Department of Exploration
The Department of Exploration aims at developing new technologies and workflows for the fast, non-invasive and economic exploration of mineral resources. The following research groups represent the thematic focus of the department:
Research Groups
Remote Sensing
Develops methods that indirectly measure and evaluate reflectance, morphology and vegetation on the earth’s surface. The used sensors can be applied from different distances and platforms, such as satellites, airplanes or drones. The main goal is to extract geologically relevant parameters for a fast assessment of natural resources.
Outcrop and Subsurface Modelling
Provides integrated acquisition schemes, validation approaches and processing routines for ground- and drone-based multi-sensor remote sensing techniques to support exploration and mining activities. Workflows are being extended to incorporate innovations regarding sensors and machine-learning techniques.
Near-field Sensing
The group´s focus is on novel, non-invasive exploration methods for single crystal characterization up to drill-core logging by using optical, spectroscopy-based sensors, e.g. laser-induced fluorescence. New or optimized sensors and sensor integration are being developed in collaboration with partners from industry.
Machine Learning
In the context of exploration the group focuses on the development of fast and automatic approaches that can explore a variety of geological data following innovative methods with the purpose of learning from themselves for the final identification and classification of the relevant mineralogical accumulations.