Proceedings/Abstracts 1999

Last change: November 24, 1999

Number of records: 34

This list of proceedings/abstracts is in alphabetical order concerning the names of the first author.

Bauer R., Bergmann R., Walter B., Brust P., Zwiener U., Johannsen B.
Moderate asphyxia induces an increased perfusion velocity, but the concomitant cerebral blood volume (CBV) increase remains moderate in newborn piglets.
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 1999, 19(Suppl. 1), S516.

Beuthien-Baumann B., Handrick W., Schmidt T., Burchert W., Schackert G., Kropp J., Franke W. G.
18F-FDG-PET und 99mTc-ECD in der Hirn-Diagnostik bei Patienten mit apallischem Syndrom.
Nuklearmedizin 1999, 38, A46.

Bouziotis P., Papadopoulos M., Pirmettis I., Pelecanou M., Raptopoulou C. P., 'Terzis A., Stassinopoulou Ch., Friebe M., Spies H., Johannsen B., Chiotellis E.
Synthesis and characterization of two P,S,N-coordinated cis-dioxorhenium(V) complexes.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova 1999, 203-208.

Brust P., Friedrich A., Krizbai I. A., Bergmann R., Roux F. Johannsen B.
Functional expression of the serotonin transporter at the brain endothelium.
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 1999, 19(Suppl. 1), S245.

Burchert W., Wolpers H. G., van den Hoff J., Hakimi M., Meyer G. J., Hausmann T., Pethig K., Knapp W. H.
13N-NH3 PET zur Diagnostik der Transplantatvaskulopathie. Vergleich mit Koronarangiographie und intrakoronarem Ultraschall.
Nuklearmedizin 1999, 38, A27.

Eisenhut M., Mohammed A., Mier W., Friebe M., Haberkorn U.
Melanoma affine Tc-99m complexes of N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)benzamides.
J. Nucl. Med. 1999, 40, 120P-121P.

Friebe M., Spies H., Berger R., Syhre R., Papadopoulos M., Chiotellis E., Suda K., Wunderli-Allenspach H., Johannsen B.
Amine group bearing '3+1' oxotechnetium(V) and oxo-rhenium(V) complexes: synthesis, characterization of lipophilicity and permeation through the blood-brain barrier.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 627-631.

Füchtner F., Steinbach J., Bergmann R., Vorwieger G., Syhre R., Brust P., Beuthien-Baumann B., Burchert W., Zips D., Baumann M., Johannsen B.
3-O-methyl-6-[18F]fluoro-L-DOPA - a promising substance for tumour imaging.
J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 1999, 42 (Suppl.1), S267-S269

Gerdsen I., Pinkert J., Foetzsch R., Oehme L., Ripke B., Magyar-Lehmann S., Missimer J., Maguire R. P., Vollenweider F., Leenders K. L., Linemann H., Galley N., Hietschold V., Beuthien-Baumann B., Richter A., Müller A., Franke W.-G.
Spasmodicus torticollis shows impaired performance during numeric recognition and discrimination tasks - a study with 18F-FDG-PET.
J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 1999, 19(Suppl.1), S128.

Gupta A., Syhre R., Seifert S., Johannsen B.
Zur Stabilität von "3+1" Gemischtligandkomplexen des Technetiums: Umwandlung durch Glutathion.
Nuklearmedizin. 1999, 38, A43.

Hilger C. S., Noll B., Blume F., Leibnitz P., Johannsen B.
Tc and Re complexes of N-(MAG1)-histamine.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 221-224.

Jankowsky R., Kirsch S., Spies H., Johannsen B.
Solution structures of technetium(V) and rhenium(V) peptide complexes as studies by EXAFS spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 229-235.

Jankowsky R., Kirsch S., Spies H., Johannsen B.
Strukturuntersuchungen an Peptidkomplexen von Technetium(V)und Rhenium(V).
Nuklearmedizin 1999, 38, A43.

Johannsen B., Pietzsch H.-J., Scheunemann M., Kretzschmar M., Brust P., Seifert S., Syhre R., Spies H.
Ein erster hochaffiner Technetium-99m-Ligand des Serotonin 5-HT2A Rezeptors.
Nuklearmedizin 1999, 38, A44.

Johannsen B., Pietzsch H.-J., Reisgys M., Hoepping A., Scheunemann M., Spies H., Brust P., Schibli R., Schubiger P. A., Alberto R.
First application of the metallotricarbonyl concept to design CNS receptor imaging agents based on technetium-99m.
J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 1999, 42 (Suppl.1), S48-S50

Johannsen B., Pietzsch H.-J., Scheunemann M., Kretzschmar M., Seifert S., Brust p., Syhre R., Spies H.
Synthesis and autoradiographical evaluation of a novel high-affinity Tc-99m ligand for the serotonin-5-HT2A receptor.
J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 1999, 42 (Suppl.1), S345-S347

Kirsch S., Jankowsky R., Leibnitz P., Spies H., Johannsen B.
Crystal and solution structure of oxorhenium(V) complexes with cysteine and cysteine methyl ester.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 225-228.

Kretzschmar M., Brust P., Syhre R., Scheunemann M., Gupta A., Seifert S., Pietzsch H.-J., Johannsen B.
Autoradiografische Darstellung der Rezeptorbindung eines 99m-Tc-Liganden des 5-HT2A- Rezeptors in Hirnschnitten.
Nuklearmedizin 1999, 38, A99.

Kuwabara H., Brust P., Steinbach J., Johannsen B. Blood-brain transport of large neutral amino acids (LNAAs) studied with O-methyl-[18F]fluoro-L-DOPA ([18F]OMFD).
J. Nucl. Med. 1999, 40 (5 Suppl.), 145P.

Kuwabara H., Brust P., Steinbach J., Bergmann R.
Blood-brain transport and metabolic rate of glucose measured with [11C]O-methyl-D-glucose (OMG).
J. Nucl. Med. 1999, 40 (5 Suppl.), 73P.

Mäding P., Scheunemann M., Steinbach J., Bergmann R., Iterbeke K., Tourwe D., Johannsen B.
Development of potential tumour imaging agents by 4-(18F)fluorobenzolation of neurotensin analogues
J. Labelled Cpd. Radiopharm. 1999, 42, 987-1022

Noll B., Noll St., Leibnitz P., Jankowsky R., Spies H., Johannsen B.
Technetium(V) and rhenium(V) complexes with mercaptoacetyl glycine (MAG1). In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 241-244.

Noll St., Noll B., Kniess T., Kampf G., Spies H., Johannsen B.
Rhenium and technetium complexes with nucleic acid components.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 553-556.

Pietzsch H.-J., Reisgys M., Alberto R., Hoepping A., Scheunemann M., Seifert S., Wüst F., Spies H., Schubiger P. A., Johannsen B.
Thioether ligands as anchor groups for coupling the "Tc(CO)3" and "Re(CO)3" moieties with biologically active molecules.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova 1999, 313-316.

Römer J., Füchtner F., Steinbach J., Johannsen B.
16alpha-[18F]Fluoroestradiol-3,17beta-disulphamate for sulphatase imaging.
J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 1999, 42 (Suppl.1), S715-S716

Scheunemann M., Mäding P., Steinbach J., Bergmann R., Iterbeke K.,Tourwe D., Johannsen B.
Fluorine-18 labelling of neurotensin analogues for the development of tumour imaging agents.
J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 1999, 42 (Suppl.1), S713-S714

Schibli R., Alberto R., Schaffland A. O., Schubiger P. A., Abram U., Pietzsch H.-J., Johannsen B.
Derivatization strategies of small biomolecules for the labeling with the organometallic "99mTc(CO)3"-core.
J. Labelled Compd. Radiopharm. 1999, 42 (Suppl.1), S147-S149

Seifert S., Syhre R., Gupta A., Spies H., Johannsen B.
Stability studies on "3+1" mixed-ligand technetium and rhenium complexes.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova 1999, 687-690.

Spies H., Pietzsch H.-J., Johannsen B.
The "n+1" mixed-ligand approach in the design of specific technetium radiopharmaceuticals: potentials and problems.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 101-108.

Spies H., Noll S., Noll B., Hilger C. S., Brust P., Syhre R., Johannsen B.
Derivatives of 6-methyl-8alpha-amino-ergoline: synthesis and affinity to the dopamine D2 receptor.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 237-240.

Tiepolt C., Beuthien-Baumann B., Kühne A., Bredow J., Burchert W., Kropp J., Franke W.-G.
Diagnostische Treffsicherheit von 18F-FDG bei differenziertem Schilddrüsenkarzinom: Vergleich von dediziertem PET und Koinzidenzkamera.
Nuklearmedizin 1999, 38, A55.

Van den Hoff J., Burchert W., Fricke H., Meyer G. J., Knapp W. H.
Eignung von [1-11C]-Acetat als quantitativer Perfusionstracer in der Myokard-PET.
Nuklearmedizin 1999, 38, A27.

Wittmüß A., Schröder H., Beuthien-Baumann B., Linemann H., Burchert W.
PET-Untersuchungen mit 18F-FDG: Strahlenbelastung der MTAs beim Aufziehen der Spritzen.
Nuklearmedizin 1999, 38, A107.

Wüst F., Skaddan M. B., Carlson K. E., Leibnitz P., Katzenellenbogen J. A., Spies H., Johannsen B.
Synthesis and receptor binding of novel progestin-rhenium complexes.
In: Technetium, Rhenium and Other Metals in Chemistry and Nuclear Medicine (Edited by Nicolini M., Mazzi U.) SGEditoriali Padova, 1999, 491-495.