- Turbine load drop test in the nuclear power plant (NPP) Loviisa-1 with VVER-440 reactor (EU PHARE Project SRR 1/95)
- Start-up test: Turning-off one from two feedwater pumps in the NPP Balakovo-4 withVVER-1000 reactor (EU PHARE Project SRR 1/95)
- Start-up test: Switch-off of one of three working main coolant pumps at 65 % power at the VVER-1000 NPP Kozloduy-6 (EU Project VALCO)
- OECD BWR Turbine Trip Benchmark (NPP Peach Bottom)
- OECD/NEA VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark Phase 1 (V1000CT1): Start-up test: Switch-on of one main coolant pump at 30 % power at the VVER-1000 NPP Kozloduy-6