User Selection Panel for the Ion Beam Center (IBC) at HZDR
All user proposals are evaluated by an international advisory board. The advisory board members can be found below. Scientific excellence is the predominant evaluation criterion. Proposals have to be exclusively submitted via HZDR GATE.
As HZDR is striving to increase the fraction of women in science, of young researchers, and of new users these target groups are particularly encouraged to submit proposals.
USP Annual Meeting 2022
Source: Dr. Gorbunov, Denis
The members of the User Selection Panel for the IBC are:
- Dr. Ivančica Bogdanovič Radovič, RBI Zagreb, Croatia
- Prof. Dr. Günther Dollinger, UBW München, Germany
- Dr. Adrian Finch, St. Andrews University, Scotland, UK
- Dr. Oliver Forstner, FSU Jena, Germany
- Dr. Raul Gago, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain
- Dr. Hosemann, Peter, University of California, Berkeley
- Dr. Gunther Korschinek, TU München, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Franciszek Krok, Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland
- Dr. Henning Lebius, Centre de Recherche sur les Ions, Caen, France
- Dr. Katharina Lorenz, ITN Lisbon, Portugal
- Dr. Anna Macková, Nuclear Physics Rez, Czech Republic
- Dr. Matej Mayer, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Germany
- Dr. Johan Meersschaut, imec, Belgium
- Dr. Axel Müller, University of Oslo, Norway
- Dr. Ina Reiche, LAMS Paris, CNRS,France
- Prof. Dr. Vladimir Slugen, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
- Dr. Peter Steier, Universität Wien, Austria
- Prof. Dr. Kristiaan Temst, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Prof. Dr. Christina Trautmann, GSI Darmstadt, Germany