiveness of plasmonic nanoparticles to improve health-relevant biomolecule detection.

Foto: AmnaBatool_AhmedAlsadig_Welcome_Part1 ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa BarabanFoto: AmnaBatool_AhmedAlsadig_Welcome_Part2 ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban

  • Our group contributed the article `Nanoelektronik für Immuntherapien` to the 17th edition of the NCT/ UCC-Wissenschaftsmagazin `Krebs im Focus`. We describe the encouraging trend of nanoelectronics for life science and the future advances it can provide to the science community progressing from conventional medicine to individualized precision medicine in clinical oncology.
Foto: Krebs im Focus ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
Foto: img026 Xuan Zeljko Shell engineering in soft alginate-based capsules for culturing liver spheroids ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • We congratulate Diana Isabel Sandoval Bojorquez on receiving the prestigious "Young Researcher Award" at the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) 2023 Spring Meeting, Symposium G-Flexible bioelectronics: a rising star for in situ bioanalysis. At the conference, she presented her research about the integration of flexible sensors and their role in developing custom-made culturing platforms for in vitro monitoring.

Foto: Diana_EMRS2023_Award_Part1 ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa BarabanFoto: Diana_EMRS2023_Award_Part2 ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa BarabanFoto: Diana_EMRS2023_Award_Part3 ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban

Foto: Diana_Impedimetric Nanobiosensor for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antigens and Antibodies ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • We welcome Daniel Nieder as a new PhD student in our department. He has a Master's degree in Applied Life Sciences from UAS Kaiserslautern. He will focus on the development of a nanoelectronic sensor platform for the detection of multiple cancer immunity markers.
Foto: Daniel_Nieder_Welcome ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
Foto: Xuan_Shell Engineering in Soft Alginate-based Capsules for Culturing Liver Spheroids ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
Foto: Anh_High-Throughput Gel Microbeads as Incubators for Bacterial Competition Study ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • We welcome Isli Çela as a new PhD student in our department. She is from Albania. She has a Master's Degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics. She will focus on the development of biosensors for the detection of multiple cancer immunity markers, which would in turn open new possibilities toward personalized efficient immunotherapy.
    Foto: Isli_Çela_Welcome ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban
  • Our article 'Impedimetric Nanobiosensor for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antigens and Antibodies' by Diana Isabel Sandoval Bojórquez et al., has been accepted in ACS Sensors.  The article reached to be one of the top 10 read in February in ACS Sensors. Congratulations!
Foto: Diana_Impedimetric Nanobiosensor for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antigens and Antibodies ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Larysa Baraban

Source: A. Wirsig / HZDR

--- 2022 ---

  • We wish Dr. Tao Huang all the best! Tao is on the way to China after five successful years spent in our group.

  • MDR Sachsen visits our labs to make the video for the news broadcast. Have a look here.
  • Group leader Dr. Larysa Baraban receives the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant from European commission to study cancer immunophenotyping using nanoelectronics. Have a look at our press release.

Source: HZDR / A. Wirsig
  • We congratulate Diana Isabel Sandoval Bojorquez for receiving the prestigious oral presentation award at European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2022. More here.

  • Xinne Zhao successfully defended her PhD thesis at TU Dresden, Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering. Congratulations!!!

--- 2021 ---

  • Larysa Baraban acts as co-editor in ChemNanoMat, for the article collection 'Beyond Active Colloids: From Functional Materials to Microscale Robotics’  together with Juliane Simmchen and WeiWang.
  • The talk on  "OFET biosensors based on stretchable semiconducting polymer: a proof-of-concept application in COVID-19 pandemic" by our PhD Student Trang Anh Nguyen Le won Second Prize for Best Presentation by Young Scientist in NANONET Annual Workshop 2021. Congratulations! (Image credit: Dr. Zahn Peter)

  • We are happy to welcome Dr. Željko Janićijević to join us as PostDoc since 1st of April 2021. 
  • Our article 'Impact of surface charge on the motion of light-activated Janus micromotors' by Tao Huang, et al., has been accepted in The European Physical Journal E. In this paper, we investigated the dependence of the motility on the ζ-potential of the underlying substrate. The direction of the motion could be inverted by changing the sign of the motor’s zeta potential. The velocity of these micromotors can be further tuned by varying the boundary’s physicochemical properties that they are close to. Congratulations!


  • Manuscript of Tao Huang et al. on the study of the inverse solidification induced by active particles are highlighted with a front cover page in Advanced Functional Materials. (to wait until publishing)
  • We are happy to welcome Dr. Marvin Barahona to join us as PostDoc since 1th of August 2020. He will focus on the development of the in-vivo sensors integrated onto the surface of catheters and the development of electronic platforms for monitoring of biological signals.
  • Our article ‘Inverse solidification induced by active Janus particle‘ by Tao Huang et al., has been accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations Tao!
  • Our paper of Tao Huang et al. on the study of the exclusion behavior in active soft matter systems is highlighted with a cover page of Langmuir. This work is part of the Special Issue on Advances in Active Materials. T. Huang, S. Gobeil, X. Wang, V. Misko, F. Nori, W. De Malsche, J. Fassbender, D. Makarov, G. Cuniberti, and L. Baraban 'Anisotropic exclusion effect between photocatalytic Ag/AgCl Janus particles and passive beads in a dense colloidal matrix' Langmuir 36, 7091 (2020).