Current projects at the Thermodynamics of the actinides department
- Thermodynamic Reference Database (THEREDA)
- Sorption Reference Database (SOREDA)
- Geochemical retention of radionuclides on cement alteration phases (GRaZ II)
- RadoNorm: Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations - focus on radon and NORM; EC Project, grant agreement No. 900009, 01.09.2020-31.08.2025
- Solubilities for reducing gases
- Systematic sensitivity analysis for mechanistic geochemical models using field data from crystalline rock (SANGUR)
Former projects
- Cement-Organics-Radionuclides-Interactions (CORI)
- EURAD Knowledge Management
- Smart-Kd in der Langzeitsicherheitsanalyse - Anwendungen (SMILE) (project webpage)
- iCross: Integrity of nuclear waste repository systems - Cross-scale system understanding and analysis
- Aquatic Actinide Chemistry and Thermodynamics at Elevated Temperature Conditions (ThermAc)
- Geochemical retention of radionuclides on cement alteration phases (GRaZ)
- Development and implementation of experimental methods for the improved modeling of uran-containing saline solutions (EDUKEM)
- Selective liquid-liquid extraction of lanthanides and actinides by pre-organized calixarenes (SE-FLECX)
- r4 – Economically strategic materials: Rare Earth Elements Metallurgy-Advanced methods for optimized extraction and beneficiation by ion-adsorption clays (SEM²)
- Further Development of the Smart Kd-Concept for Long-Term Safety Assessment (WEIMAR)
- Ion Transfer from Surface to Crystal: Mechanisms of Pollutant Trappting (POLLTRAP)
- Verhalten langlebiger Spalt- und Aktivierungsprodukte im Nahfeld eines Endlagers und Möglichkeiten ihrer Rückhaltung (VESPA)
- Surface processes of Np species on selected mineral oxides - From sorption to precipitation. Vibrational spectroscopic investigations.
- Joint project: Retention of radionuclides relevant for final disposal in natural clay rock and saline systems
Subproject 2: Geochemical behavior and transport of radionuclides (Np, U, Pu and further radionuclides) in saline systems in the presence of repository-relevant organics