
Dr. Ahmad Echresh

Nanofabrikation und Analyse
Tel.: +49 351 260 3893

Dr. Ciaran Fowley

Lei­ter Nanofabrikation und Analyse
Tel.: +49 351 260 3253

The Clean Room Laboratory

The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research provides a clean room facility of 320 m2, including four measurment laboratories. The aim of this facility is to supply a good research environment for the institute to produce all manner of metal, semiconductor and oxide samples, in both thin layers and device test structures for the ion beam and materials research.

The Clean Room facility itself, which came into use in August 1998, is housed in a three-level building, which directly integrated into the Ion Beam Center and is designed in the following manner:

  • second floor for the air conditioning and cooling water supply,
  • ground floor where the cleanroom and laboratory rooms are situated, and
  • basement floor housing the process gases, DI water production and chemical storage.

The clean room offers approximately 

  • 100 m2 of class 500.000 rooms with measuring and test equipment,
  • 100 m2 of class 100.000 service areas,
  • 80 m2 of class 1000 operator areas and
  • 40 m2 working area of class 100,

warranting a good basis for research in the frame of Nanostructures, Optoelectronic Materials, Nanomagnetism, Transport in nanostructures, and Doping & Defects in Semiconductors.

The clean room has areas and tools dedicated to the following processing techniques: 

Additionally, the clean room facility consists four laboratories equipped with necessary measuring techniques for electrical and optical wafer and sample characterization as well as preparation techniques for sample or device packaging.